5-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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Not just one staff has bad attitude, even boss.Don’t come again! Hope no one get anger for his service anymore!!! 中伏!態度極其惡劣!!!
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下雨天 想在附近食個下午茶 。心血來潮去茶餐廳。餐廳餐牌多款式。感覺良好。下午茶價錢此地區尚可接受。但加$10 內便有一個飯連飲品。相比下午茶比較貴。叫了雞脾沙律及雞脾薯條來到嚇然見bb size 雞脾 一咬味道怪怪。但皮是脆的。薯條及沙律味道一般。用包裝茄汁也但環境乾淨。職員態度尚可。當日嘔吐 可能食物中毒。希望注意食材衞生。今天的假期吃了此下午茶。心情欠佳。原來上一個食客食評也有此情況。希望餐廳正視一下。抽風系統差 一入店好油益味。應冇下次了。
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一大早,和兩個朋友聚會,約了試這間茶餐廳。結果:大失望。這家店的座右銘似乎是:「昨天賣不了的,今天賣給你。」我們叫了一份滑蛋叉燒飯和菠蘿包 (忘記了第三份是什麼)。其實我對菠蘿包沒什麼要求,誰知這間茶餐廳的菠蘿包又乾又硬,難吃到根本吃不完。很明顯是昨天出爐的,賣不完,今天繼續賣。 (汗)叉燒也一樣。雖然不是我點的,也吃了一點算試個味。吃一口便知道叉燒不新鮮,有點臭。誰知朋友顧著傾偈,不知不覺地吃完整碟叉燒飯 (事後他說因為太餓,沒怎麼留意)。結果,他半夜三更就噁了一大場。看來是食物中毒吧。。。長話短說:我永世都不會再來這間茶餐廳。The stuff at this place isn't fresh. Met up with two friends for a catch up in the morning. None of us had tried it before; we just found the place online - a real shame to have gone here as it turned out to be a big mistake! The pineapple bun I ordered was just awful - and I frankly haven't ever had a bad one before in my life until now. I mean, it's a pretty straight forward dish - how can you go wrong? Turns out this place just tries to sell you stale bread that was made the day before. The bun that came was hard and dry. I couldn't even finish it. One friend ordered a cha siu fried rice and I took a piece of cha siu to try. It was pretty evident that it just wasn't at all fresh as there was a rather funky taste, as if the meat had gone "off". Said friend was busy chatting and ate the whole thing though (he said afterwards that he was starving so didn't really notice the quality of the food... typical guy, I guess). Well, he ended up throwing up in the middle of the night later that day and didn't have anything else that might've caused this so looks like the culprit was this meal. Long story short: I wouldn't touch this place with a ten foot pole.
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想喺中環搵間平民價錢嘅茶記食個下午茶餐並不容易,幸好還有美華~下午茶餐普遍三十幾蚊,選擇都算多,叫咗碗餐蛋麵 + 熱華田,轉出前一丁要 + $5,覺得貴咗啲,冇轉。麵質唔會煮到太“林”,啱啱好,個味精湯就真係淡咗啲,坦白講唔算係一碗好好食嘅餐蛋麵,可以接受啦~熱華田唔錯,夠味又夠甜。整體嚟講,味道就唔算出色㗎喇,係勝在價錢夠平民囉~
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