Located in Tung Chung, the restaurant is spacious and modernly decorated in Western style. The restaurant specializes in steak and pasta dishes, and offers a variety of beers and cocktails. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (378)
Level4 2024-06-11
.無意中發現優惠🥹🤫 @upperdeckhk 住係東涌嘅原因,東涌每一間餐廳我地都食過曬!!放假就行遠小小,Tbay近東涌Sheraton Hotel,東涌市中心行過去路程大概15-20分鐘💁🏻‍♀️亦可以乘搭 @sheratonhongkongtungchung Sheraton Hotel嘅shuttle bus🚌🚏30min一班車來往東涌站及酒店🏨..今次想介紹優惠嘅餐廳就係Upper Deck💁🏻‍♀️今次過去食晚餐,又轉左menu,而且任何消費均有7折優惠😲..對住海景、機場食晚餐,我地兩個人叫左2個主菜,1杯飲品,食飽飽仲玩左一場桌球🎱先返屋企😝,人均只係$182💁🏻‍♀️..雞肉漢堡🍔($125)因為係美式風格,份量都好大,漢堡本來已經好厚身,脆雞肉係用左上雞腿肉,所以好嫩滑多汁,漢堡醬汁用了墨西哥辣汁,特別惹味🌶️..燒春雞 (半隻)($138)春雞用了辣粉調味,燒得特別香脆,但仍保持春雞嘅香嫩,配有薯泥,薯泥好香牛油香,同時亦帶有奶香🤤..當晚嘅氣氛唔錯,有情調,而且有不少外國人飲野、督波,更有客人慶祝生日,餐廳會播放生日歌同時為客人送上蛋糕🎂咁嘅環境仲要對住海景,我就覺得物超所值。趁仲有優惠,快d去試試😏🎁..地址:The Upper Deck (東涌) 東涌怡東路9號灣景薈1樓101號舖..#upperdeck #bar #grill #birthday #seaview #seaviewbar #restaurant #hongkongbar #tungchung #citygate #citygateoutlets #sheraton #sheratonhotel #marriott #hotel #staycation #東涌美食 #灣景薈 #海景餐廳 #扒房 #foodshare #hongkongsteakhouse #steakhouse #burger #fries #桌球 #桌球餐廳 #酒吧 #goodvibes #優惠 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
公眾假期竟然都有七折優惠人流唔算多,坐得好舒服,食物都理有心機整,steak with medium 亦不會過火,另外飲品酒嘅種類都好多,最適合鍾意飲酒嘅我哋呢度最大特色係有一張美式桌球枱冇人玩嘅話,可以隨時去玩,我哋食咗一陣嘢玩咗一陣又飲吓嘢咁,愉快嘅下午就咁過去雖然出面有地盤,但都唔影響你嘅海景,如果好天嘅話會更加開心 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍽️ The American BLT Burger ($188)The burger is great! The beef patty is thick and juicy, topped with generous amounts of melted cheese. It's not too heavy, though. It also comes with bacon, tomato, fried onion rings, and lettuce, providing a rich and satisfying flavor. Yum! 😋🍀🍽️ Texas BBQ Baby Back Ribs ($298)The ribs are huge! The pork has a subtle smoky flavor and is coated with a rich BBQ sauce. There are plenty of fries 🍟, but they could be crispier for an even better texture. The side salad adds a refreshing touch to the meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-14
餐廳要求喺訂枱時間15分鐘後未到達嘅話, 張枱就會自動被取消, 我哋今日準時到達, 但係我哋就喺餐廳門口出邊等咗超過15分鐘啦… 門口大概有12人左右排緊隊, 有8:00嘅訂位同埋8:30個訂位, 8:00嘅訂位已經等咗超過50分鐘啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-12-29
訂好台俾左訂金一千, 當日等了一小時仍未有台。 最後取消訂台, 但訂金遲遲未收到。I Have Make A Reservation On 24/12 And I Paid $1000 For A Deposit Of Two Person Testing Menu. However, We Wait For An Hour On That Day And The Table Is Still Not Ready, So I Request For A Deposit Refund And Cancel My Booking. I Suppose To Receive The Money on the next working day , But yet there is Not any Update. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)