2-min walk from Exit B, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:15 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
每次嚟銅鑼灣都必食嘅車仔麵呀最愛食三餸配油麵仲要係好甜嘅豬紅同大腸呀因為我唔食辣嘅不過佢嘅完美啲餸都係好夠夠甜嘅都係有味嘅 喺銅鑼灣又真係有一個好平嘅嘢食嘅 好耐冇去銅鑼灣呀真係好掛住車仔麵呀
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十幾年前,同D同學嚟過食,所以知道呢度有間食車仔麵的店舖,果時登龍街未有好似而家咁旺,不過以前裝修係點,已經忘記晒係咩樣喇,今次再嚟,我揀咗3餸米粉,又係點我成日點嘅豬皮、魚蛋,加菜+可樂,盛惠50元,吾算平......不過好味都是值得嘅……魚蛋夠香咖喱味,少少辣,魚蛋質地好食過通達,豬皮辣辣地,好入味,好食,其實我吾食得太辣,要清湯,但配合左D辣豬皮同咖喱魚蛋,有少少辣好惹味 ,少辣我接受到……呢度都係tick紙仔,交比店員,服務ok……
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This is my favorite comfort food in Hong Kong. The intense flavor of the marinated chicken wings and beef tendons can make me happy in the most depressed day. The hot sauce is not really that hot and you will get used to it after a few try. If you are a new bie to their hot sauce, go easy on it and ask for the “small hot”. My favorite items:Chicken wings mid sectionTurnipChivesSpicy pork skinCurry fish ballsBeef tendonsBeef brisket soup base (any of the three soup base are good, just depend on my mood).Get a Coke Zero also just to balance the strong flavor.The price can add up as you add more items. More or less items are still good depends on how deep your pocket is. I can go as little as $50 or as high as $100.
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呢個真係我嘅comfort food新記車仔麵位於登龍街不嬲都有好多人排隊有時經過都會食下因為佢呢度嘅辣汁真係好滋味有幾款餸我特別鍾意辣豬紅🐷用滷水汁煮咗好耐入面有美味嘅辣味,話梅味,滷水味而且十分之爽口唔會一咬就碎晒白蘿蔔呢度嘅白蘿蔔應該係我食過嘅車仔麵入面最甜而且佢會將外面嘅皮批左好多所以你食落去都唔會有好多渣滷水雞翼🐥滷水得十分之入味而且雞肉亦都保持嫩滑不過份量真係唔多大食嘅人可能要加底先夠
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