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可Whatsapp/電話落單自取, FoodPanda網上外賣平台
Opening Hours
12:30 - 20:30
Wed - Sun
12:30 - 20:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
尼日去千島湖行山,所以順便上網搵吓元朗有咩好食,網上面見到好多人都讚呢個burger,所以就係行山之前特登過去食,去到門口先至發現原來得一張高枱可以坐到兩個人,而當時已經有人坐了,只好買上車食網上嘅人一般都係介紹檸檬魚堡好似係$28,呢一個魚堡係我呢一生人入邊食過最好食嘅,首先講個包外面脆入面軟林林,塊魚炸得啱啱好又唔會太乾又唔會太油,而個醬味道亦都啱啱好唔會太搶帶少少檸檬嘅清新,總之就係超好味必食推介呢個係豬柳奄列堡$25, 呢個係我男朋友食嘅,佢話普普通通冇乜特別食完呢兩個飽我哋就去咗行千島湖,成個行程入邊我個腦都淨係諗住個檸檬魚堡,結果行完山之後我又再返去買多一個漢堡包嚟食🤣經典芝士漢堡包加酸青瓜 $30呢一個都幾好食,佢好食在成件事都好鬆軟,我一定會再去,我食完幾日個心都重一直諗住檸檬魚堡🍔
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心思思想試呢間良心小店好耐啦🎗今日終於有機會 可以買黎試下😚.🍔經典芝士漢堡🍔 -$25終於比我試到佢啦!個漢堡好細嗰🤔有少少意料之外😂本身以為係normal size的的色色都幾得意😚不過就冇人地講得咁抵食😌睇住老闆整嘅時候 已經喺側邊聞到濃濃嘅牛油香未食已經好開胃😚包身烘至外脆內軟😚手打嘅牛肉漢堡扒有成寸厚🌞牛肉雖然有少少鬆散 但無傷大雅😌食落好juicy😚一啲都唔乾一路咬 牛油香一路沁出黎🤍鹹香嘅牛肉配上半溶芝士同醬汁令人食慾大增🤍新鮮嘅蕃茄同生菜中和翻醬料嘅鹹味食完之後滿腔油香但毫不油膩🤍兩三下手勢就ko咗個迷你漢堡🍔_______________成間鋪只得一個座位而且對住街邊 食曬塵😂所以都係takeaway比較好🌞
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📍 The Basic 🎗📍 元朗 • 金輝徑28號好盛洋樓地下14A舖(* 星期二休息)位於元朗小小的漢堡店,主打漢堡🍔,也有售意粉和小食💛食物即叫即製,等候時間有點久,所以建議大家先用WhatsApp/電話下單!雖然店子小小,價錢又便宜,但是美味程度不遜於名店喔!同樣都是20多塊一個漢堡,你會選他們💛還是麥記🍟🙅呢?網上的評論大讚他們的「經典芝士漢堡」,可惜這天售罄了,於是嚐了炸雞漢堡以及豬柳漢堡。加$20可配小吃跟飲品,推薦加配!香脆大雞堡 Chicken burger ($28)雞排超厚超香脆!🤩麵包鬆軟,配合酸青瓜、沙拉醬,一點都不乾!豬柳奄列漢堡 Sausage omelet burger ($25)蛋煮得好滑,包裹豬柳;咬下去,軟軟的麵包、滑蛋、豬柳,層層味道,真不錯😋我們以$20各配了套餐~小吃份量不少喔!煙肉洋蔥餅 Fried onion with bacon好特別的菜式~一條一條炸的酥脆的洋蔥絲,配上油香滿溢的煙肉,雖然邪惡但是很好吃!脆薯格 Crisscut fries好久沒吃過薯格了,好懷念這香脆可口的味道!🥰-Menu:
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Always happy to support small local businesses and this one is based in Yuen Long.Run by a young couple it seeems they have a regular customer base as busy most days.Not sure about their opening times as they seem to vary day by day.Has a high table with 2 chairs so really aimed for takeout.Ordered their Jumbo Burger and paid $20 for the set, which allows you to choose a drink and a side. Each order to made fresh so food is piping hot. The burger itself had bacon, cheese, burger patty and tomato so filling but personally I found it too salty . Choose chips as my side and this was a really generous portion and chips were cooked well, not too dry and could taste the fluffy potato inside.Picked a standard can of coke as my drink.Felt it was good value for the price.
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支持小店好耐冇食漢堡包, 第一時間諗起佢最basic 嘅牛肉burger雖然外賣拎到番去已經凍咗但塊牛肉真係juicy.... 厚身但又juicy....真係好好味!!!
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