4-min walk from Exit A, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Camper's chef Fujita Kenta has been serving up a simple, wholesome and scrumptious culinary experience in Tokyo, Japan for 17 years. Camper's Hong Kong is a great opportunity for him to express his signature cooking approach with no additives, more vegetables and minimal fat. continue reading
Additional Information
Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 21:15
Mon - Sat
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 21:15
Public Holiday
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 21:15
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (529)
Level4 2024-01-29
Didn't have enough time to cook due to water suspension at home, my family and I visited this resto for dinner. .I got Mushroom Eggplant and Beef Ribs Curry with Mixed Rice. The dish got an abundant amount of mushrooms, and the eggplant became juicy after soaking the curry. The beef ribs were soft and succulent. The mixed rice consisted of sweet potato, pumpkin and corn rice, creating a healthy combination. My sis ordered Slow Cooked Pork Cartilage and Vege Curry with Mixed Rice. It offered a wide range of vege, including broccoli, courgettes, cauliflower, carrots, beans. Normally, she was not a big fan of vegetables. However, the curry sauce covered the bitterness of the vege. The pork cartilage was tender too. My dad had Beef Ribs and Vege Black Sesame Curry with Mixed Rice. The colour of the curry looked really dark with the black sesame, and the black sesame fit in the curry nicely. My mom got Slow Cooked Pork Cartilage Rice Set. It was served with lots of salad vegetables, and the pork cartilage was savoury and tender. The dish came with a small bowl of soup as well. .The resto claimed that it didn't add any MSG and food additives to their dishes. Plus, all sauce and dressing were homemade, so they offered healthy options for the customers. .The resto was quite popular, one might need to go there earlier to line up. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-20
📍坐忘 Camper’s @ Quarry Bay 💰 hkd$75 per person 呢一日同朋友喺新開張嘅 @yoga_senses_ 鰂魚涌新分店做瑜伽,之後就順便去咗想encore好耐嘅 坐忘。 第一次食已經係好多年前啦,佢長期係我喺鰂魚涌嘅首選頭三位🍛一如既往我都揀咗豬軟骨咖喱野菜飯。 佢嘅豬軟骨係我食得最腍嘅,我自己喺屋企就一定整唔到(如果識得整可以教我)另外豬軟骨份量係超足,有大半個碟!加埋旁邊嘅野菜,感覺好健康。另外日式咖喱味道好濃郁好好送飯🍚我會期待下次再嚟🥬 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間餐廳都算Hit咗好耐, lunch time經常都要排半個鐘以上先至入到去。不過完全無阻我同同事經常encore! 💪💼今次叫咗最招牌嘅豬軟骨咖喱飯。慢煮豬軟骨煮到超級腍超級入味,差唔多係入口即溶嘅地步,豬軟骨嘅醬撈飯簡直一流. 🍛😍 而所有咖喱飯都會配有蔬菜(呢間餐廳嘅蔬菜係走偏生偏硬嘅路線,不過我同同事都幾鍾意),唔使驚食晏食唔夠菜. 🥦🥕 另外,佢個飯並唔係白飯,有用其他材料一齊煲或者炒,粒粒分明,好好食!🍚❤️另外仲叫咗烤雞忌廉湯烏冬。個忌廉湯真係不得了,佢唔算好重忌廉味,食落冇負擔,但係又有淡淡清香,想一啖接着一啖咁飲!烤雞都好多件,呢一餐絕對夠protein intake! 🍜🍗💪埋單都係一個人$70至$80,超級抵食!💰👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-04-04
去太古城開倉shopping一日野菜咖喱飯 $69 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🥜menu話15種野菜 幾特別1)青椒2) 紅蘿蔔3) 茄子4) 翠玉瓜5) 西蘭花6) 椰菜花7) 豆角8) 洋蔥9) 車厘茄10)薯仔11) 粟米12) 蓮藕13) ?14)?15)?數唔到🤣🥜咖哩偏濃不辣不甜 唔係我想像嘅日式咖喱🥜所有菜都應該走過油 太油了🥜如果係有脆漿版本或者直接煲熟嘅更好日式牛肉飯定食 $66 ⭐️⭐️⭐️🥜個賣相不吸引🥜配左泡菜同麵豉湯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍽️食物方面:🐷溏心蛋豬軟骨烏冬💲74肉好大份好腍 咖喱好香唔辣 食麵小心彈汁烤雞椰菜咖喱飯💲69俾你食多啲菜 飯撈埋🎃 雞好惹味凍/熱日式焙茶🆓📷打卡方面:手寫menu 木系裝修 多露營嘢🔈環境方面:多外國人食 隔籬枱同我哋傾計影相💬其他資訊:📍坐忘鰂魚涌濱海街13號中興大廈地舖ℹ️Lunch多人食要排隊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)