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Monthly (Negotiable)
All Branches (22)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 21:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 21:30
12:00 - 21:00
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Review (32)
Häagen-Dazs Green Tea & Lemon Ice-cream Bar $40The size was quite small. The ice-cream bar was covered by thin green tea chocolate slices. Inside the chocolate surface, mostly it was green tea ice-cream with a little bit of lemon sherbet. Green tea flavour went very well with lemon sherbet and I wish there could be more lemon sherbet. Häagen-Dazs Strawberry & Green Tea Ice Bar $40士多啤梨脆皮同士多啤梨雪糕令成支雪條好重士多味道,綠茶味道就相對好弱。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-04-12
第一次試這種新口味😊紅桑子x朱古力蛋糕之前一直都係鍾意 Rum Raisin, 今日冇呢個選擇所以就試下呢個新口味, 食落果然有驚喜, 有我至愛朱古力粒,亦有紅桑子酸酸地中和甜味,果然係好配搭, 大家都試下啦🥰店員服務好好,估唔到仲送咗張$20 coupon畀我, 下次一定要嚟再試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
雖然周圍都係Haagen-Dazs但第一次食呢間時代分店今日情人節梗係要甜甜蜜蜜開開心心🥰雪糕咩味唔流多講啦三球都好食😋一次過滿足3個願望🥹😌個窩夫格格餅乾好脆夾埋雪糕一流質素一路都維持到仲要唔洗排隊唔洗等位雪糕職員好好禮貌 見我諗唔到食咩味又有新推出口味肯主動俾我試下先確定味道nice👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻非常快唔洗等好耐 效率唔錯但雪糕都係愈嚟愈貴喇希望做多啲promotion啦☺️😂😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前食月餅有送雪糕券今日最後一日免費換啦😂嗱嗱聲趕去換雪糕店員姐姐服務態度好好👍🏻因為有幾隻味都未試過 佢先推介味道 我再揀咗三款 俾我試味先至再揀雪糕球最後揀咗期間限定嘅味🍨黑糖奶茶🧋係我見到最想食嘅味道!不過其實黑糖味唔太出 奶茶味又冇之前royal milk tea味咁清香,食完嘅感覺好似食緊類似brownies 嘅雪糕🍦一定唔難食只係聯想唔到係黑糖奶茶味香芒熱情果朱古力雪糕🍦期間限定入面有一粒粒芒果肉雖然果肉麻麻哋同佢哋出嘅哈密瓜🍈果肉係一樣質感加咗熱情果醬好Tropical又有朱古力balance番,暫時最喜歡係抹茶朱古力可惜已經冇出啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-07-13
週日逛街逛得很累 又不想喝咖啡☕️ 於是便來了Häagen-Dazs歇一下👅 點了兩份香蕉船🍌每份可以選三款口味的雪糕🍦第一份我們選了抹茶🍵、榛子朱古力🍫、紅桑莓雪芭🍧 配料有香蕉🍌、士多啤梨🍓、果仁碎、窩夫餅乾🧇、朱古力醬🫶🏻 雪糕也是一如既往的好吃 每一款都非常軟滑和濃味🥄 完全停不下來! 另外一份選擇了士多啤梨西瓜🍉、蜜糖蜜桃🍑、泡沫咖啡☕️ 配料也是一樣🫶🏻 新鮮而且份量恰到好處😝 -我們最喜歡的味道是咖啡 哈哈 而抹茶是相對沒那麼甜的〰️-家人只吃過家庭裝的Häagen-Dazs 沒有試過堂食 所以覺得很新奇 😂 整個用餐體驗也是蠻愉快的😙😙 唯一需要改善的是服務態度吧 店內的人手其實十分充足 可是他們的溝通上還有進步的空間吧 根據我的觀察發現 很多時候每位職員只顧著忙自己的事 完全沒有分工合作 故此有時亦會釀成錯漏百出的情況出現🥵 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)