2-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (24)
Level4 2016-07-17
朋友請食飯選了這裏,我們一行四人坐在窗邊的枱,景色不錯。我們決定散點,因為可多試幾個菜式。前菜點了荔枝串茄,十分清甜,入口卜一聲的爆汁,口感極佳。另一前菜椒鹽豆腐就是一般正常水準。當然也有試藍腳菇釀雞翼,濃濃菇香在切開雞翼的瞬間溢出,叫人食指大動!主菜我們選了蝦(檸汁和胡椒各二),煎倉魚和黑松露雞。蝦很大隻勁爽口,雞炆得軟腍入味,十分不錯。甜品是香芒豆腐布甸,很香很滑又不太甜,為豐富晚餐畫下句號 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This restaurant is a concept by the Swiss watchmaker Franck Muller, providing fine dining experience to customers by offering a new exclusive and private setting, and the cuisine is a contemporary Cantonese with a western fusion touch. Located behind Times Square on Sharp Street, this is the second time I came to the restaurant in a week. I am sharing my experience on the latest visit because of the special menu I requested.First on the ambiance. The restaurant is not busy on the night, and we have our own private room, with a good size table and comfortable seats, and having a view looking at Times Square. The general decoration is elegant and modern, with a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. Certainly getting us off to a good start on our dinner.Like I said, I chatted with Head Chef Chan early in the week to fix a menu. So I have to admit I came with high expectation. But everything was so well delivered that we got a lot of wows on both the presentation and flavors. The starter is a trio, with Brine French Foie Gras, Holland Cherry Tomatoes in Lychee Sauce, and Scallops in Yuzu and Osmanthus. The scallops are tender and paired perfectly with the yuzu and osmanthus to bring in an extra freshness of floral and citrus, while the foie gras was soft and melting in the mouth, marinated by the brine superbly. The tomatoes was soaked in the lychee sauce to give the sweetness, balancing well with the acidity of the tomatoes. This trio really got us even higher on expectation for the coming dishes.Next is Golden Pepper Baked Prawn, with the prawn baked just right, and the sauce is prepared from some green and Sichuan peppercorn providing some spiciness but not crazily hot. And apart from those the sauce also had some crab yolk to give further flavors. On the side there are crispy deep fried purple sweet potato shreds which are great together with the sauce.Then it came the soup, which is a Rich Fish Soup with Crab Meat and Bird's Nest. According to Chan, the fish soup is made from boiling a large portion of fresh fish and reduced that to only a few bowls so it is very rich and tasty. The creamy fish soup was by itself phenomenal and when added to the crab meat and bird's nest, the delicate flavors from those complemented nicely with the soup and I have to admit I