半價追加多款奢華美食 (6人或以上預訂套餐或VIP房)
➡️季節馬糞海膽一板 $680(原價$1280)
➡️炭燒斧頭扒 (1.5公斤)$680(原價$1380)
➡️獺祭 45 純米大吟釀 (1.8L) $680(原價$1380)
➡️季節馬糞海膽一板 $680(原價$1280)
➡️炭燒斧頭扒 (1.5公斤)$680(原價$1380)
➡️獺祭 45 純米大吟釀 (1.8L) $680(原價$1380)
Valid Period
Exclusion Period
How to Redeem Offer
OpenRice members select this booking offer when booking table through OpenRice.
Reference No.
Applicable Restaurants
Terms and Conditions
- This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or any other product.
- The offer is subject to be amended without prior notice. In case of any disputes, the restaurant reserves the right of making final decision on all matters concerning the offer.
- The offer provided by the restaurant form business transactions between customers and the restaurant. OpenRice.com will not be liable for any responsibility.
- This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotional offers.
- This offer is valid until the expiry date stated and is not refundable.
- This offer is applicable to dine-in only.
- 以上優惠必須至少兩日前預訂
- 追加項目每天供應量有限,訂完即止
- 以上優惠不適用於會員及信用卡折扣優惠
- 須付原價加一服務費。
- 優惠有限期至2025年1月31日
- 三和敘保留修改以上條款和細則之權利,並不作另行通知。如有任何爭議,三和敘將保留最終決定權