
2-min walk from Exit P2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
60629400 (WhatsApp)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 01:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 01:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 02:00
12:00 - 01:00
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Visa Master Cash
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Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
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[Foreign Chef] Extremely Rare Real Charcoal Grill! Mediterranean Cuisine! Mulino at Tsim Sha Tsui East Waterfront.
The Tsim Sha Tsui East waterfront has always been a dining mecca, but the newly opened Mulino specializes in Mediterranean cuisine and charcoal grilled meats, with Egyptian culinary director Mohamed Hegazy and Moroccan executive chef Faycal El Moujahid as its chefs.

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Review (276)
🍴Mix Mediterranean dips Mix Mediterranean dips有三款醬,紅椒味muhammara、原味hummus同煙熏味茄子mutable,配埋玉米片食。每一款醬料都好順滑,再配上玉米片,味道更豐富,好有特色🍔Beef burger slider三個迷你牛肉漢堡slider,好Q!份量都唔會好迷你,配菜份量都好足,芝士、蕃茄、生菜、牛肉亦都好juicy,加上醬料,每一口都好滋味🍝Squid ink linguine with crab meat用墨汁製成既意粉,黑黑嘅麵條有種神秘感,啖啖蟹肉鮮美,醬汁辣辣地幾惹味🍸Smoky mill cocktail店員送上smoky mill時用玻璃蓋住,打開時有煙霧彌漫著,呢杯飲品飲落去有煙燻嘅味,又順口又香,帶點柑橘味🍹Gin pivot cocktail薄荷&Gin 混合一齊,帶有蘋果&柑橘味嘅風味,好開胃同爽快🍰Pistachio puff cake酥皮與開心果醬一層一層疊埋一齊,酥皮輕盈酥脆,整體唔會太甜📍Mulino 尖沙咀麼地道62號永安廣場地下1-6及45-46號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-02
未試過真真正正食地中海菜,搵到尖沙咀呢間餐廳係由埃及同摩洛哥兩位廚師監製嘅酒吧餐廳就特登過嚟試吓地中海嘅口味。酒吧餐廳就叫啲酒飲,我叫咗一款Signature cocktail “Smoky Mill” 我賣相非常之吸引,把tender拎嚟嘅時候一打開個蓋充滿煙燻木味,裏便嘅酒身偏甜,唔係好覺酒精嘅濃度都幾適合女士飲用。今次係食lunch嘅,有前菜餐湯主菜同埋甜品,前菜叫咗一個Chickpeas Plate,有鷹嘴豆蓉、炸鷹嘴豆嘅蔬菜球。賣相雖然一般,但係其實非常之好食鷹嘴豆蓉好香豆味有啲似花生醬,炸蔬菜球香脆又有豆味,呢個地中海風味真係必試。之後嘅餐湯係蘑菇湯都幾好味。主菜我就食Braised Beef Cheeks,紅酒汁燴牛面肉,牛面肉非常之腍,但係又保持到膠質,加埋又滑嘅薯蓉又係一個滿分菜式。最後食埋個甜品係個朱古力蛋糕,都有蛋糕店嘅水準。整體嚟講食物同埋酒都有高嘅水平,下次都要返嚟試吓其他唔同嘅菜式。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-14
📍 Mulino尖東海傍一向係飲嘢聖地,呢間新開既餐廳就反行其道主打精緻既地中海菜同炭火烤肉🍖最正既係可以一邊飽覽維港景色,一邊享受美食!餐廳亦有安排live band表演🎤絕對係Happy Friday 既好選擇🥳🥳🐥Buffalo Wings水牛城雞翼作為開胃小食絕對係唔錯既選擇🥰水牛城醬沾滿隻雞翼上,食落有啲辣辣地,但辣得黎幾惹味,同時帶少少甜同酸,食完一隻又一隻😆我幾中意沾佢既藍紋芝士醬,味道咸咸地,勝在芝士味濃👍🏻🦀Squid ink Linguine with Crab Meat呢碟蟹肉墨汁意大利麵嘅賣相唔錯~蟹肉份量多,拆曬殼然後放喺麵上面,每食一啖都係滿滿嘅蟹肉,相當澎湃🥰意大利麵食落墨汁味幾重,質地亦都比較有嚼勁!醬汁反而係稀,同平時食嘅有啲唔同,但加入咗白酒煮,幾惹味~🥩Beef Steak Sandwich with Caramelized Onion呢個誠意推薦大家叫嚟試吓!牛扒以炭火嘅方式黎烤,完美鎖住牛肉嘅肉汁🤩大概係燒至五成熟,火候真係掌握得啱啱好!肉質鮮嫩,肉質豐富,唔會乾爭爭😙仲要牛扒既份量勁多,啱曬食肉獸既既我,配以蕃茄、酸瓜、芥末醬等等嘅配料,食得好滿足😝🍰Chocolate Temptation Cake最上果層係朱古力醬,中間果層係朱古力慕絲,朱古力勁濃郁!蛋糕嘅質地亦都比較鬆軟綿密,而且較濕潤,食完真係心情大好😚🍸Gin Pivot揀咗一杯餐廳嘅signature cocktail 😆杯酒加入左薄荷、紅茶琴酒、橙、蘋果等等,整體較清甜易入口,啱曬想試吓cocktail嘅朋友仔!有酒香味之餘,帶有淡淡嘅果香味👍🏻🍹Mulino Punch唔想飲酒嘅朋友仔都可以試呢杯mocktail~水果味較重!加入咗薄荷、菠蘿汁、柑橘、薑汁等等,入口亦都較fresh!⭐️好味指數:9.2/10📍 Mulino (尖沙咀)尖沙咀麼地道62號永安廣場地下1-6及45-46號舖#尖沙咀 #mulino #地中海菜 #bar #Buffalowings #steak #steaksandwich #chocolate #ginpivot #mulinopunch #cocktail #mocktail #hk #hkfood #TST #tsimshatsui continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
