18:00 - 21:00
Valid Period
Exclusion Period
How to Redeem Offer
OpenRice members select this booking offer when booking table through OpenRice.
Reference No.
Applicable Restaurants
Terms and Conditions
- This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or any other product.
- The offer is subject to be amended without prior notice. In case of any disputes, the restaurant reserves the right of making final decision on all matters concerning the offer.
- The offer provided by the restaurant form business transactions between customers and the restaurant. OpenRice.com will not be liable for any responsibility.
- This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotional offers.
- This offer is valid until the expiry date stated and is not refundable.
- This offer is applicable to dine-in only.
- 此優惠由即日起至2025年1月31日,過後恕不受理。
- 此優惠只適用於星期一至星期日及公眾假期;不適用於2025年1月29日(年初一)。
- 此優惠只適用於堂食,到店外賣自取及第三方外賣平台不適用,餐廳恕不接受合拼或分拆賬單。
- 優惠需提早一天或之前訂座。
- 需另收加一服務費,加一服務費會以原價計算收取。
- 不可與其他推廣優惠或信用卡推廣優惠、折扣推廣 (包括員工折扣、員工半價)、會員優惠、禮券、現金券同時使用。
- 此優惠只可使用一次,逾期作廢,不設找贖、不得兌換現金,不設退款及延期。
- 餐廳保留因季節性和食材供應而更改菜單項的權利,恕不另行通知。
- 如未能準時於預約時間抵達餐廳,餐廳將取消你的訂座,而不作另行通知,亦不會發還退款。
- 受優惠條款及細則約束,如有任何爭議,三郎。燒肉保留最終決定權。