3-min walk from Exit A1, Wan Chai MTR Station
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Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
07:30 - 20:00
Mon - Fri
07:00 - 21:00
07:30 - 20:00
08:00 - 20:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 20:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Starbucks blends mocha sauce and Frappuccino® chips with coffee, milk and ice, then top it off with whipped cream and a mocha drizzle to bring you endless java joy.The main ingredients: Milk, Coffee Frappuccino Syrup, Whipped Cream, Vanilla Syrup, Coffee, Mocha Sauce, Frappuccino Chips. It is very good taste for the drink and I can enjoy the tea time. I love the chocolate coffee!Relax in coffee shop
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蝶豆花 (Butterfly Pea)本身為高蛋白質,富有營養既食物;亦因為蝶豆花本身含有大量相對少見既藍色天然色素,所以好多店鋪既飲品都會利用蝶豆花作為調色既主要材料。 而呢個月Starbucks就推出左「荔枝蝶豆花烏龍茶」﹑以及「荔枝蝶豆花忌廉星冰樂」。作為鍾意新嘗試既小編就當然搵機會試試啦! 蝶豆花本身係深藍色,但當佢被攪拌後就會視乎情況呈現藍色或淺藍色,響打卡既角度上絕對一流,所以小編今次就先試試荔枝蝶豆花烏龍茶,響視覺既層次感上滿足下先!為免蝶豆花過早溶於烏龍茶而令層次感失去,睇得出咖啡師都小心倒入蝶豆花,所以令整杯飲品響未攪勻之前仍然保持著下層黃色既烏龍茶,以及上層既蝶豆花! 再配上兩大粒荔枝等你一陣飲個陣可以加強甜味。打卡過後就係試飲既時間。本身蝶豆花係無咩味道既,所以整杯飲品最主要都係靠烏龍茶及荔枝,可能都有少少荔枝碎響底層關係,烏龍茶唔算太苦,不過小編都建議篤一篤荔枝肉,等佢既味道散發出黎,令整杯飲品既香味會更多! 綜觀黎講雖然響Starbucks都係飲咖啡為最好選擇,但呢杯作為打卡用都係唔錯既考慮。特別要讚呢間分店既員工服務態度好好,落單過程見到佢地臨時有超過20杯既大單時,都會以整個團隊分工合作咁盡快完成,而同時亦繼續照顧等候中既客人!
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Tried the new Starbucks drinks because it's new and I'm curious.The iced pure matcha latte with tofu pudding ($47, on the left) and frozen mango hibiscus tea with pomegranate pearls ($44, on the right). The matcha latte with tofu pudding was pretty good. I liked it and reminded me of the Chinese tofu pudding desserts. The frozen mango hibiscus tea was a bit disappointing. It was just a glob of mango slushie in watery tea. I liked the pomegranate pearls. But the overall combination with the ice wasn't that good. May not order these again.
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紅絲絨朱古力曲奇cheesecake 🍰.剛過去既聖誕節🎄,相信大家都食左好多festive既美食😍其中小編食左Starbucks既紅絲絨朱古力曲奇cheesecake 🍰!鮮紅既蛋糕好有聖誕氣氛❣️面頭有一堆cream,再加上一粒士多啤梨,都算係幾鮮甜😋件芝士蛋糕質感較硬身,朱古力味唔太甜,不過芝士味唔太突出,外觀比味道好🙈。食晒成件蛋糕唔會好膩,不過都飽飽🤣
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