A few years ago, while strolling through TST, I came across “Mulino” and immediately bookmarked it for a future visit. Recently, I finally had the chance to dine there and was captivated by its unique interior design, resembling a fusion of a pirate ship and an old Western bar, offering both indoor and outdoor seating.Mix Mediterranean Dips: Came with three signature dips and pita bread. The trio included Muhammara, a roasted red pepper and walnut dip, classic chickpea Hummus, and Mutable, featuring smoked eggplant and pomegranate seeds. Among them, Mutable stood out for its rich and layered taste, perfectly complementing the smoky flavor with the burst of pomegranate seeds.Penne Pink Pasta: although simple in its ingredients of tomato, cream, and parmesan, pleasantly surprised me with its creamy and mildly spicy profile. This classic penne pasta transformed into something extraordinary with the combination of flavors.Beef Steak Sandwich with Caramelized Onion: a delight with its multitude of layers, including thick-cut tomato, juicy steak, pickles, cheese, and caramelized onion. Every bite was bursting with flavor, and the addition of fresh veggies provided a refreshing element. The accompanying fries were freshly fried and served as a satisfying side.Pistachio Puff Cake: pleasant surprise, and exceeded my expectations. The puffed pastry was exceptionally crispy and light, while the pistachio puree boasted a rich flavor without being overly sweet. I highly recommend it as a premium choice.Pineapple Mocktail/ Passion Fruit Mocktail: incredibly refreshing, striking a perfect balance between sweetness and sourness, while delivering delightful fruity flavors. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-17
星期五 Happy Hour 去邊度好?尖東海旁附近的精緻地中海菜 (個人認為 Cocktails 十分吸引!)室內環境走神秘典雅風,昏暗的環境最適合晚上和朋友、情侶相聚,什麼節日慶祝也很適合~設有室外/室外座位,個人更推薦室內座位皆因室內裝修十分美,而且是對著開放式Bar位,可以看 Bartender 在你面前調配飲品呢🍸𓏸  Squid Ink Linguine with Crab Meat | 228墨汁細扁麵配蟹肉、大蒜、白酒醬差點以為是墨魚醬汁! 原來只是意粉是加入了墨汁製成的!加入大蒜、白酒醬亦增添香辣風味𓏸  400G US Prime Rib Eye | 428炭火燒烤是餐廳主打項目! 點了朋友想吃的 Medium 的 Rib Eye! 肉味香濃!一切開便是粉嫩的肉~𓏸  Tabbouleh Salad | 108新鮮意大利番茜、小麥、番茄、洋蔥、檸檬汁個人認為較為重口味的沙律!小秘笈:朋友覺得墨汁細扁麵口味有點淡,便加入了沙律!確實是增添更多口感!𓏸 Chocolate Temptation Cake | 88個人更喜歡這個朱古力蛋糕!內裡的榛子醬十分濃郁,令人一口接一口旁邊有酸甜的莓果醬,令蛋糕吃下去不會覺得膩𓏸  Pistachio Puff Cake | 108香脆的千層酥!內裡是不太甜的濃郁開心果醬 ~𓏸  Tropical Fizz | 88Fresh Passion-Fruit, Pineapple, Coconut, Citrus, Seltzer喝下去很清爽的 Mocktail 整體上是菠蘿梳打的味道~賣相是頗吸引的! 𓏸  Lemon Verbena | 50Chamomile Herbal Tea熱花茶可以無限用熱水Refill!而且Refill了數次也不會走味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)