11:30 - 13:15

🎊午市任點任食套餐成人$218 (原價$288) 3~11歲半價🥳盡情點 盡情食🤩
午市任點任食成人收費$218 (原價$288) 🤩 3-11歲半價,星期六、日及公眾假期每位加$20,另收加一服務費(3歲以下免費)
8️⃣位成人同行,2️⃣人免費,如此類推 (只收茶錢及加一服務費)
用餐時間為90分鐘, 時段11:30-13:00,最後下單時間為12:30,請於13:00前結帳及離闆座;時段13:00-14:30,最後下單時間為14:00,請於14:30前結帳及離座。
🍷特選紅白酒$100 兩杯。
另收加一服務費,不可與其他優惠同時使用(包括會員優惠) 或現金券同時使用,內容如有更改,恕不另行通知,本店保留最終決定權。
☎️ 查詢電話:2487 3688
📱 Whatsapp: 6903 9586
8️⃣位成人同行,2️⃣人免費,如此類推 (只收茶錢及加一服務費)
用餐時間為90分鐘, 時段11:30-13:00,最後下單時間為12:30,請於13:00前結帳及離闆座;時段13:00-14:30,最後下單時間為14:00,請於14:30前結帳及離座。
🍷特選紅白酒$100 兩杯。
另收加一服務費,不可與其他優惠同時使用(包括會員優惠) 或現金券同時使用,內容如有更改,恕不另行通知,本店保留最終決定權。
☎️ 查詢電話:2487 3688
📱 Whatsapp: 6903 9586
Valid Period
How to Redeem Offer
OpenRice members select this booking offer when booking table through OpenRice.
Reference No.
Applicable Restaurants
Terms and Conditions
- This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or any other product.
- The offer is subject to be amended without prior notice. In case of any disputes, the restaurant reserves the right of making final decision on all matters concerning the offer.
- The offer provided by the restaurant form business transactions between customers and the restaurant. OpenRice.com will not be liable for any responsibility.
- This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotional offers.
- This offer is valid until the expiry date stated and is not refundable.
- This offer is applicable to dine-in only.
- Please contact our through 2487 3688 if you have any inquiry.
- 南海一號reserves the right for the final decision.
- Food supply is subject to change due to seasonality, 南海一號 reserves the rights to amend any terms and conditions or terminate the promotion period of this offer at any time.
- Photos are for reference only.
- HK$20 will be add to each person on Sat, Sun & PH.
- No designated seats will be reserved for All you can eat lunch.