Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (122)
Level1 2023-12-15
以前好得。我最愛。好耐無嚟,有位,好期待好開心,上次中咗四千萬六合彩都費事攞,叫杯champagne開始,等了又等,所有waitresses 傾計,追追問問,到,啲黄色嘢静如止水,經理話“呢,呢啲咪氣囉”…我錯,對唔住。低死………….. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-25
今晚book左8:15分枱,8:00到達,已快速帶位到上層,下層有人book左聚會。見到OpenRice 食評一般不滿意服務,沒期望下又好滿意喎。被安排窗口位,感覺很開揚,我地諗食咩比較慢,侍應亦一個企喺度等我地諗,完全冇俾面色我地睇。食物方面,點了紅棗茶—-香甜,片皮鴨半份——不油不膩且脆,椒鹽九肚魚—-鬆脆香口,小籠包—-一般質素,炸雪糕—-大大份,脆脆既外瞉包實雪糕磚,好味。本身驚唔飽,但2人食原來已經好飽,埋單555,環境,食物及服務黎計,喺有情調既餐廳食,真係好滿意了,是食得開心既一餐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-10-07
今日無啦啦好想食片皮鴨🦆上網搵一搵就見到呢間圓方裏面嘅魚塘鴨子上網睇到環境幾好 價錢適中 之後就打去book位環境真係唔錯,有室內室外揀菠蘿咕嚕肉⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️個肉幾新鮮, 外皮趣卜卜 唔會太多炸粉 菠蘿就酸咗少少 比我想像中大碟👍🏻牛肉麵⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️牛肉麵好足料,有好多塊牛肉味道正正常常 叫咗佢比辣椒醬🤣 咁樣惹味d 片皮鴨半份⭐️⭐️⭐️份量都可以 ,個皮唔算太薄鴨肉偏小 反而個皮就多啲配料 有青瓜,蔥,紅菜頭,醬料 款式唔算好多,份量都唔係好多 🥲 個人比較鍾意食出邊嘅山楂配料 所以少少失望片皮鴨上菜比較慢 其他嘢食晒先上 直頭甜品都上埋😂🤣萵筍炒牛肉⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️萵筍有啲誠意 ,又林又脆口,應該過咗冷河味道調得唔錯牛肉非常林 同埋都好多舊 牛肉多過萵筍🤣香蕉高力豆沙⭐️⭐️⭐️好特別 一般出邊剩係得高力豆沙 加埋香蕉幾好食味道係夾嘅, 可能因為豆沙餡同埋香蕉都幾有份量 所以整個甜品偏甜 蛋白都幾有份量,所以裏面偏實 係幾足料嘅 不過就冇嗰種軟綿綿嘅口感 環境同服務就非常好👍🏻不過茶都幾貴好似$25 / head 但係款式就特別 玄米茶 桂圓紅棗茶 都有 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-09-23
見yuu promotion可以用8000分+$188換酸菜魚, 於是請教waitress 如何換購,換購完waitress 掃完QR code, 10 分鐘後該waitress 告訴我們今天不能用Yuu promotion ,但因為已經扣左yuu 分數,叫我們改天再去食該酸菜魚,但我們覺得不合理,因為我們換購已經問清楚才換購的,於是叫經理,經理知道事情後即時替我們照樣安排了酸菜魚,以為事情告一段落!到結賬時,又是那個waitress ! 她拋下張單,用極差語氣:check 單啦!!付款後叫她麻煩給我receipt, 她不停print 了3張receipt 但也沒有給我,於是我問:小姐,我想要張單。那個waitress黑面兼語氣極惡劣:我知……但我部機print 唔到,你等等啦!!全程背着我們😡😡完全冇法接受這種服務態度,以後唔會再去😡😡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
While the pecking duck was relatively decent, everything else was horrible at this restaurant. Firstly, the service was extremely poor, no staff was attentive, took us several waves and call outs just to flag down a waiter every time. The restaurant also charged us a $48  "tea and water" fee, even though we were never served tea when we first sat down, nor did they even ask us which tea we wanted when we first arrived. All we got was a glass of water, this is not how it's supposed to be in Chinese restaurants. Secondly, the food quality seems sub-par, the Cumin Lamb barely had any spices/flavor to it , tastes just like normal western lamb chop. Furthermore, I experienced upset stomach the following morning, must have been some of the food was not fresh. Overall, this place should be avoided at all costs, there are plenty of better options out there. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)