3-min walk from Exit B1, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station; 桂香街舊舖側 continue reading
All Branches (2)
由舊鋪遷往現時新店,雖然位置和裝修不同,但同樣保持了原有以煲仔菜及煲仔飯聞名,雖然遷新店,但可惜座位不多,經常爆滿,所以訂位請早。 continue reading
Awards and Titles
MICHELIN Bib Gourmand (2023-2024)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 14:30
17:30 - 22:30
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
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Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (387)
坤記煲仔小菜冬天梗係想食啲熱辣辣嘅嘢, 今次就試吓西環呢間馳名煲仔飯店, 佢係米芝蓮必比登推介黎架🤩大概六點半去到已經見到一條超長嘅人龍😓等咗超過半個鐘先可以入座坐低, 見到氣氛好熱鬧全間舖頭都係煲仔飯嘅香味!————————————————感想:❆ 白鱔煲仔飯 Claypot eel rice $115 上面係大大件白鱔, 肥美加埋肉質鮮嫩, 白飯乾身又吸咗白鱔嘅香味🥹飯蕉煮到好脆又唔會過分硬身,成個煲仔飯啖啖肉,撈埋啲甜豉油一齊食超級香同入味! ❆ 椒鹽鮮魷 Salt and pepper squid $118等待煲仔飯煮完嘅時候, 我哋就首先嗌咗兩樣小菜填飽個肚先, 魷魚新鮮,好脆有咬口! 食落唔會覺得炸粉太厚, 幾好幾好🦑❆ 椒絲腐乳通菜 Chili shredded fermented vegetables $70有鑊氣, 但嫌佢有少少多油😬同朋友兩個人嚟食,嗌個菜就可以中和上面兩樣嘅少少油膩感! 咁成餐就食得飽之餘又唔會太膩!✌🏻P.S. 今年冬天我一定要再去呢間舖頭試吓佢其他嘢煲仔飯同埋小菜!————————————————整體:✦ 價格: 4.0/5✦ 味道: 4.5/5✦ 服務: 3.8/5✦ 環境: 3.9/5✦ 再訪指數: 4.4/5坤記煲仔小菜地址: 坤記煲仔小菜 (西環)西環西營盤皇后大道西263號和益大廈地下1號舖營業時間: 星期一至六 11:00 - 14:30, 17:30 - 22:30星期日 18:00 - 22:30 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-06
夏日奇蹟。坤記無龍。聞說平時幾十人。守在門口唔輕鬆。五時廿分到。做先鋒。即刻有位確唔同。搵食返深圳。人仔唔心痛。無人爭。少群眾。白鱔拼滑雞。煲仔喜相逢。材料係好。米飯不工。飯焦十分香脆。豉油未建奇功。鱔片如春風。食咗肚更空。京都肉排好好食。滋味濃。可惜冇酒送。糖醋味道。難弄。國人瘋。想佢死呀?四書五經加小紅。遇見傳奇寸嘴服務員姐姐。果然凶。指手劃腳。脾氣漸控。坐得不從容。枱太密。走唔到。行唔通。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間餐廳應該出曬名排長龍,每天晚上六點前就開始排隊,今次好彩朋友朋友提前訂枱。我哋四個女仔點了羊腩煲送上一份生菜,另外點了兩個煲仔飯,一份椒鹽豆腐,人均180💰羊腩煲非常入味,份量不算多,腐竹完全吸收了湯汁,我們還加點了一份🌟🉑煲仔飯的選擇多達20幾種口味,價錢從 80~105都有,如果想吃雙拼還可以另外加點臘腸、雞蛋、潤腸、咸魚等‼️煲仔飯只在晚上才供應‼️店裡提供汽水啤酒,可自己帶來紅酒,免開瓶費。始終都係小店,環境服務就唔會expect太多,似室內大排檔坐得迫少少,店員都係啲上咗年紀嘅叔叔嬸嬸,態度尚算唔錯。電話預約嘅話,聽講下午四點到六點打電話好像比較容易,總店的質素好似比分店好,大家可以試試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一直都想試下呢間煲仔飯,因為有時經開,都經常見到大排長龍,好似好好食咁!大家都明白,睇到餐廳排晒隊咁,未食都先「加分」吧。不過不知道是否冬天❄️的關係,大家都會選擇煲仔飯。。。可能已接近夏天關係?人流少左。所以,這一天,竟然不需要排隊!太好了!我們很快便可入座,女侍應問我想食咩?我話諗諗先。女侍應提我,之前好多人的時候,要等45分鐘!剛好今天不算好多人,大約等30分鐘左右。(今晚大約等了25分鐘便可以)另外也多點了一個「椒鹽九肚魚」。先來煲仔飯!熱🔥辣辣咁!一打開蓋,都是香噴噴的!都充滿期待😚!可是,一睇到個飯,未食已經有點失落感!因為,食開飯都知,飯🍚最重要是「粒粒分明」又飽滿吧!這間「出名」的煲仔飯的飯,一食落口,感覺「好碎」,飯斷開細細粒,好粉的感覺!完全冇飯應有的軟糯感,口感!因為如果有如此高「評價」的煲仔飯,我認為每一個細節都應該是「到位」才對!「飯」都是煲仔飯的靈魂之一。絕對不容忽略!除了「飯」之外,飯面的排骨和白鱔都係新鮮,都好食! 醬油都是ok!!椒鹽白飯魚都好食。但不大條。不過勝在粉漿夠薄,算酥脆,不錯👌!不過,食過一次之後,我覺得夠啦!😉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-06
排隊等候的多數是外國人。圖中的女服務員態度惡劣。男服務員還好。女服務員安排客人到桌子A後, 然後安排客人到桌子B。客人坐下後,再次安排客人到桌子C。後來女服務員安排另一客人到桌子A, 吃了一半要求客人到桌子B。客人明確表示不想換,因為該桌子對於他們來說太小。女服務員仍然要求客人換桌。經常叫不同的客人換桌子是什麼樣的用餐方式?另外, 餐具頗為骯髒。剛給客人的湯匙有別人吃完的飯漬。客人禮貌地要求換一個湯匙, 並告訴他們因為湯匙有飯漬。女服務員不情願換。客人再次要求換。女服務員將髒湯匙放回容器中,供下一位客人使用。再者, 廚房和餐廳環境有待改善。看圖片作為參考。坐位太擠逼,用餐時被撞到不下十次。每人最低消費為港幣$100或以上。總有一天那女服務員惡劣的態度會趕走所有顧客。我不會再回到這家餐廳,也不會向任何人推薦這家餐廳。Most of the customers waiting in line are foreigners.The waitress in the picture has a bad attitude. The male waiter was ok. After the waitress arranged the customers to table A, she then arranged the customers to table B. After the customers sat down, she arranged the customers to table C again. Later, the waitress arranged for another customer to go to table A, and asked the customer to go to table B halfway through the meal. The customer made it clear that they did not want to move because the table was too small for them. The waitress still asked the customer to change tables. What kind of dining style is it to frequently ask different customers to change tables while dining?Also, the utensils were quite dirty. The spoon just given to the customer contained food stains that someone else had finished eating. The customer politely asked for a different spoon and told them that the spoon has rice stains on it. The waitress was reluctant to change the spoon. The customer asked again to change it. The waitress put the dirty spoon back into the container for the next customer.Furthermore, the sanitary of the kitchen and restaurant environment have rooms to improve. See picture for reference. It is too crowded, got bumped into while sitting down for dining for about 10 times.There is a minimum purchase for $100 or more per person.One day that waitress's bad attitude will drive away all the customers.I will not return to this restaurant nor recommend it to anyone. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)