6-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
Inspired by the traditional architecture of Marrakech, Riad, LILYA Moroccan Lounge and Bar brings a unique flavor to Hong Kong's bar scene. Here they combine authentic homemade Moroccan cuisine, Arabic music and elaborate cocktails to create an exotic experience. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 01:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 03:00
12:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (16)
Level3 2018-11-29
哩日夜晚約左班朋友飲野中環一帶差唔多間間bar 都full 哂 我地就試下間樓上既bar一到黎見到哇 係幾有feel 裝修都幾靚不過明明哩日間間bar都爆 佢得3,4枱客 蘋果味 whisky幾cute正常whisky 哩個睇落好靚但個味真係好怪好大浸香料味Beer 正常唔好酒精既我叫左蘋果汁好解渴haha不過唔知點解我得佢有蕃茄汁味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-08-04
There are loads of cocktails bar in Sheung Wan and Central but it’s really hard to find a good one. And today, we were disappointed by this place again...We had a cocktail each and we were first pretty impressed by their beautiful presentation. Yet, all of them tasted terrible... This cocktail served in a fancy tea pot tasted like medicine, so bitter and sour at the same time. Couldn’t be weirder.Also, there was a DJ playing really loud yet disturbing music in the background all night long. Definitely not a good place for drinks or chats. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
幾個好朋友一直嚷嚷想一起去旅行,但說是這樣說,真要定日子搞旅行時一直定不下來。既然這樣,至少今晚來個摩洛哥舌尖之旅,嚐一嚐摩洛哥之美食,幻想一下大家不在香港齊齊到了摩洛哥去旅行!這間在openrice好評不少,大家滿懷希望來到這餐廳面前。出面的招牌裝潢特別,滿滿摩洛哥的風味。一到餐廳內,我們你眼望我眼,心眼原來摩洛哥是這樣子的呀?!紅彤彤的一片,梳花燈光桌子椅子什麼看進眼裡都成了血紅色,少少恐怖心寒了一寒。很難拍照因為裡面燈光太紅又暗淡。被安排坐在中間的一張枱,四周都坐滿一枱枱客,中間的一張顯得有點兒突兀,而椅子是沒有椅背的,非常健康又不舒服的要我們挺直坐好,到此時此刻,大家的興奮感立時減半。打開餐牌,選擇不算很多,還要價錢不算相宜,時到如今,我們硬著頭皮趕緊點菜,心想吃完離開好了,最多再轉場再吃再喝好了。fishermen’s pastilla $198Sea bass $198 spinach with confit lemon sauce with slaivi olives $78 Fishermen’s pastilla and sea bass 海鮮菜,有帶子大蝦,兩樣味道都還可以,不過不失。價錢不相宜味道普通,性價比算低。另一碟菜真經典,酸酸怪怪的味道,其中一位朋友嚐過後不願再吃。我們食不出這是否正宗摩洛哥口味,但絕不是我們的口味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-04-22
中環又有新 bar,港女我點會唔第一時間落去體驗吓!約埋班 girls 9 點零到,都已經幾多人,好有氣氛!飲咗一 round,其實食飯時大家都有飲,去到都醉醉哋,你問我飲咗乜都唔係好記得,淨係記係好飲嘅,落咗D spice,又唔會太甜,同個環境好配合,幾有 exotic 嘅 Moroccan feel。另外幾有 feel 嘅係佢對面嘅境,係荷里活舊差館佢,colonial style 建築,最正啲窗夠晒大,D風吹埋嚟,差啲以為自己去咗中東!成件事好浪漫💕,响度攪 party 都應該幾下次要帶 bae 再嚟! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢度環境算靜都唔係咁多人食飯 飲嘢多啲 咁我都係第一次食 摩洛哥嘢 究竟當地既野 呢度做得夠唔夠地道真係無從稽考但係都食得出佢係用咗好多 香料類嘅 食材感覺上有啲似印度菜中東菜嗰類嗰隻印度嘅春卷我幾鍾意佢個茄子蓉雖然佢係純素但係入面嘅多種香料真係好滋味攞嚟點麵包真係天下無敵佢個春捲都有多種味道佢個 燉羊肉 都幾好食聽講燉咗12個鐘如果你驚騷就千祈唔好食有啲過鹹但配麵包就好啦反而佢哋個批有啲似粉絲炒蝦仁感覺雖然都有香料味道仲有個 橄欖燉 雞髀呢個真係堅好食飲得出佢啲cocktail係畀足心機去做難得仲有 中東色彩添裝修又夠曬靚樓面靚仔靚女多服務又夠殷勤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)