Exit A1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station, Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (73)
如果去尖沙咀逛街逛到攰,我喜歡到八月茶室 食川菜及小炒晚飯。而家百物騰貴,喺尖沙咀食飯,又可以坐得舒服,地點又方便,難得價錢又經濟實惠。以前成日行新港中心,因為裏邊有一系列日本時裝代理,八月茶室 裝修簡約光鮮,大大個月球高高掛。冇記錯就係我以前買板仔衫嘅舖位。招牌酸菜魚 $198必叫酸菜魚,二人份量也不少。招牌菜名不虛傳,酸菜魚冇骨,啱晒我啲懶人食。魚片肉質鮮嫩,爽滑配酸菜、芽菜、萵筍、菇等食材。我鍾意多酸微辣,湯底好香,金黃濃郁的湯底,非常好飲,魚片跟薯粉酸菜,吸滿了湯底的精華,好好食,層次豐富。酸菜的酸爽的滋味與魚肉鮮嫩無比,絕對開胃。香煎西檸雞 唔好問點解咁鍾意食西檸雞,因為真係好好食,新鮮檸檬勁酸。香煎西檸雞外層酥脆,內裡肉質軟嫩,沾上西檸酸甜醬汁,開胃可口的菜式。沙嗲金菇肥牛煲 天氣凍冰冰,食個煲仔菜,上台熱辣辣香噴噴,開心仔。沙嗲醬汁濃郁,金菇爽口,粉絲吸收牛肉精華,肥牛嫩滑,每一啖醬香十足,鎖實肉汁,十分滿足。蜜椒薯仔牛柳粒 牛柳粒 厚切,外脆內軟,肉滑多汁,蜜椒、薯仔掛滿牛香與油香,牛味無窮,下飯神器。凍鴛鴦 招牌紅豆冰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-16
尖沙咀是遊客必到之處,因此很多食肆都會有不同口味供遊客選擇,今晚便來到海港城鄰近的商場一試。招牌酸菜魚$198,魚片鮮嫩可口,份量十足,湯底酸辣味道香濃,層次感豐富,內裏還有薯粉、芽菜及萵筍,配料十足。想不到這裏的酸菜魚做得不錯,可媲美酸菜魚專門店,值得推薦。乾鍋椰菜花$88,椰菜花吸收了花椒油和豬肉的味道,非常惹味。廚師用上了肉片,雖然不是正宗的腩肉片,不過一樣美味可口。土魷馬蹄蒸肉餅$75,土魷味道十足,肉餅軟硬適中,加上馬蹄的清爽,這個小菜是佐飯的必然選擇。龍鳳七喜$28,檸檬和鹹檸檬的酸味,令到七喜的甜味中和了,解渴又美味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-14
每一次加$3叫凍飲少冰 大家可以睇到啲冰多到唔知仲乜!其實唔知係咪啲水真係好貴,所以就算少冰都係得三份一杯!咁樣出真係幾過分!講緊四點幾嘅時候尖沙咀間餐廳仲要冇乜人~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
My families and I went to a restaurant called "Moon " (八月茶室) located in Shop G18, G/F, Silvercord, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui尖沙咀廣東道30號新港中心地下G18號舖..Sichuan perserved veggie fish酸菜魚HKD$198.the fish is so flaky and tender .moist and soft.he flavour is dynmaine.."stir fried shrimp with cashew and broccoli "西蘭花腰果蝦仁HKD$90.the cashew is crispy and crucnhy adding nutty flavour to the dish.the shrimp is jambo sized.the broccoli is green and fresh..Stir beef with spaghetti 乾炒牛肉意粉HKD$61.the seasoning is complex and rich in flavour.the spaghetti is al dente."Stir fry beef seasoned with cummin"孜然牛肉$88.full of wok hei.generous amount of beef.beef is soft and tender.nice seasoning .highly recommended .... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-13
天氣一凍就好想打邊爐或者食川菜辣野,今次就咁啱喺新港中心做完嘢就揀咗嚟八月菜室食川菜。兩個人點咗4個餸,包括:招牌酸菜魚川辣辣子雞丁芝麻黑糖醋骨沙嗲牛肉炒菜心招牌酸菜魚魚嘅份量超多,魚肉好滑無腥味,薯份好煙韌。川辣辣子雞丁呢個人暫時係我人生中食過最多肉汁嘅辣子雞,外層酥脆香口,咬開後係見到肉汁流哂出嚟,食到停唔到口!芝麻黑糖醋骨半骨肉比例,黑糖又唔會太甜,酸酸哋食到好開胃。沙嗲牛肉炒菜心牛肉嫩滑,菜心新鮮,最重要嘅精髓沙嗲醬好香口。食咗四個餸都咁出色,可以再食第二次👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)