1-min walk from Exit N3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
16:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
16:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
琴晚同朋友去呢間bar,的確好有日本Bar既感覺。我地叫左d食物同酒精飲品,其實兩樣野都好好,幫我地介紹酒同cocktail既Bartender非常nice,所以其實一開始係好滿意。唯獨是有個staff,10點5X分走埋黎講句:「last order,請問有冇嘢加?」我問左句:「係咪野飲都唔嗌得架啦?」跟著佢就話:「11點last order!」其實比錢冇所謂,我亦明白你想收工既心情,但係咁既態度真系搞唔掂。成晚其實差在佢一個staff。佢哋臨收工,有個男仔staff洗緊碗,個態度差個staff就話佢:「啊X哥,洗碗就望住啦唔該。」真心教同事就唔好係客面前教,依家好型?我同朋友落樓之後講返我既感覺,佢就同我講呢個staff每次都咁衰…其實個地方真心好好,除左佢呢個敗筆… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
成間店 加上所有職員都有副睇唔起客人既樣。跪低落單,但無講過任何inimum charg,介紹左happy hour drinks,我亦都揀左happy hour drinks其中一杯,個男bartender就掃去下一頁介紹$300左右既cocktail,我話我要你頭先介紹happy hour個杯就得啦,佢話‘’好,同埋有其他客人黎呢麻煩你坐返bar枱,讓返梳化出黎‘’ 然後佢用左15分鐘liu下舊方形既冰,再比一杯完全無酒味既grapefruit gin cocktail。枱面張memo都係完全唔尊重人,話如果佢接受唔到/唔想消費,就返屋企間房自己飲。態度差到不得了,尖東有更多好既選擇,唔好去貼錢買難受 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-06-12
呢間Cocktail Bar嘅水準高而且穩定,Bar tender係有料到!試過出面好多Bar嘅Cocktail,都唔係果樣野!如果大家對Cocktail有要求不妨一試~~ 呢度環境唔錯,有典型日式Cocktail Bar既氣氛,洗手間亦乾淨只係略嫌簡陋。唯一要吐嘈既係價錢略貴,約$200杯同有min charge,周末好似係$350/人。如果同樓下果間比,個人覺得呢間Cocktail再高少少,不過價錢都高少少,但服務一定贏,不過如果想食嘢就樓下好啲😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
晚餐前即興與fd於尖沙咀見面,咁開心自然想搵個地方靜靜哋,飲杯嘢,傾下計,於是隨機搵到呢間位於尖東的樓上酒吧。地方不大,但卻不感擁擠。一入門口就見到可容納8-10人的吧枱,吧枱後有琳瑯滿目的調酒酒瓶,心中自然有放鬆的感覺。White Port Tonic HH$138短聚兩小時,所以只點咗兩杯cocktail。首先叫咗朋友推介的White Port,酒味雖然不濃,但勝在有口感清新的青檸,好refreshing。Dissarono Amaretto Sour HH$110再嚟多次清新的cocktail~以Disaronno杏仁甜酒、橙汁、蛋白調製而成的飲品,口感雖然都同樣清新,但呢杯就比較多橘子的甜味。調酒師亦會喺調酒前詢問要唔要加蛋白,好貼心。German Pork Knuckle $299德國豬手脆卜卜,而味道亦不太鹹,好啱送酒。Menu上面雖然寫分量適合2-4人食用,但上枱時見到兩個人食的話分量都幾啱啱好,不用擔心食物太大份。Fluffy Coffee Milk HH$138 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-09-17
老公搵到有興趣嘅whisky bar、當然有配佢試一試~驚喜!We were looking for a quiet bar to wind down the night, but discovered this bar which was an incredible gem. A huge 200+ page menu of rare whisky bottles and specialty cocktails made by master mixologists.Service was super professional and attentive. The mixologists are clearly proud of their craft and pour cocktails with grace and precision. Had a "social cocktail" made with choya and two kinds of tea liqueur which was fragrant with tea aromas and lime. Hubby had a very good absinthe herbal twist on a Manhattan. Then they mixed a "Naked and Famous" for him - a beautiful recipe from Death&Co, the most famous cocktail bar in NYC. I got a Doraemon, which was a unique dessert cocktail using azuki bean liqueur that tastes like (a very alcoholic) taiyaki. Our cocktail staff joked the Doraemon cocktail is like a 醉左嘅紅豆包~總之好特別嘅雞尾酒😅Very strong, but a nice end to the night.超專業嘅雞尾酒吧✨We will definitely come back next time we are in TST! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)