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Review (16)
早前朋友發現了這間在金鐘太古廣場地庫層超級市場Great café 內多了一間吃Neopolitan pizza的Pizza Pala,原來已在這裡開業半年,但最近也經過這裡好幾次,也不太擦覺它的存在,因為它的位置不太顯眼。午飯前來先點了一款薄餅來試,Pizza Margherita,Mozzarella Fiordilatte,Fresh Basil,Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Tomato Sauce,$85。焗出來的薄餅聞下充滿麵粉香,吃下餅身不會淡而無味,這點絕對令人喜愛。而薄餅邊位帶點脤起,吃起來外脆帶點煙韌,質感不會很乾。餅底不太厚身,但厚薄就有點不太平均,軟硬度因此不一。味道上,蕃茄醬帶來濃烈酸香,不過芝士份量較少,芝味不太濃郁,若芝士份量多點就會更好。記得最近到了多間餐廳吃薄餅,很多餅底都是沒有麵粉香味,真的令人費解。Pizza Pala的薄餅雖然也有不足之處,但整體來說,這裡的薄餅有實在的麵粉香,口感也不太差,改善一下的就更好吃。而且價錢不太昂貴,值得來吃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Accidentally saw some photos of this small Pizza Shop inside the Great Cafe selling Napoletana or Neopolitan Pizza, the most original Italian Pizza and has a DOC status and a global A.V.P.N association controlling the shops selling this style. The actual name of this Pizza Side is Pizza Pala..Pizza Margherita - $85Positive - Boasting that their dough is cultured for texture and flavour, and has a nice rim of Pizza 'Cornicone' Crust, when this arrived it did show some of this. The dough had the right taste and smell, it was definitely getting there. Neutral - The Mozzarella Cheese used doesn't have much flavours, and the herbs could have been cut or torn more evenly!Negative - The Pizza Base wasn't 'Hand Tossed' but pushed using hands, which made the pizza uneven in looks. The base was also too Big vs Toppings. .Cornicone Pizza Crust -A good Napoleon style pizza crust is rare to find in Hong Kong, This has some good wheaty and baking flavour. ******************************If they could improve the pizza base, the cheese quality, and make the pizza look more even - they will be onto a real winner here! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-12-20
Tried this place because I have not tried it.It is located by the GREAT supermarket in Admiralty.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Pasta and meatballs:The pasta was too hard but otherwise the sauce and meatballs were great.The sauce was nice and tangy.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Muffins with poached eggs and hollandaise sauce:The muffin was a bit too burnt and it is black on the edges as shown on the photo.The hollandaise sauce was also grilled which I don't think it meant to be grilled!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-10-03
今日係附近買野,但係咩都買唔到,買完就約左朋友食飯呢間野又唔貴,又無咩人,正正係我既選擇啦叫左個雞湯律,有D雞胸肉,底係D菜粒,如茹呀,洋沖之類.食落都幾清新,但D肉鞋左小小個PIZZA唔記得係咩啦,係好簡單既材料,有D芝士同埋D 葉,個番茄BASE都幾RICH,夠酸,O岩我,但係餅底較UN,所以成個PIZZA都好好趙.都唔錯意粉係肉九,4粒好大粒,肉味唔算濃但係食得出D 纖維,幾好,意粉AL DENTE再飲支cider,爽 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-06-13
想來點輕食,又試試GREAT入面的CAFE。先食係意大利雲吞,不過散散地,食落亦無咩味,南瓜偏向硬身,成碟都唔係咁ok。隔離超級市場的意大利雲吞應該水準更好。跟住係pizza,餅底夠脆,餡料係早餐野,有火腿同蘑菇,蛋係留心,焗得熱烘烘,幾好。甜品係芝士撻,我真係唔識形容,個底又凍又硬又粉,最正常只係雪糕。仲有要左杯咖啡,係暖都算唔上,好似沖左一段時間咁,仲要好水下,救命。食得唔滿意,下次都係食返隔離漢堡包。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)