2-min walk from Exit B, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (144)
Opening Hours
07:00 - 20:30
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 20:30
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
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10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (93)
Fairwood's Baked Chicken and Rice with Cream Sauce is a dish that has the potential to be great, but falls short in a few key areas. While the creamy sauce is delicious, the chicken itself leaves something to be desired.The Chicken: The chicken is the weakest element of the dish. While it's cooked through, it lacks the juicy tenderness that one would expect from a baked chicken dish. The dryness detracts from the overall experience, making it difficult to fully enjoy the other components of the meal.Overall: Fairwood's Baked Chicken and Rice with Cream Sauce is a dish with both strengths and weaknesses. The sauce was delightful but definitely lacking in portion, and the dry chicken holds the dish back from reaching its full potential. The whole dish appears to be a bit dry. If you're looking for a truly comforting and satisfying meal, you might want to consider other options.P.S I think I’m being very nice at this review. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-14
我今日去金鐘辦事,順道去位於夏慤道16號遠東金融中心地下B號舖的大快活食晚飯。我點左個泰式滷豬手飯$48,豬手滷得好入味,肉質爽滑好食。泰式配菜酸酸甜甜,最好用來送飯,簡單快捷的一餐! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今次試嘅食物,喺一間話唔上豪華,但絕對貼地嘅食肆。先嚟同你哋嘮嘮,呢度嗰碟雪菜肉絲米,入口即溶,每一啖嘅米粉都掛住恰到好處嘅湯汁,肉絲滑嘅,雪菜嘅鮮香令人一試難忘👍,再配埋個滑嫩嘅炒蛋,真係喺口感上得嚟又多層次。至於蘿蔔糕,我就覺得普普通通,咖喱雞飯呢,份量幾滿足人心,個咖哩雞雖然唔夠辣,但係人哋話平民食物嘅,咸香嘅咖哩浸透每粒飯,薯仔煮到夠晒入味,算係合格嘅午餐之選。雖然唔係驚世之作,但係想輕鬆食飯,免得等太耐,這份飯無疑係個唔錯嘅選擇🍛。而店員嘅服務,真係出乎我意料之外,手忙腳亂嘅時候,都有人即刻伸出援手,飲品部分改用咗紙飲管,環保又衛生,口感同膠飲管分別唔大,只係要快啲飲完,以免佢變得太腍呢😊!總的來講,呢度就好似你喺街上隨便撞到嘅朋友,無需華麗包裝,但攪笑嘅溫馨感卻能時刻陪伴你,咁啱,又咁滿足。下次還要再嚟,飽餐一頓🍴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
跳入一間我經常光顧嘅街邊小店,個名字嘅樸實就好似佢嘅飯一樣--直接、無花巧。🍚🍴今日我點了份檸檬雞飯,檸檬嘅酸香味道真係清新得黎,喺舌尖上爆開嚟,嗲到心口。雞肉烤得外脆內嫩,咬落去嘅時候咕嚕咕嚕嘅,啖啖肉嘅口感又彈又juicy,食落真係過癮。再配上啲清口嘅蔬菜,爽口得滯,真係幫到個飯提升唔少層次感。店仔環境雖然唔算五星級,但嗰份家常滋味就如屋企煮嘅一樣,令人食落倍感窩心。🏠😌 服務員嘅笑容同埋隨和嘅服務態度更加係俾咗全體客人加分。可以話係好滿足,簡單傳統嘅食物,暖暖嘅人情味,飽腹之餘,連心靈都被慰藉到。 下次再問我會唔會再嚟?答案當然係肯定嘅"會"啦!👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-21
✨花旗參桂圓燉雞湯 👍🏻👍🏻勁推介大家再加$9買多碗。湯渣有雞柳和雞肉碎,還有條條花旗參。湯有陣陣花旗參濃烈香氣,但是湯就甜甜地不苦,非常養生。✨星洲咖啡肉排👍🏻星洲咖啡肉是星馬常見的菜式。肉排煎到焦糖色,嗅到陣陣咖啡醬的香氣。豬肉外脆內嫩,咖啡和肉排非常夾,但又不會油膩。食完後, 完全沒有全何的肉碎留在我牙縫(箍牙好麻煩的)。✨花膠菜膽雞煲 正常發揮!半隻mini煲湯雞,但肉就唔柴。花膠只有手指尾大🤣🤣。咁平的價錢,我都唔期待好大件。湯就清清淡淡,食完都幾飽。✨芒果椰汁糕上層芒果軟糯,下層椰汁就煙韌。✨白飯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)