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食評 (12)
等級2 2017-06-03
1001 瀏覽
今日去機場接朋友機,見仲有時間和友人看到有Godiva店,天氣咁悶熱,一於飲下佢地杯朱古力凍飲,消消暑啦 🤗🤗🤗我地叫咗兩杯凍飲1️⃣黑朱古力凍飲2️⃣紅莓黑朱古力凍飲我地點完之後,就有一位顧客入嚟,同樣Order 黑朱古力凍飲。我地就等咗10分鐘先有,因為佢先整咗兩杯,但第一杯比咗後面果位客人先😑,之後又重新整多一杯比我地,其實我地兩杯嘅分別在於係cream上面D醬,一個係朱古力醬,一個係紅莓醬,其他完全一樣。😒😒😒遲嚟先上岸推廣做緊買一杯凍飲送一粒朱古力🍫,我地等佢整完杯凍飲,佢地完全沒有意識比朱古力我地,要我地主動同佢講先比😕,一聲「不好意思」都無。(當然之前果位客人都無朱古力啦,佢地都無攞比人,而且客人又無主動向佢地攞)店鋪細細有3個員工,但3個都無笑容😐😐😐態度👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼,好似我地左住佢地咁。係唔係我地用$90買兩杯野飲就只有咁嘅Service ? 我之前都去過IFC 分店買過一杯朱古力甜筒,但服務態度好好有笑容😌,又去過Time Square買過一杯凍飲都係有同樣嘅Service🙂,估唔到機場店又細,人流又唔多,但D態度就有咁大分別。😠😠😠其實之前已經飲過,記得杯凍飲朱古力味濃星冰樂口感,不錯的。但今日Lee杯完全唔同口感好水,朱古力味唔濃好一般😕😕😕。只有送個粒朱古力👌🏼 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-08-17
590 瀏覽
近來忙於寫清邁遊記,又差不多一週沒有寫OpenRice... 就由早前月初曼谷之旅出發日開始,補記其他零星食記吧~有留意食評的,應該都知道機場Godiva軟雪糕只是$40,內容及份量卻與市區一樣,非常抵食!曼谷之旅出發日正是傍晚機,兩口子可以悠閒嘆杯雪糕(當然選最甘濃美味的黑朱古力味)當是下午茶,再慢慢出發,寫意到極點~不過之後的清邁之旅出發時間很早,就享受不到這優惠。其實2次泰國行的的遊記差都打好了,有興趣可到甜魔媽媽新天地收看! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-07-29
366 瀏覽
今晚係機場接機大堂接家人回港,但因為航班延後而在機場乾等。唯有在機場大堂閒逛打發時間,四周的食肆都坐滿客人,但在一個不起眼的角落,藏著一間Godiva朱古力專門店,而內裡的軟雪糕,竟然只是40元,比起其他店舖平了10元有多。為食的肥柑子,想也不想便立即點了一客朱古力雪糕。軟雪糕糕身非常軟滑香濃,而入口後感受到濃濃的朱古力味充斥整個口腔內,甜筒有朱古力包裹的脆米點綴,口感更多元化。可惜軟雪糕製成時,已經有溶化的情況,而店員亦只是隨便的以朱古力漿點了數下便交給了我,比起曾在海港城及灣仔光顧時,店員細心地處理同一款軟雪糕,實在是有點美中不足。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-06-03
481 瀏覽
在何洪記食飽飽後跟甜魔母子雪糕拼去,原來機場接機大堂的Godiva Chocolatier的軟雪糕只售$40杯,比其它前分店足足平了$10,大家去旅行前,後或送機,接機都必要去吃番杯啊~我當然要最濃郁的{朱古力軟雪糕}英雄所見略同甜魔媽媽亦同選朱古力味,而小男神就選了{雙重朱古力軟雪糕},來一張大合照後便大快朵頤啦^0^濃郁的朱古力軟雪糕香滑迷人比起白朱古力真的吸引十萬九千倍啊~  繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-05-13
400 瀏覽
I was picking up my brother from the airport, and his luggage was taking a long time at the baggage claim, so he called me and asked me to get him something from 7-11.  I walked over and, to my surprise, 7-11 was gone!  I messaged him to let him know the 7-11 is gone.  Then, I looked up and saw that there's a Godiva.  I took a quick glance to see if they have the soft serve ice cream that XO raved about in the past, and I saw a sign that says the soft serve is priced at $40.Apparently, the prices at the Godiva in the airport is cheaper than those in town.  I seized the opportunity and ordered a twist soft serve!The lady behind the counter took my order, and after I paid, she proceeded to prepare my soft serve cone at the ice cream machine.Twist Soft Serve: I decided to go with the twist because I didn't want to be overwhelmed by only chocolate flavor in the ice cream.  The twist consisted of even parts of vanilla and chocolate, and both flavors were prominent in itself.  The ice cream was quite smooth and not icy at all.  The cone remained crunchy as I ate the ice cream, and the chocolate that coated the cone had a strong chocolate flavor that wasn't overly sweet.  Even though my brother's luggage took a long time to arrive, my wait was made more tolerable with the delicious soft serve cone from Godiva!  The fact that the soft serve cone is $5 cheaper than the ones in town made it an even sweeter deal! 繼續閱讀
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