6-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
Public Holiday
Public Holiday Eve
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
今日去飲早茶都呀姨唔係做野嘅有一個呀姨好串搵另一個,仲串開茶加埋要我地掉位都要搞咗大輪明明一早寫好點心紙舉手好耐都無人收搞到遲咗無咗優惠本身都明,有規矩要跟哇點知啲態度差到不得了佢地係話「你可以自己出去入紙」「下次早啲嚟呀嘛」「下次醒目啲啦」問你地早茶去到幾點又答唔出「唔記得11點定12點」差成粒鐘喎大佬姐係又要我自己去睇野食係ok服務垃圾囉趕走晒啲客你地以後唔洗咁忙啦開心啦我寧願以後自助形式都仲好過比你地”serve”呀 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-10-31
大集團名下酒樓,「應該」不會太差吧!當晚叫了大閘蟹餐,可能是星期五滿座的關係,上菜速度很慢同埋有啲混亂!套餐包一碗魚𡙡,味道很鹹,我哋幾個人食咗一啖之後都放晒喺枱面,反映給侍應,即時回應係:「全晚剩係得你哋呢枱客係咁講」,咁即係我哋錯啦!第二輪蟹上枱,其中一隻打開是臭的,反映咗都有補返一隻俾我哋。大閘蟹餐有七五折,折扣後每位$355,這個價錢合理,不能要求太多,但係當晚真係感覺麻麻。*套餐中較為好食味是茄汁蝦碌和糯米飯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-10-28
講起「東小館」有小插曲:一年多前已發現這間食館了,但礙於當時只有樓梯上落而沒有電梯接載,故此止步。 但最近發覺它們在隔離座商業大廈有電梯上落,便「膽粗粗」撘電梯一試呢!一出電梯便有扇玻璃門,推開門即見大堂:光線充足兼且座位整齊排列👉不錯。不算是非常寬敞,但不失「自在感」呢!開茶以後,可見食具中有金色筷子,挺特別。但是,我嫌這裡的「茶壺」實在太有份量了👉太重喔!我要用雙手才能夠提起。哈哈!看過了点心紙👉点了三個咸點心及二個甜点,差不多夠了。三個咸點心有鮮蝦腸粉,香芋蒸排骨及鵪鶉蛋燒賣。先說燒賣:一籠有三件,平日價$44元,價錢合理。款式很懷舊,我喜歡。蛋下面的燒賣很厚肉,大粒,味道不錯;点少許辣椒油更是滋味。至於那碟鮮蝦腸粉👉一出場造型夠特別(腸粉卷作一圈,中間有朵小西蘭花作点綴,令人賞心悅目呢!鮮蝦真夠鮮,大隻,不作「假」嘛!排骨也夠體頭👉大大粒芋頭墊底,真爽。還有兩款甜點:兩件養生芝麻榚及蛋黃千層榚。 這款懷舊千層榚有四小件:有咸蛋黃層夾於中間,不太甜(今時今日,沒太多酒樓食肆弄這款糕點了皆因步驟煩複👉有緣碰上已很滿足呢!至於養生芝麻榚,一上檯已叠有兩小籠:一大一小,份量很體貼👉正!只是自己未有試;但拍檔試吃後覺得這款榚該用糯米造的因吃下有点兒「黏牙」。三咸點心及兩甜點加兩位茶芥合共$160元以下,經濟實惠。下次再經過,我也會再去的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-10-17
今日難得個港島區就試下灣仔一間樓上小店茶樓, 一邊係可以由商業中心搭電梯上, 另一邊可以行樓梯上, 雖然酒樓面積比較細, 但座位都可以坐得寬鬆, 侍應都好有禮貌, 放低一碟小食係爽口雲耳, 一碟韭菜豬紅, 豬紅好嫩滑, 好入味. 椒鹽魷魚鬚, 魷魚炸得好鬆脆, 唔覺得好油, 魷魚鬚擺設計特別用好似一個炸龍裝上.一龍古法馬拉糕, 有黑糖味, 不覺太甜, 蒸得好鬆軟, 蛋黃千層糕, 出面酒樓比較少有得食, 好有蛋黃香味, 層次分明. 蔥花炸兩腸, 油炸鬼手脆, 腸粉皮嫩滑, 有米香.排骨蒸陳村粉, 腸粉都好嫩滑, 排骨肉肥肉適中.北菇棉花雞, 棉花軟綿綿. 珍珠雞可以每件叫 , 可以畀食客試多款點心.椰汁紅豆糕, 椰汁紅豆分明, 楊枝甘露比較失色. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I was enticed to try this dim sum restaurant cause of the half price offer on dim sum during lunch hours (plus, it didn’t look like I would need to wait for a table due to its more pristine location). This is how they lure you, and then once you’ve sat down and look at the menu you realise a lot of the dim sum dishes are single piece offerings with a marked-up price, so in actuality after the 50% discount it works out to be a similar price (per dumpling/piece) as most other dim sum restaurants.I would normally not complain about this, but unfortunately the quality of the dim sum is subpar. A lot of the dishes were soggy, had too much dough in it or just simply didn’t taste as good as other dim sum restaurants I’ve been to.Add to this, the restaurant looks run-down with dilapidated seating and tables. Service was not noteworthy either. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)