Exit A1/L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station/ Exit F, Austin MTR Station
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PizzaExpress is really proud of its pizzas, its love for music and supporting meaningful causes in the community. Since 1965 the restaurants have been serving hand-crafted pizzas made with the freshest ingredients. Each pizza is made to order by skilled Pizzaiolos (pizza chefs).
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Awards and Titles
Best Italian Restaurant (2014-15)
Good For
Group Dining
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Wide selection of vegetarian dishes avilable daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
想一邊欣賞維景一邊用餐,pizza express是不錯的選擇,首先,價錢方面,有這個景的餐廳,呢間已經算係比較相對平,隨意如果情侶budget唔多又想選個有海景的餐廳,呢間其實幾適合。不過呢度冇得book位,要親手儸位,所以建議早少少到,避免繁忙時間會好少少。芝士青瓜pizza好味道,芝士位好濃,薄低,口感脆脆的。整體食物質素不錯!
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I ordered a black truffle with a small pasta, the sauce is not very strong, the noodles are soft and hard, and the taste is not too greasy. It is not much. Hawaiian pizzaexpress pizza, ham tastes very good, should use a good ham, pizza bottom and skin is thin enough, basically people who can eat hot points on the table can eat directly. But I always feel that something is missing. The core of the whole pizza is in the ham.Pizza and salad were both very good and at reasonable price, very nice crust, i will go again
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今晚so sudden,老友call我出嚟有啲緊要事要針….噉我又咁啱喺尖沙咀個頭。所以我就好快脆噉諗到一間我去過嘅餐廳。由於我已經成為咗呢間公司嘅會員,所以我都特別會提議一間。因為可以儲分.其實諗住傾少少私人野,所以就選擇左去一間比較安靜少少有格調嘅西餐廳。否則我就諗住去茶記就算。由於同老友傾嘅內容比較私隱所以唔喺度提喇...但係基本上大家都冇乜心情會話特別去上挑選的美食所以就嗌咗個,拼盤然後叫咗啲嘢飲,當好似去酒吧摸杯底食下小食噉樣就算數。佢哋嘅三文魚尚算新鮮係有煙過嘅原汁原味。另外怕乜喊少少鹹係正常嘅而且好煙韌非常新鮮。另外仲有兩款幹肉,味道可口而佢哋嘅橄欖,少少鹹少少酸,非常入味。呢間餐廳嘅職員,非常之有禮貌充滿笑容,同你都會用英文慢慢問你想要乜同有乜嘢非常之有耐性。環境非常清潔乾淨,可能佢哋因為職員多所以經常有打掃。I will come back for another meal!
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知道佢7月3號就close,所以約埋舊同事黎食最後一次。隔左幾個月冇食,menu又有新item。真好,唔使煩揀咩,一於試新野。先黎沙律,紅色既係西瓜,大熱天時呢個沙律岩哂,唔可以話醒胃,但起碼叫舒服。到個芒果蟹肉薄脆,呢個配搭係幾好,可惜個薄脆已經軟林林,如果唔係就咁perfect。到pizza,因為得3個人,所以叫half half,可以1次試2款,1邊係新既burger味,幾好食,但唔似食緊burger,如果成個pizza係呢款味會有小小膩。仲有個豬肉長通粉唔記得影,小辣正常冇驚喜。美中不足係有其中一個captain不斷問我地係咪食完,明明隻碟仲有野,好似想趕我地走,但附近都有吉枱,而我地埋單個時都未到last order time。
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夜晚唔知食咩經過pizza express見唔洗等位就入去超有驚喜竟然有海景 仲要唔洗book位嗌咗一個pizza同一個意粉 同一杯啤酒啤酒嘅杯竟然雪咗 好少餐廳會咁做 好貼心👍👍飲落都好飲啲😂pizza即叫即整 黎到熱辣辣 啲芝士好正一定會再黎!!
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