Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
The shop specializes in eclair. The founder, Christophe Adam’s favourite is the salted butter caramel flavor. It combines mascarpone cream with salted butter and caramel. It is creamy. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay EPS
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (40)
Level2 2018-06-06
the eclairs are okay, a bit small. the puff pastry is lacking in fluffyness, it feels like it's not fresh enough. otherwise the filling is flavourful. the eclairs come in a variety of flavours, we tried chocolate and a light yogurt one. the main issue is the pastries are outrageously overpriced. thankfully I had a promotion buy one get one free with an app. I have found better eclairs at Kayser bakery for a fairer price. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-03-31
幫人諗散水餅買咩好 想得體d 又唔想買冬甩/cupcake 好睇唔好食 諗左一輪最後決定買L'Elcair de genie🤣佢需要十幾盒 同埋佢自己揀左十款口味 咁一盒入面就唔會重複👅 因為要嘅量都多 所以早兩日就去左order同安排送貨🤓由左至右:Salted butter caramel, Vanilla Pecan Nut, Chou Chou, Passion Framboise, Lychee Yogurt, Pistachio Orange, Chocolate Grand Cru, Fraise, Tiramisu, Barlette Praline我就揀左Tiramisu同Barlette Praline同人地share食😆 個人鐘意Balette Praline多d 佢係榛子朱古力味 好似繽紛樂咁 d hazelnut cream好濃好滑 但又唔會太甜岩岩好😋Tiramisu相比之下就比較light 淡味d 芝士味都唔係好出 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-02-02
閒來就想食下甜品見尼間既閃電法式泡芙同一般既泡芙不太相似一條條狀比較精緻望落去都幾吸引所以即管試試佢外賣2款黃綠外表好吸引影相打卡一流不過咁細條$38吾抵買黃色尼隻檸檬🍋酸酸甜甜幾清新入面內涵比較濃但不是我想要既質感還是比較喜歡平時既泡芙多cream口感更好尼款mocha口味超失望😞食晒成條都無抹茶🍵味入面cream仲要好少完全係好睇吾好食吾知係咪我揀錯款啦完全不值試過一齊就夠了還是買番平時既泡芙更正 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-10-19
工作前有點時間來PP小休傳統法式小甜點Eclair是數年前看Master Chef知道的材料看似很簡單 麵粉 水 糖 鹽 糖粉 吉士但工序可以非常複雜做甜品比煮食更需要仔細計算麵團温度 次序 擠壓角度都是一門科學要令泡芙發起中間擠入濃濃吉士醬再做出漂亮的味道和造型顏色要七彩蝦條做到炫目的mirror glazed表面才切合閃電泡芙的要求讓人想立即吃掉 又有dazzling的視覺享受不過我無心做甜品也不可能像Gordon Ramsaydisplay出多種漂亮顏色糖果一樣賞心悅目還有其他雪糕泡芙的選擇以及不同味道的雪糕每樣都非常精緻bling bling! 我們點了套餐堂食大概有4,5張檯 可小憩套餐是一件Eclair+飲品甜點總是要配熱飲才對我們點的海鹽焦糖Eclair旁邊的是黑朱古力(之類我我只是被樣子吸引)吃下去有爆炸糖在表面海鹽焦糖 不是我喜歡的口味 很古怪比較喜歡黑朱古力那款中間是朱古力味custard看到還有生日送禮的特別包裝可以預訂及選擇款式送給喜歡甜食的朋友一流包裝也很精緻至少可以拍照呃like continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-09-24
第一次食呢間既閃電泡芙時,簡直驚為天人,原來泡芙係可以咁輕盈咁好味。佢既經典味道:焦糖海鹽味到依家仍然係無得輸。之後再陸續食其他口味包括雲呢拿、朱古力、紅桑莓等等,都一樣可以俘虜左我既心。可惜價錢不算便宜,所以不可以日日食。近日發現左Entertainer app,呢個app內既食店可以買一送一。見到呢個app可以買閃電泡芙買一送一時,雙眼即時發光。跟手買了青檸椰子味及雲呢拿味。雲呢拿味不用多講,仍然保持一貫既高水準。見到咁多黑色點點,就知道用了真正既雲呢拿條去做,味道天然不造作。青檸椰子味,有微微既青檸味,不太搶,又有微微既椰子味。最得意係表面有三粒椰絲棉花糖,同泡芙既質感完全唔同,但一齊食味道會好d。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)