Opening Hours
07:00 - 23:30
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (17)
今日趁住出發去旅行之前上嚟飲杯嘢✈️人流唔係好多落地玻璃加上鏡面嘅設計都好開揚好有空間感🗺️呢度嘅好處係居高臨下望下個香港機場🛫 雖然今日天色唔係好靚但係靜靜地都好舒服🩵 原來信用卡除咗Cocktail之外仲可以換一個餐🥹 份量幾豐富而且配野飲 上機前Chill下覺得絕對合格☺️⭐️ Cocktail 🍸本身諗住飲信用卡嘅期間限定Cocktail 💜一杯用左蕃茄做主題加上Gin🍅 獨特但口味唔會太難接受好清爽☘️ 另外一杯嘅Welcome Drink就芒果味比較重🥭 酸酸甜甜有夏日感覺🌤️⭐️ Superfood Homemade Muesli 🥛早餐時間就比較輕便食個Muesli🍐果乾配上果仁食到新鮮生果都算有誠意🍉 Croffle就偏硬唔係我杯茶😅⭐️ Signature Iced Perfume Lemon Tea 🍋比較獨特嘅仲有佢嘅香水檸檬茶🍵有特色香氣而且有種回甘嘅味道🫖唔特別加糖都唔錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-28
依家有好多信用卡都可以免費入貴賓室😎想靜靜地chill 下其實可以去12號同24號閘之間嘅Sky Bridge 個度有間Intervals 酒吧一樣都可以好好享受起飛前嘅時間🤩.🌟Seasonal Cocktail今季係whiskey Cocktail🍸外觀精美 酒精味唔重就算係威士忌味都好易入口.🌟Welcome Drink今日細細杯嘅welcome drink 係檸檬汁 非常開胃🍋. Signature Iced Perfume Lemon Tea飲品揀左香水檸檬茶 同平時香港飲到嘅完全唔同味 味道清新 非常推薦👍🏻.🌟 The Eastern Australia King Prawn Spaghetti我揀左呢個吉列虎蝦羅勒番茄醬意粉🍝吉列虎蝦意想不到咁用左御好燒嘅醬汁配埋番茄意粉都好夾 成個意粉仲有3隻蝦🍤.Intervals 位於Sky Bridge 所以有落地大玻璃嘅窗坐喺度就可以睇到停泊嘅飛機✈️呢度你會發掘到香港不一樣嘅景色! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-01
Intervals Bar, located near gates 12-24 at Hong Kong International Airport, is the ultimate pre-flight oasis for travelers. This first-of-its-kind signature cocktail bar offers stunning views and a relaxing atmosphere, making it the perfect spot to unwind before your flight. The bar features delicious set menus and exclusive deals for credit card holders, ensuring a luxurious and enjoyable experience.During my visit, I was impressed by the variety of cocktail options and the quality of the food. The bar’s unique location and inviting decor create a memorable pre-flight experience. Whether you’re looking to enjoy a quiet drink or a full meal, Intervals Bar has something for everyone.Special deals for credit card holders include:AE Explorer: 8 free set menus annually + 1 special cocktail per season.HSBC EveryMile: 6 free set menus annually (1 in July-August, 1 in September-December).Citi Premiermiles: 12 free set menus annually (with a $5,000 minimum spend per visit).Citi Prestige: Unlimited free set menus all year round.Priority Pass: Enjoy access with your pass.BOC Cheers: 2 free visits annually (for cardholders with a $15,000 minimum spend). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-31
去日本旅行去咗新lounge 食早餐, 大家如果有AE explorer card ,介紹大家可以去Intervals Sky Bar ,位於香港機場T1航廈與衛星航廈之間的天際走廊,朝著13-22登機門的Sky Bar通道方向前往就搵到,用AE explorer card 卡可免費兌換一組套餐,包括:一杯特調飲品🍸,一份早餐,Weclome drink 同茶或Coffee ,尼度真係好靚又可以270度欣賞停機坪,視野比起其他機場貴賓室還要靚同chill 上好幾倍🥰,,重點都係free。今次早機去嘆咗個早餐,早晨有四款選擇,我楝咗Fresh Toast 配焦糖香蕉及雜莓,塊多士同香蕉滿滿焦糖的香氣,真係幾邪惡,配埋新鮮士多啤梨🍓、藍桑子同沙律菜一齊食,真係幾正。AE Explorer Card 現在送多杯特調飲品🍸,揀了Non- Alcohol drink 🍹 ,味道幾fresh ,飲品揀了招牌香水檸檬🍋茶,呢個好飲,Welcome drink 唔錯好啱打卡,最chill 係睇住飛機景食真係一流無得輸。- AE Explorer(一年可免費入8次)(每季送特調飲品🍸) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
1.經典法式牛油麵包多士配焦糖香蕉及雜莓 ❤牛油多士搭配香甜的焦糖香蕉和酸甜的雜莓,口感豐富,適合來一個甜蜜蜜早上的你。2.煙三文魚炒滑蛋、香腸、脆煙肉、焗豆及牛油果❤❤簡單來說是普遍款的all day breakfast,口感不錯,每一口都讓人感到滿足。❤愈多愈推薦(最多5❤)龍豬情侶評價:龍豬情侶是以信用卡換領套餐的,同場亦見到不少人是以自付形式享受Main Menu的美食,環境開揚,建議可坐於窗邊,邊看飛機升降,邊吃美食,服務一流,食物亦是水準以上,值得一試。推薦指數:9/10好味指數:9/10環境指數:9/10服務指數:9/10餐廳︰Intervals地址︰赤鱲角香港國際機場一號客運大樓天際廊L9樓離港層 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)