finished the whole soup in no time!Following is the Crispy Dried Scallops with Baby Geoduck, Cellophane Noodle and Asparagus Lettuce. Again, the freshness of the geoduck can be tasted immediately, with the sauce made from shrimp and crab yolk soaking well to the noodle and asparagus lettuce shreds, and on the texture both the tender clam contrasting beautifully. My only recommendation was to make the sauce a bit less salty.Now is the time for the fish, which is a Thai-style Sour and Spicy Garoupa. Taking the meat out and then wrapped in bean curd skin to fry, the fish is then served with a light tom yum sauce. The fish is really soft and smooth, and the bean curd skin allowing a chewy texture to supplement. The sauce provides a fusion style and is a nice try to combine the two cultures.Next came the Baked Okinawa Pork Marinated with Herbs, which is another fusion dish prepared in western style. The pork is marinated first with mixed vegetables and then coated with herbs before baking to the correct level to maintain good juiciness. Pairing with some salad which balances the fat from the meat, it is another good example how Chef Chan creatively combined the dish to the Chinese menu without us feeling awkward or unmatched.Like all Cantonese dinner we need to have some carbohydrates and the Stir-Fry Crab Yolk Braised Noodle Skin is a perfect wrap-up. The rice noodle skin is first braised in crab yolk to soften and seasoned, and then it was stir-fried. It was not oily at all and each shreds is also separated instead of lumping together. This is a good test of the chef's skills.Finally on dessert it was Sweet Dumplings in Ginger Tea with Red Dates and Dried Longan. The dumplings are made using the special Japanese rice flour, giving a very chewy and smooth mouthfeel, with nice fillings of coconut. The soup is similar to those you would have after eating hairy crab, but it was less spicy from the ginger and with the right sweetness too.I have to say it was one of the best Chinese dinners I had for a while, and on each dish Chef Chan personally coming over to explain how it was prepared and the special features certainly giving us extra knowledge on the food and enhancing the overall experience. The services are also impeccable with the right attention and privacy provided to us to make this meal very enjoyable.The price is $2,866 for two, which is in my opinion a good value given the quality of the food, the atmosphere, the experience and the exclusivity. I certainly will come again often and maybe with more people so we could try their other dishes which would need more people in order to prepare.My overall rating is 85/100. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-08-16
