4-min walk from Exit C2, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 21:30
*last order 21:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
醃雞絲牙車快沙律 燒帶子明蝦涼拌茄子 火車頭 越萊湯粉(招牌牛骨湯,番茄濃湯,清雞湯) 炭燒豬頸肉撈檬 炸蝦餅撈檬
Review (248)
Level4 2024-06-06
夜晚嚟咗食晚 想食啲濕濕地嘅嘢手切牛柳河配菜心苗一碟我轉左檬粉 估唔到碗粉咁大碗啲粉好多 湯底都好好多連隻匙羹都好大隻湯底好清甜 好舒服嘅感覺 亦都好順口牛柳嘅份量幾多 食得出係新鮮手打 所以幾嫩滑半生熟嘅感覺幾好呢個餐仲配有菜心 菜嘅份量都幾多 擺埋落啲湯底都幾好好味好健康感覺三岐珍寶蝦仁春卷 春卷好大條出邊嘅炸皮好大碌 入邊木耳絲 蝦仁 🍤配合美味嘅醬汁同埋生菜 包住嚟食幾好味金橘梳打 好大杯 呢個仲有其他飯類同埋唔同組合嘅粉面 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日去咗廟街行街,諗住搵嘢食,點知比我睇中咗一間越南餐廳,食咗一個好豐富好滿足好好食嘅越南菜,入邊個餐牌好多選擇,一入門口都已經覺得餐廳裏面好友越南嘅風味,好有越南風格嘅裝修,於是上網搜尋,都見到好多客人推介呢一間話好好食,於是就入去試吓,點知真係好有驚喜,打開個餐牌,超級多選擇,一個係Samsung牛肉湯河粉,同埋我叫咗一個河內蝦仁米紙卷,我見到附近餐桌嘅人都點了這款食物,所以一時時,點知真係好好食,牛肉好彈牙,仲有個湯底一定要選擇係牛骨湯,味道好濃郁,加埋個河粉浸咗,真係朔晒啲汁,好好食,仲有叫咗個紅豆冰,真係好好飲啊,紅豆都好多,睇得出廚師真係好有心思呀,而且呢度嘅豬軟骨都係柔軟又爽口,真係牛肉湯麵嘅首選啦,真係一路讚一路覺得好好食,超級專業水準 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-06
Tea set with banh mi sandwich with Vietnamese pork sausage. Asked for no mayo (English and Cantonese) very clearly. 10 minutes later (only 1 other customer at the time) sandwich arrived dripping with mayo. Sent it back. After another 10 minutes a new sandwich was served minus mayo. Sandwich was prepared on a local sweet roll not traditional baguette. I suppose they really needed that mayonnaise because the rest of the sandwich had almost no taste besides too much salt. Included appetizer was mini spring rolls that were served with sweet chile sauce. Hmm. My hopes for the semblance of authenticity were not met to say the least. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日好開心去咗佐敦站行街,見有啲肚餓,想搵附近餐廳食飯,咁多搵到一間質素較高嘅餐廳,佢哋推介俾朋友呀,一食就愛上了,估唔到佐敦站附近都有一間咁高質素嘅越南菜,而且份量十足,價錢經濟實惠,真係好抵食呀,出面市區都搵唔到一間餐廳可以有咁高質素,我真係好推介佢哋嘅自選撈檬,因為好多餸菜選擇,尤其係豬頸肉真係好推介呀,湯底又有濃郁嘅牛骨湯味,仲有豬頸肉大大件,即叫即整,好新鮮,肉質鮮嫩,真係頂呱呱,而且佢哋嘅自選湯河都好好食,尤其是河粉真係好好食,湯底濃郁,而且有牛腩選擇,揀咗個牛腩份量好多,超級多肉,真係好好食呀,而且服務質素好高,衛生程度都好好,空間好大,坐得好書房,服務侍應都好主動,有笑容有親切感,有賓至如歸的感覺😘😘💗💗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
去越南前係香港食返餐港式越南菜先~ 紅酒燴牛尾鍋配飯 78 加蒜蓉包 18去過越南先知原來好多越南菜口味都偏甜 同香港味道都幾相似。牛尾炆得軟腍 非常入味 仲有唔少蔬菜 甜甜酸酸咁 好好味。蒜蓉包本應得兩塊 但店家話整多咗送多兩塊畀我 人真好。麵包軟熟 不會烤得過硬 剛剛好😋 西貢馬拉盞炒通菜 32可能係越南地區 口味不同 同想像中和平時食開嘅馬拉盞有啲唔同。沒有太多辣味 都係淡淡甜甜的。 咸檸可樂 +15咸檸檬芝自家醃製 畀起咸檸7 我更喜歡咸檸樂。餐廳服務週到 態度親切 會再回頭👍💖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)