1-min walk from Exit N4, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
10:00 - 22:00
06:00 - 00:00
Tue - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (6)
Level4 2024-10-24
今日(24-10-2024 Thur)老公生日,同佢請假休息吓,由於我book咗喺Fortnum & Mason(https://www.openrice.com/zh/hongkong/r-181-fortnum-mason-%E5%B0%96%E6%B2%99%E5%92%80-%E8%A5%BF%E5%BC%8F-r661800)食晚飯,我哋早啲到達尖沙咀先,因為老公有少少餓,首先喺K11 Art Mall附近買咗牛雜食,食完要飲嘢,而呢喥一連幾間台式飲品店,有兩間都有堂食,我就揀坐得舒服嘅呢間,我哋掃QR code落單,但壞咗,要人手買嘢。我哋要咗$31.00嘅芝士奈雪茉莉初雪少冰,同$36.00嘅熱生椰拿鐵。等咗5分鐘就有,我先試少冰嘅芝士奈雪茉莉初雪,味道好淡,自已啜好杰同鹹嘅芝士奶蓋溝埋嚟飲。3分熱生椰拿鐵呢?咖啡味淡,椰子味更淡,但杯嘢都好甜,而飲到最後又會飲到佢嘅甘味,但整體係唔好飲。2分而我被佢榴槤卷蛋吸引,於是請老公買,但佢話只有$15.00嘅榴槤爆漿冰冰包,個包都幾大個,掰開睇,餡料份量都ok,而味道呢?唔太濃,個包係有涼涼地嘅效果。2.8分衛生:老公話地下黐黐笠笠,我又唔覺喎。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-17
奈雪新開優惠,八香系列,買一送一。通常會選的楊枝甘露不在優惠活動之中,選了TOP3的香水橙子和香水葡萄。沒有減糖,沒有減冰。拿到手,橙子真的不推薦,一味的死甜,假糖精一般的味道,後悔當初,遠遠沒有天仁的香橙好喝。葡萄正常,和喜茶的口味差不多,應該少甜會更好。整體而言,不會再試其他口味,還是楊枝甘露比較保險,不會中伏。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
After my meal at Slow Cow, I came to this new tea shop where there is a branch at the Peak only, until now.The price was quite reasonable and there was even a buy 1 get 1 free promotion, though it was the last day of that promotion.I was a bit hesistant to choose "less sweet" for the drinks because Taiwanese drinks can still be very sweet despite "less sweet". However, both drinks nailed sweetness level. For the strawberry drink, actually if you are a bit afraid of tarty flavors, I would recommend medium sweetness. Both drinks have plenty of fruit inside and the size I am showing here is the regular size one, which is more than enough. Their swirly pattern was also lovely.I love how at the back they go on to the describe the flavors though I felt it was the tea aroma was what I tasted first instead of last but still both drinks are great I can't wait to try more of their others even at regular price. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
嘩~大名鼎鼎 🇨🇳奈雪的茶,原來有尖沙咀K11登陸啦(⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)!!! 從未喝過的我,當然要馬上去朝聖囉~飲品店主打高端現製茶飲,不但有鮮果茶、鮮奶茶、純茶,還有蛋糕、麵包等烘焙產品😝,一次過滿足你兩個慾望~😏店內環境舒適,走木系設計,邊坐邊嘆茶好舒適~☆ 霸氣香水芝士草莓🍓$𝟑𝟐首創的草莓飲品,有超濃的草莓香,草莓控必愛!☆ 霸氣香水橙子🍊$𝟐𝟖喜歡微酸的朋友仔,一定要試試這杯,解渴又清甜。☆ 霸氣香水葡萄🍇$𝟐𝟖同樣是首創的葡萄,葡萄味好重😳,有令人驚喜的感覺。☆ 奈雪草莓魔法棒🪄$𝟐𝟔麵包之中,我推介奈雪草莓魔法棒☺️。忌廉加鮮草莓,好好吃~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
估唔到會有第二間分店~終於唔洗再走上山頂!不過舖位有啲細有啲迫,如果要堂食都可能要等一陣先有位😭仲有好多其他嘅麵包食🍓(首創)霸氣香水芝士草莓 $32唔甜仲唔甜👍🏻粒粒士多啤梨好有咬口🍊 (首創)霸氣香水橙子 $28橙味香濃,飲落唔會係汽水嘅甜,係真正嘅橙味🍇霸氣香水葡萄 $28紫色嘅外表同佢清新嘅味道形成對比😍出息!🩵榴槤千層蛋糕 $35估唔到呢個時期有榴槤嘅產品🤭超好味,夠曬濃味路過仲見到有做緊優惠又環保袋送😂超顯眼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)