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食評 (127)
等級4 2020-07-19
2354 瀏覽
一向都好鐘意食smile,價錢同質素成正比!今次叫左the garden (好似係)。有焦糖脆片,荔枝玫瑰汁,桂花啫喱,士多啤梨蛋白霜,自家脆粒,配埋酸酸地嘅雪糕,夏天食真係一流! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2019-06-01
1472 瀏覽
K11係一個成日經過既地方。今日做完嘢,好想食甜嘢!對上一次幫襯smile已經起碼五年前,所以我想試下而家究竟有無咩唔同。當日只有一個中國籍客人坐喺度慢慢享受佢杯乳酪。我買完都坐底,望住玻璃外既人來人往。乳酪雪糕味道都仲係唔錯,但感覺都係多糖,所以乳酪雪糕都係肥㗎!大家如果想減肥,就唔好俾「健康」呢個招徠氹到。雪糕頂仲有一球莓味雪芭,感覺有少少over-chilled......然後杯入面既配料,感覺唔夠豐富,嗌佢set好咗既配搭,睇圖都會指出有好多種配料,如果食既時候得唔到呢種好豐富既滿足感,即係佢既選料未夠配搭得好,同埋雪糕咁多,配料既份量都應該增加~所以,過下口癮可以,但唔會成日食! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2017-07-15
1713 瀏覽
每次行經K-11,都會心思思想係呢間乳酪雪糕專門店買番杯黎食。最主要係雪糕賣相精美,完全係相機食先,幫佢影左張沙龍後,就慢慢歎佢。已經忘記左呢杯野叫咩名,個名應該幾長,哈哈,這不是重點,重點是乳酪雪糕呢de主打健康低卡過普通雪糕的概念(雖然唔知真唔真,但女生聽落都舒服de),讓人食了又減低了罪惡感,所以係女仔大愛耶。不過呢間野價錢都幾貴,閒閒地一杯都70蚊以上,仲貴過餐飯,所以只好間唔中買黎獎勵下自己。 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2015-02-22
1443 瀏覽
My first impression when I walked in the store was "wow, this place is like a fantasy land!". Why? That's because the displays of the yogurt cups were so pretty and all looked so fancy.After having decided for 10 mins which two cups to get, we girls decided to get "Golden Smile" and the "2015" one.The mango topping was sweet and the first layer was yummy.  However, in the second layer there were some biscuits which was disgusting.  They were soggy and had some weird taste. At the bottom, there were some fruits which was also quite nice.The huge pineapple crisp was very nice and the texture was also interesting.  However, the strawberry jelly layer was quite strange in my opinion - however my friend liked the jelly so it really depends on your preference.  Compared to the 2015 one, I feel this one has less components in it so it can be quite boring and dull after finishing the first layer.  In my opinion, frozen yogurt from this place isn't at all that special and the taste isn't very unique.  However, for presentation, this place definitely wins my heart.   It actually got a bit sickling half way through eating so I would HIGHLY recommend sharing with some friends; unless you are having only this as your dinner 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2014-10-04
1051 瀏覽
Date of visit : Sat 27th Sep 2014; 3pmNo. of diners : 2Average cost per head : $35Quality of service: 3/5Environment : 3/5Value-for-money : 2/5Overall rating : 3/5I always wanted to try their dessert, but it is a little too big for 1 person. i won't dare to try without a company, great that if they could resize the dessert for 1 person selection.I have tried Smile dessert for twice, but I only go for Golden Smile.A Strawberry is sprayed with golden gillter with a little sweet and sour taste - I love it so muchPlus, a try pineapple on top, but not a big fan of it.Underneath is Rasberry jelly and biscuit crush and yogurt.Different, Tasty and feeling happy! 繼續閱讀
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