+853 88833338
Founded by Master Hong in 1895, tan-tsu noodle specialist Du Hsiao Yueh is one of the most historical and representative purveyors of snacks from Tainan, a city in southern Taiwan famed for its temples. Now managed by the fourth generation of the Hong family, the main outlet is still located next to Fort Provintia in Tainan. For more than a century, its secret recipe of tan-tsu noodle with minced meat has beguiled many a gourmand from Hong Kong, Japan and America. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay Macaupass, Mpay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Dan Tzai Noodles Drunken Chicken Tainan Taro Cake
Review (31)
Level3 2023-11-09
勁出名嘅度小月係香港無咩試嚟到澳門見到有即刻試下先晚市開6點😆我哋5點9到等到佢6點開門好多卡位,座位寬敞舒適冷氣好涼😂祖傳肉燥飯(小)$28肉燥唔油膩,我最怕肉燥油淋淋食到好滯呢個配飯一流,份量都多兩個人share啱啱好蒜泥鮮蚵 $85我order咗醬汁另上蒜泥汁帶辣,蚵仔份量超多夠鮮味,一啲都唔腥好新鮮滷水拼盤 $90拼盤有蛋,豆腐,大腸,豬手豆腐好嫩滑,大腸吸哂滷水汁好好食豬手軟熟夠晒林,唔會好似食橡筋咁😂成碟都好正櫻花蝦高麗菜 $78原本只係求其叫個菜,點知食落超驚喜啲菜吸哂櫻花蝦啲鮮味櫻花蝦超多。超值最後埋單連加一 $331叫到成枱野抵食又好食😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
澳門銀河百老匯大街~行嚟行去都唔知食咩好我想食 #乳豬但新斗記只開中午12-3pm想食韓國菜但老公話不如食正常啲 入咗度小月我記得幾年之前嚟過好一般~但今次有驚喜當然服務態度係加分嘅一入去見到我哋拎住行李服務生立即過嚟幫手坐低即刻有熱茶送上🔸#祖傳肉燥飯 🍛度小月以百年祖傳香醇肉燥入到門口就見到有一鍋喺度肉燥加入熱辣辣嘅飯食到人心都暖埋😍🔸#擔仔麵 🍜小小嘅碗內,蝦仁🍤、肉燥麵條好香。。。基本上滑溜麵條好快食完一碗🔸#蚵仔酥 🦪鍾意佢逐粒分開平時食蚵仔煎一餅比較heavy一粒粒輕盈好多,又容易食到蚵仔鮮味又咁易飽🔸#三杯蝦粉絲煲 🦐通常去食飯都會叫粉絲蝦煲因為大人同小朋友都啱食呢個係近年覺得最好食嘅~粉絲爽滑、乾身,淡淡嘅胡椒味蝦新鮮彈牙👍👍👍🔸#沙茶牛肉 (加辣)🌶好惹味,牛肉份量足我哋三個食辣都根本上食唔晒底下用椰菜墊底連椰菜到清埋🔸#台式糯米糍 呢個反而麻麻哋比較硬身唔夠港式嘅軟林林 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
冇食過香港嘅度小月,但澳門嘅度小月啲台式小炒唔錯呀,冇伏👍!・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・🍚 祖傳肉燥飯 MOP$28・味道:唔係台式偏甜嘅肉燥,係近港人口味嘅鹹款,肥肉多啲會更正。・口感:飯粒再分明啲會更好,但夠軟熟的。🥬 櫻花蝦高麗菜 MOP$78・味道:雞湯椰菜配櫻花蝦,就係想像到嘅味,想食啲健康菜菜子呢個OK der~・口感:都幾爽脆欸。🐔 三杯雞 MOP$128・味道:雞皮有啲厚但醬汁同雞幾夾幾入味。・口感:唔算嫩滑但都唔難的。🐷 蔥爆大腸 MOP$88・味道:呢個最正最惹味,大腸皮脆內嫩,但留返小小膏會更好食。不過京蔥嘅香冇喺大腸到食到有啲sad。・口感:皮脆內嫩,不錯der~🦐 香煎珍菌芥末花枝餅 MOP$98・味道:香口惹味。咬唔到花枝同菌類顆粒,但食落有花枝同菌嘅味,似係打碎晒成膠狀嚟整餅。作為唔食芥末,唔鍾意陣攻味嘅本波都食到呢款,OK~・口感:雖然唔係外脆內軟,但煎得都香口嘅。🤍 樹子肉燥蒸豆腐 MOP$75・味道:好夠熱同時好嫩滑。但豆香比樹子同肉燥蓋過咗呢樣差咁啲~・口感:蒸得好好欸,豆腐冇一part係老的,每part都極嫩滑,crazy!・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・🤰性價比:高~🤰9衝度:9衝~🤰結論:一大班人唔知食咩可以揀佢,起碼冇伏先,全部都中上水平🙏~・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-09-18
食過香港v walk 分店,位於澳門的分店食物質數勝出🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻我地叫左粿條,擔仔麵,魯肉飯,滷大腸,鳳梨苦瓜湯,蛤湯, 再外加滷鴨蛋及滷貢丸。 粿條 澳門與香港用的粿條不同, 澳門版比較q 彈。內有一隻蝦,肉末及蒜蓉。個人喜歡澳門版,口味比較濃,粉質較彈牙。值得一試👍🏻擔仔麵與粿條的味道一模一樣,只是換了另一款麵。麵質似粉絲。魯肉飯 一般般,沒有粿條那麼好食。滷大腸十分入味,份量也較港版多。值得一試。👍🏻湯款 兩款湯都好正。蛤湯十分鮮甜,苦瓜湯有甘甜,不苦。👍🏻滷鴨蛋與滷貢丸超級無敵入味。成隻鴨蛋都浸入滷水汁。值得一試。👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-07-18
Before heading to this restaurant with my parents, I checked out some of the comments people had written on this site. Many gave the restaurant a 4-5/5, however, after this awkward dining experience, I found the comments very much inconclusive. After stepping into the restaurant, I was sort of amazed by the open kitchen the restaurant acquires. A few chefs sat behind the desks, working on the cuisines, pretty nice first impression overall! However, the restaurant disgusted me by handing me their menus. They had two pieces of the menu, one is a normal Chinese menu and they also used a damp menu that might have been used by lots of prices. After half a minute of holding my hands to remind the servers that I am about to place an order, a server slowly came by. I ordered one of the sets that's said to be a great value. It's like beef or something. The food was extremely underseasoned and mild. Looks like some "healthy food" cooked by the "green chefs". It is the same case for their famous "Dan Dan noodles". The same case for their famous braised pork rice. It is quite pathetic to say that as a famous Taiwan restaurant, the best food there is their drink "grapefruit with honey". By the way, it is a promotive set, so it could be much more expensive if you order food from the menu. I would strongly suggest you not dining in this restaurant for its poor value and miserable service. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)