2007-02-19 8 瀏覽
For the past year, Shark's Fin City has been the unfailing venue where I date my mother and grandmother for yum cha whenever I have a free saturday afternoon (*sigh* which is not often).I never liked yum cha because the excess oil gives me irritable bowels (and also the crowds). That doesn't mean that this restaurant isn't any of these, it has all the jovial noisiness characteristic of chinese restaurants. However, I'm addicted to their fish soup rice noodles- and I must order it every time I go
For the past year, Shark's Fin City has been the unfailing venue where I date my mother and grandmother for yum cha whenever I have a free saturday afternoon (*sigh* which is not often).

I never liked yum cha because the excess oil gives me irritable bowels (and also the crowds). That doesn't mean that this restaurant isn't any of these, it has all the jovial noisiness characteristic of chinese restaurants. However, I'm addicted to their fish soup rice noodles- and I must order it every time I go.

Their FISH SOUP RICE NOODLES has the sweetest fish soup that beats even home broth any day, and if it has any oil, the layer is almost invisible. The noodles are always just the right consistency and their are chopped carrots and melons to make you feel extra good.

The restaurant also offers a wide range of dim sums- all befitting to the health conscious conoisseur. I have never tasted anything bad in this restaurant, and nothing oily either!
Though to be perfectly honest, their shark's fin soup isn't all that impressive- touch on the salty side.

The service in the restaurant is fine- but the reception is highly snobby- sometimes bordering impolite!!! The reception girls are the least attractive aspect of this high quality restaurant.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)