港鐵大埔墟站 A1 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
06:00 - 16:00
06:00 - 16:00
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食評 (153)
等級4 2024-02-16
169 瀏覽
Recommended by my dear colleague for the New Territories well-known pork chop restaurant, we decided to stop by this afternoon.We ordered pork chop and wonton mixian and wonton and minced thick noodle. Of course I am going to talk about their famous pork chop. Visually, it did remind me of my childhood memory, enjoying the homemade pork chop made by my Shanghai uncle. Even it was a half portion, it was in big portion. Love they helped slicing the pork. Each slice was half lean and half fat. Crispy skin with tender meat. Savoury but not heavy. Fat literally melted in mouth but didn't give a greasy taste. Authentic, look simple but taste complex. Wonton was stuffed with a balance ratio of vegetables and pork. Silky smooth thin wrapping stuffed with explosion of meat juice stuffing. Absolutely delicious. Minced was served covering half of the whole bowl. Flavourful but not spiced. Even with chilli, it tasted more on aromatic instead of giving a kick. Tender mince instead of the commercialised melty mince swimming in sauce. Added so much flavour to the broth. Mixian was surprisingly soft. Unlike the commercialised ones which was thick and chewy, this was thinner, softer and slight slimier which coated with the broth. Thick noodle visually looked like udon. On a soft side but not mushed. Personally found it okay but my friend loved it. Two big shoutout/reminder for the chives lovers and the chilli oil cravers. You could ask for extra chives which staff would literally give a bowl of chives instead of a spoonful. Pure chives were served instead of a mix of coriander. Chilli oil was homemade which was incredibly aromatic, flavourful and spicy. Both literally lifted the whole bowl of goodnesses to another level! Must ask for! Obviously, no doubt I came for their food instead of the surrounding, yet nothing disappoint me. I must come back for other toppings! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-02-03
198 瀏覽
下午兩點鐘去到大埔熟食中心己爆哂人,今次好想食炸猪扒麵,等左十分鐘先有位,今次叫左菜肉雲吞炸猪扒麵$46,等左二十分鐘到,炸猪扒夠肉汁,肥瘦比例好均匀,但外皮腍左d, 雲吞細細粒餡料都豐富,呢度絕冇環境衛生可言,但絕對係罕有嘅平民美食天堂! 繼續閱讀
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一向都愛探索小店既我搭左成個鐘車黎到大埔墟(兜到我頭到暈🫠)平日約兩點 熟食中心人頭湧湧本來想食東記 但唔知係咪放break落半閘最後食佢間死對頭🤣 #世記上海麵店完全可以形容係座無虛席!!職員極多 態度都好殷勤有禮❤️🫶🏻🫶🏻等左15分鐘 終於有野食~~⍥ 豬扒+菜肉雲吞+粗麵 ❙ $46基乎枱枱都會食既招牌豬扒熱焫焫 香脆唔油膩 唔會炸得甩皮甩骨 炸衣薄豬扒都薄🤣因為帶少少肥膏?所以質感幾好 做到外脆內嫩 幾juicy菜肉雲吞大大粒 多菜少肉 都好好食👍🏻粗麵睇落少少似無咁白既烏冬🙌🏻😂正正無咬口 就係我鍾意既質感幾有手工都既感覺 呢個組合無得彈⍥ 雪菜肉絲+河粉 ❙ $36雪菜慷慨 唔會過鹹 讚!肉絲似肉片多啲 有肥膏位 份量唔多敗筆在於河粉😕粗的鞋的 唔好食🤐 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-12-19
198 瀏覽
環境:位於大埔墟街市2樓熟食市場,衛生環境一般,午飯時間會比較擠迫。服務:豬扒或者雞翼全部都係即叫即炸,但唔需要等好耐;如要叫飲品需幫襯其他舖頭。食品質素:炸豬扒係我食過既最好食(沒有之一)。大大份豬扒,肉質鬆軟,多肉汁,有少少油脂,食落特別香,表面炸粉夠薄、夠脆、而且有南乳香味;菜肉雲吞大大粒有四隻,餡料十足,夠紮實;榨菜肉絲同樣大份,落足料。價格:平均50蚊左右食到咁高質素嘅炸豬扒,性價比非常好。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2023-11-09
225 瀏覽
聽過好多人話好食☺️終於都試到遠近馳名既世紀上海麵😍😍😍位於大埔墟街市熟食中心,鄰近大埔墟車站行數分鐘便到,很方便入到去見到世記真係好多人食,仲擔心要等好耐先有位坐😅幸好店員安排恰當,沒有等得太久就有位坐🤩同朋友一坐低就就即刻點單,第一次食當然要試下遠近馳名既香炸豬扒😍😝😝配米線都不錯😋😋😋朋友就點咗香炸雞翼🥰可以開心share食🤪😜😝我仲加咗水餃😁炸豬扒香脆可口,肉質剛好,不會太乾很juicy😛雞翼同水餃都好味下次再試下上海麵先世記食完一次會想食第二次,難怪會遠近馳名 繼續閱讀
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