焼肉而今 by 富小路やま岸

Yakiniku JIKON by Tominokoji Yamagishi
2-min walk from Exit J, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
「焼肉而今」帶來融合懷石概念及日本現代燒肉文化的全新品牌,並為米芝蓮一星的京都懷石料理餐廳–「富小路やま岸」燒肉品牌。「而今」之店名來自「富小路やま岸」山岸大將的座右銘。不受過去或未來束縛,盡力而為、全力以赴活在當下,謹遵教誨去過每一天。嚴謹選用極上的A5和牛,以「和牛的黃金比例」為客人提供各種合適大小、兼具細膩油脂香氣的最高級A5和牛燒肉。 continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.

About Reward Scheme
Review (114)
Level4 2024-07-23
Came to Yakiniku Jikon after an event in K11 Musea! The restaurant is tucked away in a quiet corner of 6th floor! The decor of the restaurant has a very nature wooden aesthetic with partition in between. We were greeted by very friendly staff at the front, got seated and were offered tea and water on the spot. (But there was one particular staff that was very blunt.)We ordered two limited sets with appetiser, soup, beef tartar, A5 wagyu, the famous beef dog, rice/noodle/soup and finished with dessert! The quality of the A5 wagyu is impeccable, beautiful marbling, wonderfully buttery, melt in your mouth goodness. The whole time, the server helped cooked the food so it was cooked to perfection. The famous beef dog was very creamy with the sea urchin. There was a very nice dish with shaved truffles, paired with a raw egg yolk, this was also very delicious. The salad dish, in Chinese it’s literally called Ice vegetable, this was a crunchy and refreshing touch to all the oily beef! Absolutely loved it.The meal came to an end with red bean creamy pudding, it was a bit too heavy to end the meal 😜😜😜Whilst the meal was very nice, we were limited to 90 min seating even without many patrons, for this price, I wish we could sit longer. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日朋友生日選擇在這裏午餐,在網上OpenRice訂位,還可以拿九折,那就決定在這裏用餐慶祝生日,我們拿了一個小蛋糕去,用餐完切蛋糕的時候,她告知我每位要收$50切餅費,我們一共八位單頻切餅費都已經$400,我們的蛋糕還不夠一磅,跟住跟服務員說可以優惠點嗎?其實$100-$200我覺得可以合理接受,但服務員解釋是以每個人計算$50,還告知我已經OpenRice訂位可以拿九折已經優惠了你們!真要跟他說,多謝晒 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-11-27
其實之前我都一年去兩次左右,我今日book 18:00,朋友18:10到達開始點單,點了原價$1480 x 2 現在特價 $1280 x 2 套餐,嘩!!上菜速度前所未有,已經叫咗唔好上咁快19:40已經上晒,19:45冇叫埋單的情形之下帶張單叫我埋單,大佬成$26xx 餐飯唔洗吹人走呀,全場一半人客都冇,又唔係滿坐,真係唔會有下次,我臨走直程同伙記講,你哋好趕時間啊。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-10-11
男友話要帶貓奴食燒肉🤩 果然值得一試😍🔸極上A5黑毛和牛燒肉定食 $488四款唔同部位嘅A5和牛,油花咁靚又平均嘅外觀已經好吸引🤩🔸醬汁薄燒A5黑毛和牛燒肉定食 $338男友喜歡薄燒偏向油份無咁重嘅選擇,食返和牛本質同醬汁嘅味道,相對無咁油膩。🔸牛舌 $90貓奴食燒肉必追加厚切牛舌😛 外層燒至微焦,入面依然軟嫩有彈性🥹跟餐有茶碗蒸、沙律、前菜、湯同白飯。燒緊嘅時候香噴噴,但油煙唔大,食完都唔會成身燒肉味👍🏻貓奴個人喜歡西冷同羽下位置,和牛西冷肉味較濃,羽下則油脂較濃郁,款款各有特色😚薄燒配蛋汁食好滑溜😋跟餐有幾片菇同南瓜🎃甜品有蕨餅💚環境闊落幾舒服,只係窗邊位置太陽曬住,燒嘅時候愈食愈熱😅不過食完離開都冇油煙味,呢個值得讚👍🏻🐾貓奴足跡🐾🌐 焼肉而今 by 富小路やま岸 (尖沙咀)📍尖沙咀梳士巴利道18號維港文化匯K11 Musea 6樓603號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-26
「而今」意為不受過去與未來束縛,全力活在當下燒肉而今係京都米芝蓮一星懷石料理「富小路岸」的燒肉品牌,午餐有燒肉定食,人均都係$400左右,比係晚餐過千蚊我覺得好抵食座位好闊落,中間有竹簾隔開,而且基本上全窗邊位置,好開揚,最緊要係食完冇油煙味!冇油煙味!冇油煙味!每一份定食包括泡菜粟米、煮牛肉、芝麻醬沙律、湯、茶碗蒸等。茶碗蒸,湯,甜品燒肉盤就包兩片南瓜同兩件菇⭐️極上A5黑毛和牛 ⭐️A5黑毛和牛赤身@yakiniku_jikon continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)