2-min walk from Exit A, Prince Edward MTR Station continue reading
A One-Michelin-starred Dim Sum restaurant. High quality food at an affordable price which is a popular restaurant in Prince Edward. continue reading
Opening Hours
09:30 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
09:30 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
08:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday
08:30 - 23:00
*last order: 23:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (370)
Level2 2025-01-17
位於太子的一點心是一家以廣東點心聞名的餐廳。這裡曾兩度榮獲米芝蓮一星,吸引了無數食客,不論是本地人還是外國遊客。這次的午餐體驗令我期待不已,因為早已聽聞他們的點心品質上乘。我們點了款點心,叉燒焗餐飽的外皮非常鬆軟,內裡的叉燒肉質鮮嫩,是我的最愛;香煎馬蹄糕口感滑嫩,外層煎得微脆,裡面則是清甜的馬蹄,而且份量亦不少,帶來獨特的口感;健康素餃餃皮薄而透明,內餡新鮮,蔬菜的香氣四溢,讓人感受到健康的味道,十分適合追求健康飲食的人;時令老火湯十分而滋潤,搭配時令食材,讓人感受到暖心的味道,為整個用餐過程增添了不少暖意。蟹皇蒸燒賣的外皮柔嫩,肉質鮮美,搭配上蟹皇,每一口都好滿足;薑蔥牛栢葉十分入味,薑與蔥的搭配提升了整道菜的風味;香芒奶皇卷內餡的香芒與奶皇相互交融,讓人感受到濃郁的芒果香味;芒果布甸口感滑順,芒果的清甜味道讓人心情大好。這次用餐我和上次一樣坐在同一張桌子,讓人感到熟悉和親切。雖然餐廳外面排著長隊,但店員並沒有催促我們退桌,讓我們能夠悠閒地享用美食,這樣的服務態度十分難得。今天的午餐體驗讓我非常滿意。無論是菜品的質素、服務的態度,還是餐廳的氛圍,都讓人感受到米芝蓮一星的魅力。這裡的每一道點心都值得細細品味,期待下次再來探索更多美味!薑蔥牛栢葉健康素餃蟹皇蒸燒賣香煎馬蹄糕叉燒焗餐飽時令老火湯香芒奶皇卷芒果布甸 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-01-06
Chef Ecy’s Dining Experience:🥰 Food | Ambience | Price | Easy Access | Restroom Cleanliness | Cake Cutting Fee | Easy Parking | Wheelchair🙂 Service😠 Pet Friendly | Corkage FeeThis dim sum place is located in Prince Edward on ground floor at Tung Choi Street. So, it is very easy to get there by MTR, just 2min walk from Exit A Price Edward station. Or by bus or minibus. If you drive, there are many meter parking spaces along Tung Choi Street. Wheelchair is no problem. During lunch or dinner time, there is always a long queue, no reservation can be made. Only serve on first come first serve basis. I usually go earlier for morning tea or in the afternoon to stay away from the crowd. Menu is the same whole day! They do have a large variety of dim sum to choose but to me the basic ones are good enough. Most importantly is the quality and freshness of the food. It is to order & make, so after you order, dim sum will be there at your table nice & hot! They also serve congee, soup, steamed rice, vegetables, desserts etc…. I like their shrimp dumpling, spring roll, beef balls … There are in fact lots of shrimps, basically all shrimps, inside the spring roll with crispy wrap. Their deep fried egg puffs are delicious too. Big portion, cripsy and not too sweet. Considering the quality of food, the price performance is excellent. The portion sizes are generous. This restaurant is good for quick and casual dim sum meal. You may not have a chance to stay longer or leave time for chitchat afterwards cos there‘s always have a queue outside. Service is so so but I would not say they are bad. There is always a room for improvement. Restroom is clean according to my friend. If you are looking for good dim sum with a reasonable price and you are not looking for a descent place, this is the one suitable for both local and tourists. Oh, one more thing… They accept Cash only! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-11-16
A staff 唔好問飲嘢啊.The staff 錯左served香片茶, 我想飲普洱茶.食物普通,Reasonable価格.It won’t deserve to pay for 服務service.______________________________That was my first time to not ask for tea in the 飲茶 restaurant that was shocking.I know the staff cannot afford to ask but I think that’s manner to ask as long as the customer pay for service charge.Foods are not expensive and normal. Nothing special. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-10
今次係經朋友介紹第一次去咗呢間位於太子嘅點心店,Weekday夜晚都要排隊,仲有好多都係旅客,喺香港經濟咁美好嘅時期真係難能可貴。大概等咗15分鐘,建議各位喺入座之前就已經用點心紙揀好食啲咩點心去慳時間,因為入到去之後都會有限時。坐就唔會坐得舒服,而唔少侍應嘅態度亦都係麻麻哋,基本上接近冇服務可言,不過呢啲都係預期之內。嗰日同另外兩個人就嗌咗好多經典嘅點心,包括蝦餃、燒、牛柏、咖喱魷、蝦腸等等,上菜速度非常快,味道亦都算幾好,比我想像中要好。三個人食到好飽都係$300鬆少少,我覺得算好物超所值。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-11-09
今天一行三人(兩大一細) 晚上到了一點心晚膳, 都隔咗一排冇去,見門口唔使排隊,所以好快就座,6點01分就落左單,於等候嘢食時欣賞餐廳內場的壁畫,看到有妙麗,瓊華,龍鳳大酒樓等,圖畫很漂亮。點心等了10分鐘左右便嚟齊,我們也吃得快,大概6點半左右,(用餐時間約20分鐘), 已有一位樓面過嚟收碟,問仲要唔要加單,答左唔使後,就連碗筷都收埋。過了兩三分鐘,再有另一樓面過來, 再次睇我們的單,問到點心是否嚟齊,跟住再過兩三分鐘,該樓面再來想收走茶壺,雖然有講唔好意思,出面有客等緊枱,我太太已說飲埋杯茶就走,到6點40分,該樓面第三次過嚟,(連埋之前一位樓面,總共四次), 我即時火起,我話咁我再加單叫嘢食,該樓面竟然話冇得加單,(之前唔係咁講播) …我話你催咗四次啦...,究竞我做錯左乜,對我地咁唔禮貌,這樣讓我們感覺不被尊重,貼錢買難受 ,最後我們6點45分埋單走人。其實我由之前對面馬路嗰間細舖食到過嚟大舖,再睇到佢地擴充埋,係洗手間轉入去再加多間房,雖然想支持留港消費的,但明白越來越多朋友北上食/玩/買了.... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)