新派中菜Happy Friday又怎可少得了吃貨呢於Openrice看到這餐廳當然要來這一試這幢大廈平日對我來說並不起眼但原來這也有好幾間食肆先到這餐廳門口環境裝修已吸引我而且座位寬闊不錯不錯基於前一天預約時餐廳的人一早已Email Menu給我而我就選了今晚這款翠綠桂花魚翅盞味道沒甚麼特別黃金胡椒蚧皇焗龍蝦反而這個有驚喜醬汁配得很好28頭吉品鮑扣鵝掌平日吃的鵝掌都是連骨的但這裡真好骨已起最適合女士蚧肉燕窩羹這個可以吧我還是比較喜歡杏汁燕窩用來做湯羮味道就普通點汁燒鷹䱽魚這個魚肉本身都不差加上份量剛好福祿萬壽麵這個其實不算差只是真是對我來說太咸了整晚最令我驚喜的就是這甜品平日我都不愛吃甜開頭看到這甜品我也以為我只會淺嚐但想不到這香芒豆腐慕絲一點也不甜而且有清清豆腐味然而桂花啤梨甜度我亦可接受這甜點也真是全晚最大驚喜 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
XO仔讀書唔叻,中文水評只有小六程度,真係連自己都唔敢相信有能力可以寫到第三百編食評 !為咗要隆重其事,今次主題經過精挑細選,以表達感恩及慶祝之情!舊年OpenRice十五歲生日喺銅鑼灣「Eighteen Sharp」度擺酒,晚宴當晚剛好又係感恩節,雙重意義下小弟被邀出席,深感榮幸萬分 !小肥都係因為參加生日會先知名牌鐘錶品牌Frank Muller喺銅鑼灣核心地段新開咗間四層樓高o既旗艦店。大廈藍綠色o既外牆燈型中帶潮,左手邊以白燈照射o既廣告牌亦好搶眼,地點方便,而且唔難搵。旗艦店其中兩層為品牌核下o既中、西餐廳,OpenRice揀選o既「Eighteen Sharp」就係Frank Muller三樓o既中菜廳。餐店取名「Eighteen Sharp」除咗同街名Sharp Street半有關連之外,其實係寓意晚餐時間十八時正(即下午六時)開始;名錶廠o既食肆以時間提名,有意思!有意思!樓底高o既「Eighteen Sharp」以黃燈照明,天花吊著閃爍o既水晶燈飾,室內一片金碧輝煌 ;名牌店舖果真氣派十足,富麗堂皇!壽宴一早已排好位,賓客只需對號入座。餐桌上見到不少OR界o既表表者 ,巨星食評家能夠聚首一堂,真係唔講得笑!每個座位除咗有名牌,仲有菜單一份,共列出十二款餸菜,極為豐富。試問佳餚又點可以冇美酒相伴呢?!當晚酒品全部都得過奬架,來頭一啲都唔野小。盛宴準八時由董事經理Jan小姐揭開序幕 。看過短片,碰杯飲勝過後,服務生隨即送上前菜拼盤。 五前菜之荔枝荷蘭串茄:小肥唔多食蕃茄,因為怕酸同唔鍾意層蕃茄皮。今次大廚先將蕃茄去皮,再用荔枝汁醃製,效果甜美多汁,仲一次過解決哂兩大問題,搞到小弟不得不寫個「服」字 ! 五前菜之桂花腰果、乳香白肉卷、黑松露松茸松葉蟹腳:細佬對腰果敏感,故不能食用。碟前方兩件乳香白肉卷呈半透明狀,原來係五花腩薄片夾入咗層醬蘿蔔,師傅喺肥膩o既食材入面巧妙地加插消滯o既酸菜 ,白肉卷不但入口唔油膩,食落軟中帶份爽脆,好特別。擺放喺拼盤中央o既黑松露松茸松葉蟹腳味道係五款當中最為香濃,黑松露芬芳撲鼻,蟹腳鮮甜幼嫩,如果份量可以成二或三就更為美滿 。 五前菜之沙律菜燒汁牛肉卷:卷物o既牛肉皮層個燒汁味其實唔錯,不過卻捲入火箭菜作餡,令口中增添咗陣苦味同乾感。幸好最後食埋墊底件蜂蜜菠蘿,感覺頓變醒神又醒胃,成功挽回不少分數。 黃金鳯翅藏玉液:將炸雞翼形容為「黃金鳯翅」,再以「玉液」美化燕子o既口水,餸名改得真係高貴,極似皇帝食用之美饌 。去咗骨o既雞翼炸得剛好金黃,外皮香脆得黎完全冇燶,內藏o既燕窩豐滿清脆,鳯翅風姿果然動人 ,唯一小肥略嫌味道偏淡。伴碟o既魷魚紫菜酸酸涼涼,算係醒胃菜式,不過酸度未必人人啱食。 法芥籽檸蜜焗海蝦:一雙海蝦背部顯然被鎅下一刀,但未有做到起雙飛o既立體形態,估計嗰刀只用作挑出腸臟。爽脆o既海蝦配上酸甜微辣o既醬汁好惹味,不過濃厚o既味道其實會蓋過蝦隻原有o既鮮味 ,所以除非海蝦為急涷貨式,否則廚房可改良醬汁以帶出海蝦本身o既鮮甜味。 黑蒜花膠燉雪雁:每碗湯品內都可清晰地見到花膠同雪雁,同桌o既食評家一邊拍照,一邊讚賞足料。燉湯黑蒜甜味濃郁,花膠腍滑香軟,整體滋潤且唔油膩。 香草焗BB骨:BB骨賣相不俗,有刀叉配備,舖排各方面都帶點西餐風格,但一食落口就知焗得過咗火位,因肉質偏嚡同乾,伴碟亦未有汁液幫忙解決問題。雖然主角失色,但配角塊菠蘿蓮藕片就好獨特 ,清爽得黎好醒胃。 油泡螺片萵筍絲:此道油泡螺片可以話係整頓晚宴中最為傳統簡單美味o既一道。油泡螺片新鮮清脆,萵筍絲翠綠爽口,無需多餘o既醬汁已覺菜式鮮甜無比 。 澳洲香牛蕃茄濃湯烏冬:單尾黎一碗熱烏冬,雖然牛肉有少少過熟,但勝在切得夠薄,入口除咗嚡咗少少之外,仍能保持軟腍,加上奶白色o既湯底香濃甜美,烏冬軟滑彈牙,實屬不錯之選。 養生茶白玉丸子:甜品係一碗滋陰養生茶,兩粒大大o既湯丸煙韌軟腍,入內o既玫瑰花瓣芳香清幽,紅棗及杞子同為甜美,糖水清潤可口,暖意甜在心頭 !OpenRice十五歲壽辰,碰巧為感恩節,於裝潢高雅o既「Eighteen Sharp」設宴款待一眾食評,XO仔有幸成為其中一位座上客,當真感激不盡 !享用完一頓豐盛o既壽酒,居然仲有可愛o既笑喊臉咕𠱸帶回家,有得食,又有禮物收,可真驚喜十足,盡興得樂而忘返! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2015-02-23
有人請食年夜飯,當然要跟傳統食中菜,但又想有點特色,所以來了試新派中菜。頭盆先來個荔枝荷蘭串茄,黑松露松茸松葉蟹腳,慢煮磯燒鮑魚,全部都好好吃,特別是荔枝荷蘭串茄,食落去好似食緊荔枝,好香甜美味,好有驚喜,要encore。再來黃金鳳翅藏玉液,香香的皮包著燕窩,這個配合不錯。主菜是法芥籽檸蜜波士頓龍蝦伴蟹鉗,這個OK,但比較西式。湯是龍皇哈蜜瓜燉晌螺,好味和牛蕃茄湯烏冬,這個好好味,濃郁的魚湯加彈牙烏冬,正!最后的甜品也是亮點,但由於吃得太飽,不能一一品嚐。一定會再回來,或者下次會先試同品牌的西餐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)