8-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
This Taiwanese tea drink shop is opened by a Taiwan artist, Yako Chan. It uses natural ingredients in making tea drinks. You can choose to add taro or pearls in the drinks. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 21:00
Fri - Sun
11:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay OpenRice Pay
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
冬瓜菊花 配 地瓜芋圓 香柚荔枝水果茶 配 爆漿珍珠 黑胡麻鮮奶 配 地瓜芋圓 玫瑰鮮奶茶 配 白玉珍珠 蜂蜜美式 配 地瓜芋圓
Review (178)
不要對我尖叫 位於中環嘅正中心,喺香港已經有幾間分店,由台灣嘅藝人 - 丫頭一步步咁將 不要對我尖叫 帶到去世界各地😌.由於我本身唔太飲奶茶類飲品,所以我比較常叫嘅係桂花烏龍加珍珠🧋.不得不提佢哋嘅桂花味真係超濃但唔會好假,珍珠亦同其他店舖嘅唔同,超級彈牙👍🏻由於珍珠已經有少少甜味,想健康啲嘅話可以茶底走甜,因為珍珠本身用糖水浸住已經有甜味帶到入成杯茶入面🥰.中環附近需要行上行落,特別係熱起上嚟就最適合叫番杯😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-01
中環有好多唔同既台灣茶飲店,但我獨獨比較喜歡飲呢間,因為佢哋茶味清甜,款式又多,近排見到推出左鳳梨柳橙青茶,清茶配上鳳梨嘅香味,加上我又揀選左少甜少冰,好清新,吾太甜好飲🤗而且以家仲有吾同味嘅窩夫餅,下次再想食下午茶嘅時候可以試下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
每次經過呢間舖頭第一個感覺就係店面好尷尬😅 呢間來自台灣嘅手搖飲品店都幾受歡迎👏🏻款式以各種花茶同果茶爲主打🍐 第一次是感覺比起其他連鎖店質素高⭐️ 蜂蜜普洱鮮奶茶 🧋⭐️地瓜芋圓 🍠普洱比起一般嘅茶底更加濃但帶茶香🍵配上蜂蜜同鮮奶入口順滑得黎唔會澀帶清甜感🍯整體感覺唔會好人工感❤️ 地瓜芋圓口感偏實但係芋味比較濃🍡⭐️ 不要對我尖叫,日常茶間 (中環大厦) (中環)📍 中環擺花街23-39號中環大厦地下H23號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
事情發生喺5月5號中午3點幾中環擺花街分店本身開開心心嘅星期五 打算同同事飲試過幾次都覺得幾好飲嘅手搖飲品輕鬆吓 點知受到一肚氣😡見網上外賣平台外賣自取淨係可以揀聽日 所以打去分店問佢哋今日仲接唔接單 個女職員話可以喺apps照落聽日攞 佢哋會照今日做不過要等半個鐘 點知3點50分落到中環分店 同一個女職員話你揀聽日咁就聽日先有 我哋幫你唔到你自己打返比網上外賣平台cancel張單啦比人老點都算啦我: 唔該咁我想問如果而家再買嘅話要等幾耐佢: 你見唔見後面有幾多隻杯等緊啊?!我答你唔到㗎喎小姐🙄冇得今日落單咪直接講截咗單 點解要老點人 特登去分店一轉都要啲時間😩態度仲要咁西可能而家經濟好咗 越嚟越多人幫襯 所以唔珍惜我哋呢啲淨係叫一兩杯嘅小客啦😔😔😔 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-04-25
經過Lyndhurst Terrac見到個幾特別所以試下. Ordered香柚荔枝水果茶 &玫瑰荔枝烏龍茶. 算係好多人排隊. Price 來說不貴,但名字relatively特別之外, Flavour 不太好, Fruit Tea 都不是好多水果的。朋友的玫瑰荔枝烏龍茶說他的toosweet and cant really taste the Oolong Tea. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)