Restaurant: Lung Dim Sum (Hennessy Road)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

All Branches (4)
This dim sum restaurant is designed with an ancient tea house in cartoon style, which is young and colorful. The dim sums are made by experienced chefs and are presented with modern plating. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (224)
Level4 2024-11-18
即使甚麼網紅煲得多好,都要實測才可證實吧,小人就認為如此。特意來到紅爆當時的點心店,走入店內,不管內部裝修或是茶具,均帶有昔日的影子,應該想嚐試找出古式古香的感覺乎,氣氛圍不錯嘅。先到的一籠大滿足,木盒裡有六粒餃:荀尖鮮蝦餃、鹹蛋黃墨魚燒賣、松露野菌晶瑩餃、酸菜魚鳳眼餃、蟹粉菠菜蝦餃以及斑蘭麻蓉桃子。老實說,粒粒分別不大,鹹點就得個鹹字。插著爆汁的鹹蛋墨魚餃根本無汁可爆!菠菜餃上的魚籽很腥,松露餃居然獨欠松露味。最離奇的是忽然在芸芸鹹餃中有粒壽桃形的甜包跑出來,風馬牛不相及。鳳爪拼黑椒汁金錢肚,超記得的是那份雪味,難頂到不得了!煮得不夠透當然不夠腍,鳳爪是硬邦邦的,金錢肚似是香口膠。一口鹹水角一串兩大粒,綠色皮的是個謎團,食不出是甚麼;而橙色皮的則帶點辣。只知道餡料極度的糊,食完一口都無味,可以點講。大澳蝦醬鮮魷卷的威化筒叫做脆,奈何食不出任何蝦醬味,餡料同樣很糊,兼且超鹹!有條紫菜腰帶的芝士鮮蝦腐皮卷亦沒有芝士香,蝦肉餡太實,食完好漏!至於脆脆富貴紅米腸粉,就是一張黏黏的腸粉牢牢地包住蝦春卷,這麼漿口的腸粉已經難食,還要配豉油、甜酸醬及麻醬,不倫不類。超誇張超浮誇,勁鹹勁膩勁滯勁漏,又一次食而不知其味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-03-21
Continuing the yumcha theme, we walked past @lungdimsum and saw the food on people’s table and instantly knew we had to pop in to give this a try! 😇.This one was the Wanchai branch and although it’s a small store - it was packed with people and the food looked fantastic! We weren’t super hungry but still wanted to try s few things so we got their “Fried Dimsum experience” and a Crab Roe & Spinach steamed dumplings 🥟 .It tasted as good as it looked - neatly presented, piping hot & tasted great! This is what dimsums should be like. Our favourite was the unique fried Taro dumpling (the square one) cos it was crispy on the outside and really moist and soft on the inside - with a great flavour too 🤤.All of the individual dimsums were great & I’d definitely recommend this chain over “the other one” 👌🏻...#dimsum #yumcha #openricehk #foodsafari #hongkong #hklife #hkfood #hkfoodie #hkig #hkeats #hkfoodblogger #foodie #foodporn #foodpics #foodlover #foodstyle #cameraeatsfirst #相機食先 #yolo continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-02-13
龍點心灣仔軒尼詩道216-218號地T A&B號舖今早去左灣仔飲早茶,食左份超值孖寶$58:口水汁龍利魚腸粉及酸菜肉絲雞湯麵,茗茶 $12。口水汁龍利魚腸粉好惹味,龍利魚的魚肉鮮甜幼滑,腸粉好食;酸菜肉絲雞湯麵份量不少,湯底濃郁,辣辣地,好好味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今天要介紹的餐廳位於銅鑼灣,是一家在香港有幾間分店的新式點心專門店。餐廳主打手工現做點心同創新點心。呢間餐廳其中一個特色係營業時間開到晚上十二點。除此之外,餐廳仲有賣好多有香港特色既周邊產品。脆脆富貴紅米腸粉$52 賣相精緻紅噹噹的紅色紅米腸粉,已經切好,夾起就可以放進口裏了,包着吉列脆皮蝦、蘿蔔和蔬菜等,咬下去就有香脆的口感,配有豉油、酸甜醬、花生醬隨意點。醬龍記陸寶燒賣拼盤 $70呢個燒賣拼盤包含六種不同風味的燒賣,包括黑松露珍香燒賣、冬蔭功泰辣燒賣、十年陳皮牛肉燒賣、香辣雞軟骨燒賣、新加坡黑胡椒蟹燒賣、蜆蚧魚肉燒賣。我諗為最出名係黑松露珍香燒賣因為加入左黑松露令燒賣更香,令傳統的燒賣更加高級。黑金流沙包$40熱辣辣的流沙奶黃包餡料不算甜,還帶有鹹蛋香。一口鹹水角 $38這款鹹水角與平時吃的唔同,除左顏色同平時不一樣外,餡料都有多左少少野,就係多咗啲蔬菜,食落既時候可以減輕油膩感。。大澳蝦醬鮮魷卷$58鮮魷卷每一口都能吃到彈牙的魷魚肉,炸得酥脆,肉包著少量蔬菜,食既時候不會太油膩,甚至不要點任何醬料都美味龍點心灣仔軒尼詩道216-218號地下A&B號舖 港鐵銅鑼灣站 C出口,步行約2分鐘 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-02-02
年廿八到維園行年宵,先祭五臟廟,今晚在新店舖「龍店心」嘗味,麵飯與傳承&創新點心共融,的確令視覺與味覺共贏。鮮蝦蝦子撈麵~鮮蝦與麵同屬爽脆可口,蝦子味道甘香,上湯清甜,整體口感清而不淡,也完全沒有油膩感。 一龍大滿足~筍尖蝦餃皇-皮薄透餡,蝦肉鮮彈。松露野菌晶瑩餃-滿滿清新口味的松露野菌餃。斑蘭麻蓉桃子-壽桃又多一位新貴了!粉菠菜香蝦餃~以三文魚籽作點綴,鮮味滿載。鹹蛋黃墨魚燒賣~墨魚肉夠彈牙,中間有鹹蛋黃醬,一剛一柔配搭獨特。酸菜魚鳳眼餃~餃子有酸菜魚,到底我吃著餃子?或是酸菜魚?哈哈!原來是餃子與酸菜魚,兩者兼得!黑金流沙包~很流!好吃! 鹹蛋黃墨魚燒賣~家人愛吃,多點選一籠。肉鬆馬拉糕~很特別的配搭,還可選擇沙律醬佐吃,但我還是第一次嘗試佐肉鬆吃。厚切叉燒腸粉~很豐厚的叉燒配爽滑腸粉,很有飽肚感。翡翠響鈴腸粉~響鈴和紫菜很香脆,還夾有蝦滑,味道鮮爽。鳳爪排骨飯~鳳爪有少少辣,排骨很嫩滑。店鋪入口處有個小賣部都是港產品牌食品,我選購潤腸一盒$99,有九折$88。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)