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7-min walk from Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station; (位於 諾士佛臺12號地舖對面, Beats 樓上) continue reading
97293330 (WhatsApp)
This bar & restaurant serves grilled food. The indoor area is designed with British retro style, and the outdoor area is designed with resort style to create a casual vibe, which is suitable for friends gathering. continue reading
Opening Hours
17:30 - 04:00
Mon - Thu
17:30 - 03:00
Fri - Sat
17:30 - 04:00
17:30 - 03:00
Public Holiday Eve
17:30 - 04:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Charcoal Grilled Skewers Bar! Live Streaming Sports Games & Olympics
With a traditional English bar style, there is over 150 seats both indoors and outdoors, spanning over 5000 sq. ft.. Staff would grill skewers over charcoal right on-site for you, creating a wonderful aroma. Recommended items include Beef Tongue, Chicken Thigh, Lamb Rolls, Fresh Tiger Prawns, and Grilled Oysters; as well as a variety of Meatballs, Taiwanese Sausages, and Pineapple. There are pool tables and TVs for live streaming sports games and olympics, making it a great spot for gathering.

About Reward Scheme
Review (13)
呢度地方超大有個室外露天場地有好多野玩地理位置連住Knutsford Terrace仲要新開唔夠一年約埋成班friends 去chill應該好正但今日我去只係為左食《串燒》!!!佢冇拼盤冇sets果d要落單只能逐串叫但會一盤咁上由左至右叫了:燒蠔、冬菇、雞(除了雞皮外其餘2種都叫了)、台灣一口腸、雞翼、牛面頰、同帆立貝大部分都好好食除左燒蠔同牛面頰場內環境黑到好難睇到d野食另叫了一個卡邦尼意粉都好好食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-03
唔係講笑,呢間嘢真係隱世超級好食首先佢個烤肉真係做得好出色 佢哋真係成塊面咁大 攞住啲鐵叉 好似BBQ嗰啲咁叉住佢哋 食落去超有feel唔係講笑 我哋仲要揀咗露天嘅位置去坐 佢入邊係有得睇波有得玩骰都有得掟錶 之後佢嗰啲Cocktail都好正 個Waiter仲會serve你幫你錄片整啲乾冰落去成件事勁有feel唔係講笑。 然後仲有最特別嘅shakeshake薯條佢有好多款口味揀 我哋咩都到咗落去試啲係真係好鬼脆,勁好食 然後我哋仲有食肉眼扒雖然係有少少貴蛋糕真係好出色 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-20
約左班朋友食晚飯,食完即慶去酒吧,事前無任何預訂,咁岩有佢地職員推介呢間酒吧,又送Wellcome drink 俾我地,睇完menu 後,飲品都幾有特色,於是決定幫襯。一上到去有露天梳發位,坐得好舒服。點左幾杯酒,裝飾好靚,用來打卡一流。Not Found 404 $128Error 404 $128French 75 $118Taiwanese Popcorn Chicken $98Mexican Ground Beef Cheese Nachos $128 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-15
尖沙咀諾士佛台 BBQ+露天+酒吧收工真係好攰~時間都係好有限~揾個地方chill下是「必須的」😎 陶姐我周遊尖沙咀咁多年~ 今次又比我揾到一間可以一次過滿足晒我幾個願望嘅餐廳酒吧露天餐廳~氣氛勁chill~佈置一流坐得舒服特飲雞尾酒 勁靚 真係好靚!岩晒我咁中意打卡我咁中意玩~#桌球 #飛標 佢都有齊天氣凍 我要食肉肉 佢又比到我喎 啲 #燒烤 #串燒 勁大串~仲有 佢個 #豬鞍一試停唔到口全部大大舊 一定飽飽最正係個#shakeshake #薯條 嗱我介口介得堅持人人知~要我食碳水除非值得😎佢啲薯條 脆到不得之了 仲有唔同口味shakeshake粉牛肉味,綠茶味,鹹蛋黃味,紫菜味,話梅味,孜然味我最鍾意就係綠茶味,加紫菜味好味到唔小心食咗4round (薯條同沙律可以無限添食👅)價錢唔算貴~都係一般晚餐價 🤩最重要係嘢食嘅質素好👍🏻絕對值得消費@404hktst #尖沙咀 #酒吧 #餐廳 #palylife #lottovi #李諾陶 #玩 #打卡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-12
404 Not Found (尖沙咀).諾士佛台要搵飲酒嘅地方唔難,最好嘅緊係飲酒之餘有好食嘅野食!.▪️牛肉&豬肉串燒🍡 ▪️.見佢即刻係出面大爐燒🫰🏻 牛肉豬肉各一串配上京葱同紅青椒🫑.▪️西冷牛排🥩▪️.西冷牛排必吃,非常之好食入口香肉味又多肉汁.▪️Shake shake薯條🍟▪️.呢到都有shake shake薯條食,有六種粉分必紫菜,芥末,麻辣,牛肉,鹹蛋蟹黃等我男朋友食得津津有味. ▪️HTTP 404▪️$128.Mix Berry, Gin, egg white等,賣相靚仔仲有乾冰做效果. ▪️DRUNK 404▪️$128.Lychee Liq再加Champagne/ Vodka等,會比較清爽!仲要充滿閃粉勁靚.📌 404 Not Found (尖沙咀)尖沙咀諾士佛台16號2樓.環境:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️味道:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️服務:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️價錢:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)