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好鍾意佢全白裝修設計(/ω\)簡簡單單~而且佢好有空間感( ̀⌄ ́)大家唔會坐到好迫~同埋佢嘅枱櫈設計風格都係好特別。🕒📣今次去叫左lunch combo 一個主食加一杯咖啡~ hkd 80-90 per ppl la(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)🕯iced Latte☕️🕯Iced Americao ☕️個人覺得佢coffee shot幾濃😭💓佢house blend 見有好多產地:3 啲冰溶左一半都唔會已經覺得自己飲緊水! 偏向nutty 有榛子焦糖香~🕯chilli hotdog🌭🕯100%beef meat burger 🍔佢個包應該是homemade 吧烘得好脆口感有小小煙韌\(//∇//)\ 其他不過不失啦 toppings and sauces are good and enough !!!🔒Preface Coffee &WineAddress: 銅鑼灣霎東街11號The sharp地下及1樓
而且佢好有空間感( ̀⌄ ́)大家唔會坐到好迫~同埋佢嘅枱櫈設計風格都係好特別。
🕒📣今次去叫左lunch combo 一個主食加一杯咖啡~ hkd 80-90 per ppl la(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
🕯iced Latte☕️
🕯Iced Americao ☕️
個人覺得佢coffee shot幾濃😭💓佢house blend 見有好多產地:3 啲冰溶左一半都唔會已經覺得自己飲緊水! 偏向nutty 有榛子焦糖香~
🕯chilli hotdog🌭
🕯100%beef meat burger 🍔
佢個包應該是homemade 吧烘得好脆口感有小小煙韌\(//∇//)\ 其他不過不失啦 toppings and sauces are good and enough !!!
🔒Preface Coffee &Wine
Address: 銅鑼灣霎東街11號The sharp地下及1樓