3-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
07:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
07:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
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Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (26)
Level3 2024-05-26
陪家姐係附近試完婚紗,於是就近近地嚟到呢間西餐試下!我地一行3人,於是就叫左個燒牛肉沙律,半隻烤雞及燒鱸魚share 嚟食!等左一陣就上餐,燒牛肉沙律好大碟,相當有誠意,牛肉肉味濃,肉質過得去,同埋佢煎到5成熟,好食!沙律菜都畀得多,佐以半個牛油果,應該少少blue cheese 同麵包粒。份量十足可以當一個main 嚟食!之後就上埋烤雞同鱸魚,同埋都係份量十足,烤雞的肉質都嫩,香草醃料醃到隻雞入曬味,非常好食。同時配有大量沙律菜及薯條。鱸魚肉質都嫩滑,味道正常無雞同燒牛肉沙律咁驚艷,但都係好食嘅!下面配有椰菜花蓉及西蘭花,可以補足纖維3人埋單6百幾,唔洗加一,係中環食西餐每人2百幾算實惠了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-06
之前去過呢間西餐廳嘅蘇豪分店食brunch,餐廳樓底好高同好大間,幾岩一班friend一齊chill 下☺️🌟 Avocado 🥑 & smoked salmon on a sweet potato toast $160🌟 Build your own Benedict: 2 poached eggs 🍳 on english muffin & citrus hollandaise, with choice of 2 toppings: ham, bacon 🥓 , spinach, kale 🥬 , mushrooms 🍄, sausage 🌭, smoked salmon 🍣 , avocado 🥑 , tomato 🍅 $150野食方面都好高質,poached egg 煮得岩岩好蛋黃汁超creamy 香濃,smoked salmon 唔會過鹹而且份量多,麵包都軟硬適中😋環境幾好,好適合一班姊妹食weekend brunch 👯‍♀️📍Oolaa 🍽️ 8/10#janfoodiary_西式 #janfoodiary_cafe continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
食物真係勁難食,頭盤係三文魚,佢哋落咗勁多豉油,係油浸住塊魚咁,味道超級鹹。主菜叫左一個泰式蝦紅咖喱,蝦有變壞嘅味,飯仲要硬,啲飯好似未煮熟咁。另外朋友個漢堡包難食到一個點,塊牛扒好似硬到石頭咁。咖啡亦都難飲,味道好酸,俾我哋嗰塊曲奇餅好似俾人咬左一啖。最大問題係服務水平好差,特別係門口帶位嗰個女人。明明訂左位12:30,12:40仲叫我地企埋一邊等。又有用餐時間限制,價錢一啲都唔值,真係貼錢買難受 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-10-26
勝在地點方便 人均划算 嘈嘈雜雜 很適合working lunch 和同事聊個五塊錢點了盤雞排 沒什麼特別 極油 黑鬆露土豆泥還可以 配菜完全是災難沒什麼必要來打卡 想不到吃什麼的時候可以路過坐下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
約舊同事飯聚,同事揀選了Oolaa,Oolaa 環境舒適優雅,每枱都有樽滿天星花花配襯,內裡環境尚算闊落。午市套餐分有2 Courses($175)和 3 Courses($195)及Oolaa Burger Lunch Set($175),我哋叫咗3份 2 Courses 及 1 Burger Lunch。套餐前菜~♥Lebanese Fattoush Salad沙律份量好足夠,大大碟,用了新鮮,好味。套餐主菜~♥Cracklin' Roast Pork Belly佢一擺上台,我就覺得好似係兩舊好大嘅燒肉咁,個皮係脆嘅肉質味道都OK不過有啲韌,但係我好欣賞佢嗰個蘋果醬汁好match,配埋一齊食Perfect。♥︎ Steak Diane (add $25)都算大份,肉質軟腍,肉味濃郁,醬汁好味,不過配青豆就不太喜歡。♥︎ Oolaa Burger 🍔 又係大大份,個漢堡扒仲可以揀impossible meat 但我地今次揀左普通beef,漢堡扒好厚,肉味唔係好濃,配洋蔥同生菜,味道清新,而個麵包係軟熟嘅。套餐甜品和飲品~♥︎ 咖啡奶茶&Sofe Drink(add$25)我哋order咗cappuccino & coke,咖啡質素OK,值得+$25 。最後到甜點♥︎ Ginger Crème Brulee 好好味呀,份量好足,食落口感好幼滑再加埋我我至愛的薑味,冇得頂。♥︎ Chocolate Fondant With vanilla ice cream(add$20)朱古力心太軟配雲呢拿雪糕,我只係加$20物超所值,朱古力味香濃,心太軟個心真係好軟,雲呢拿雪糕個味道都好味,正。✪總括食物分量算大份,味道都不錯,最好嘅係佢哋免+1服務費,另環境又舒適,必定會再約朋友嚟幫襯。大大力推👍🏾推介指數:8/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)