12:00 - 20:00
12:00 - 20:00
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食評 (2)
這個泰式濃湯雞麵久不久便要吃一次!料足,鳯爪淋,泰式海南雞亦放得十分慷慨。湯頭亦十分清甜。其海南雞飯亦十分有水準但要注意經常很快賣完油飯。只做外賣和有一張小bar 枱。每次我都堅持一定要即場吃風味得以保持。我絕對誠意推介!綜合評價: 食物>環境>員工*綜合性價比: 抵!(不代表平)超乎想像的驚喜!!*性價比1.  抵!(不代表平)超乎想像的驚喜(嘩! 無論怎樣一定要再來! 抵啊)2.  Wow! 物超所值(幾好啊!唔錯,有機會一定再來)3.  正常, (可以, 但這個價錢坊間有很多選擇)4.  物次價高(都不是太差, 但這個價錢坊間有質量更好的)5.  有比較大的改善空間(填胞肚算, 失望) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2016-02-23
1094 瀏覽
We were just roaming around the area and stumbled upon this place, already with 4 people in the line waiting. No, the line was not the deciding factor to go in, but that the way the place was set up, and the awesome smell from the rice and chicken, I knew I had to get a bite here. I enjoyed the yellow rice and the chicken was tender and yummy. I am not the most impressed when they wanted to only give us disposible but after learning that we were eating there, she went in to the storage and brought out a plate. They two ladies there were super friendly. If you are around, give it a try.行行下見到呢間嘢,還只是中午過後,還有4個人在排隊。八卦入去望下,見到個格局好泰國,並且將來陣陣香味,你就二話不說坐低開餐。叫了個海南雞飯,個黃油飯好香、隻雞又嫩。可能多只做外賣生意,本來佢想俾我膠兜,但係我問佢可唔可以唔用膠兜,佢又去office/後房攞隻碟俾我用。兩個女老闆仲鬼咁好人,又好笑添。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)