It has an indoor dining area and spacious outdoor seating, which is gold in colour and perfect for taking social media photos. The restaurant offers pizzas and fresh seafood. continue reading
Additional Information
Pet-friendly restaurant Outdoor Seating
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 22:30
Fri - Sun
11:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay WeChat Pay UnionpayQR
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Outdoor Seating
Exclusive Online Booking
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (368)
Level4 2024-06-22
多謝好友在「Cabana Breeze」為我安排慶生午餐,餐廳環境真的不錯,有戶外和戶內用餐區,相信晚上亮燈後更添華麗!蒜蓉炒雜菜~炒得很香,味道也好。沙律~不過不失。磨菇忌廉汁扁麵~忌廉汁非常香滑,整體而言,十分不錯!炸魚薯條~炸魚外不夠脆,炸漿太厚,吃到一團粉漿,魚肉鬆散,十分販筆,炸魚薯條份量頗多,為免浪費食物,我們勉強吃了兩塊炸魚,餘下一塊真的嚥不下了!餐飲和甜品都不錯,很多謝餐廳為我播送生日音樂和祝福! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-11
The food is of good quality, you can listen to romantic love songs quietly, the scenery is beautiful, and you can enjoy your dinner here in a relaxing and vacation-like manner. Excellent. The waitress are all nice and friendly -in particular manager Gaurav. He is friendly and helpful. Let have a try for this restaurant.…………………………………………………………..let have a try continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前偶然見到地中海餐廳Cabana Breeze的廣告覺得有幾分似渡假區餐廳就跟大家提議去這裡吃晚飯餐廳設有室內及戶外座位室內裝修配上蒸籠吊燈/葵扇掛飾/意式皮梳化, 甚有情調戶外就有數張半籠形藤椅, 偏向渡假風及pet-friendly滿足不同聚會需求~當日客人不多相對寬敞寧靜店員亦穿上夏威夷服笑容滿分加上餐廳遠離市區再加添幾分渡假風意式水牛芝士蕃茄沙律 -水牛芝士做主角,配角三色蕃茄,賣相吸引,再配上初榨橄欖油及羅勒香草,食落酸酸甜甜,又有淡淡芝士味,非常醒胃波士頓龍蝦意大利麵 -意大利蕃茄醬及波士頓龍蝦均是用慢煮烹調,慢煮是用低溫長時間烹調法以令到肉質軟稔及更能保留食物的營養,龍蝦已去殼,肉質鮮嫩不榎,蕃茄醬好充足,意粉口感剛好軟硬適中意大利傳統餃子薄餅 -餃子薄餅餅皮發酵48小時,薄餅皮外面硬脆裡面煙韌,裡面有熟火腿,蘑菇,水牛芝士,材料充足十分飽滿,上面再抹上蕃茄醬及放上火箭菜,切開後傳出陣陣香味!Exotic Breeze -跟朋友點了這個非酒精飲品,裡面有百香果,芒果,菠蘿,柚子,新鮮椰水,飲落百香果及柚子味會偏重一點,酸酸甜甜Hua Ono-裡面有黑莓,覆盆子,士多啤梨,檸檬,檸檬水Lemongrass & Earl Grey Iced Tea $65-裡面有新鮮檸檬草,檸檬,Demerara(黑糖),Earl Grey茶 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
東涌 📌Cabana Breeze🌲25 Dec 🎄 豬隊友話去東涌遊車河,之后打算 Hea 下,飲杯嘢,食少少嘢 (其實當下我就飽飽地),我地就嚟到 Cabana Breeze 一間滿有地中海特色 🇬🇷 餐廳 Hea 下。聖誕節🌲餐廳內亦都有唔少聖誕嘅裝飾,亦放住輕快嘅聖誕歌 🎼 滿滿嘅節日氣氛 🎼 本身呢到環境都幾靚幾舒服,如果想遠離煩囂,悠閒自在一下, 呢度絕對係一個好選擇。🍕 意大利辣肉腸薄餅 $188 個pizza,on top 再加咗辣肉腸,辣肉腸 juice 有囗感,pizza皮食落幾鬆化, 鍾意佢煙韌有咬口,即叫即整 ,送上枱熱辣辣 🍕就最好食🍕☕ Signature Coffee $48豬隊友睇Menu 話 Signature Coffee 唔知係乜 Coffee ☕估計都係 Americano 之類~ 估中 😎 但係杯 ☕係有淡淡果香 ~ So Nice 😚🔅今次到訪純綷係Hea 下、打發下時間 🕓 見到餐廳環境滿眼都係歐陸風,下次我都會想嘆下呢度晩餐 🇬🇷 感受一下異國風情嘅浪漫 💙 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
試咗蟹肉墨汁意粉,蒜香味比較重,個人喜歡。三文魚沙律一般,食唔到三文魚魚香,無咩特別。個八爪魚🐙幾開胃,又唔會好韌,做前菜一流。環境好chilling, 好有氣氛,加上可以帶埋狗狗一齊,最岩同朋友gathering💃🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)