11:30 - 22:00
四人同行 一人免費(長者/小童)
優惠內容 : 100/120分鐘LV1至LV3主放題套餐四人同行一人免費(長者/小童)
適用分店 : 只限屯門及觀塘燒肉谷分店
優惠期限 : 5/2/2025- 31/5/2025(5月10日及5月11日母親節暫停)
適用項目 : 整單
服務費 : 加一按原價計算
堂食/外賣 : 堂食
時段限制 : 適用於星期一至日全日
消費限制 : 優惠不能同時使用
適用分店 : 只限屯門及觀塘燒肉谷分店
優惠期限 : 5/2/2025- 31/5/2025(5月10日及5月11日母親節暫停)
適用項目 : 整單
服務費 : 加一按原價計算
堂食/外賣 : 堂食
時段限制 : 適用於星期一至日全日
消費限制 : 優惠不能同時使用
Valid Period
Exclusion Period
11:30 - 22:00
How to Redeem Offer
OpenRice members select this booking offer when booking table through OpenRice.
Reference No.
Applicable Restaurants
Terms and Conditions
- This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or any other product.
- The offer is subject to be amended without prior notice. In case of any disputes, the restaurant reserves the right of making final decision on all matters concerning the offer.
- The offer provided by the restaurant form business transactions between customers and the restaurant. OpenRice.com will not be liable for any responsibility.
- This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotional offers.
- This offer is valid until the expiry date stated and is not refundable.
- This offer is applicable to dine-in only.
- Subject to 10% service charge based on original price.