Zaks is the largest restaurant in discovery bay.There are 5000ft in the outdoor area.In the restaurant,there are a land cruise ship for children to play and free ice-cream machine is provided.Almost every location can enjoy the sea view, upstairs lounge is only opened for age of 12 or above and customers can enjoy fireworks from Disney.There are different international cuisine available including Chinese,western,Japanese and Thai food. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Additional Information
Online Booking http://casteloconcepts.com/our-venues/zaks
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (536)
之前聖誕節去左愉景灣玩真係勁開心 第一次去聽講ZAKS 好出名好食又有靚景 所以好多人去除左我地遊客外好多居民都鍾意去就係海邊隔離 坐得幾舒服 黑白芝麻吞拿魚捲 $180呢個好驚喜呀~ 比想像中好食影相仲好靚tim🥰 半熟吞拿魚 滿滿鮮味吞拿魚厚切👍 面有啲蕃茄醬再配上蛋黃醬同沙律菜真心正🤤🤤🤤 鐵板牛肉 $198上菜勁香 熱辣辣肉質唔會乾同鞋口除左肉仲會配印度薄餅同配上炒洋蔥,甜椒仲有3款特色醬料 (牛油果醬,酸奶油,番茄莎莎醬)卷埋一齊食 無敵正🤤🤤🤤❤️Mango Juice $68✨️✨️✨️呢個最大推芒果汁 正到呢~加$20轉成超大杯夠哂2個人飲唔會死甜 超重芒果味🧡🧡ZAKS愉景灣廣場徑8-12號D'Deck 地下G04及1樓103號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-08
放假去左愉景灣行下 重遊下媽媽細個成日玩既沙灘🏖️放電前最系要叉叉電🔋食飽先有氣力玩海景氣氛情調非常之好✨好適合情侶慶祝餐廳❤️Zaks Nachos 招牌粟米薄脆片🌽脆卜卜好香口 配左牛肉碎醬🐄有少少辣🌶️ 但 🥟都忍唔住口食一兩啖😂😂加上牛油果醬 酸忌廉 芝士食唔停口🤤🤤House Special Pizza 招牌特色薄餅🍕 一底有6大塊🍕可以選擇厚批或者薄批餡料有菠蘿🍍腸仔 青椒🫑辣肉腸 洋蔥🧅仲有芝士🧀我哋選擇左薄批 食落脆卜卜Kids Menu👦🏻👧🏻Captain Scuppers Fish Bites 炸魚薯條🍟一上菜🥟急不及待已經搶先要食薯條😂😂如果炸魚黎講 我哋會鐘意赤柱既比較多啲始終炸漿唔同 口感唔同小朋友餐會送一杯雪糕🍦🤤🤤另外叫左個Coffe Mikeshake ❤️平時飲開Mango Milkeshake 多好少會見有coffe 😳😳好香既味道 Strawberry Lychee mix smoothies ❤️2個生果味都好甜 Lychee味會比較出啲❤️❤️Pineapple juice 同 Apple juice ❤️原來叫左個Pineapple juice 比🥟飲由於用新鮮菠蘿榨汁 有啲乸喉😂所以另外叫返杯Apple juice 🥤 總體上 氣氛好好食物大件 如果下次再嚟嘅話應該想同一大班朋友嚟share更多唔同嘅食物😊😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-26
放假去愉景灣行下附近餐廳唔係好多選擇見呢間有海景 就試吓呢間基於太多人,排唔到海景位冇set全部係散叫招牌烤雞全份,啲雞勁鞋口,啖啖好似都係食雞胸,完全唔掂!招牌pizza 味道好普通,配料又唔係好多!因為勁多人,又唔夠人手,所以侍應都唔會理你咁嘅價錢,咁嘅服務同質素,真係好失望! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
其實去完先睇返,原來好多食評都有講怪自己book之前冇睇到😭個餐具污糟到咁樣都可以照包擺出嚟,同個Staff講仲要覺得毫無問題,勁唔願意攞個份俾我,一啲唔好意思都冇絕對唔推介呢一間餐廳,好多人去愉景灣都係諗住放鬆chill吓,我仲要係平安夜諗住搵間有feel啲嘅餐廳,點知食到一肚氣,完全貼錢買難受!!臨走比錢又聽到個manager 同另一位客人因booking嘈梗交,其實愉景灣真係有其他餐廳好好過呢間好多,希望大家唔好中伏! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
愉景灣海邊飲勁大杯芒果汁聖誕節🎄愉景灣真係好靚入咗去影聖誕燈飾同住咗一晚夜晚去愉景廣場個邊搵嘢食諗住試吓其他餐廳點知海邊連續幾間都係 Zaks 😅幾年前已食過一次今次同閨蜜、契女嚟食鍾意食菠蘿🍍所以叫咗Super Hawaiian pizza 超級夏威夷薄餅 $153專登選超級版,因為鍾意千島醬點知個Pizza 無乜千島醬,可能得一匙羹仔千島醬仲要偏酸嘅千島醬成個Pizza都好似無乜材料,只食到芝士味SESAME CRUSTED TUNA CHUNKS 黑白芝麻吞拿魚捲 $180呢碟就相當唔錯,半熟嘅吞拿魚香口感滿有吞拿魚嘅鮮味Mango Juice $68最鍾意呢杯芒果汁🍹加咗$20咁大杯夠我哋三個人飲,啱啱好🥰ZAKS愉景灣廣場徑8-12號D'Deck 地下G04及1樓103號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)