1-min walk from Exit D1, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Thu - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus UnionPay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (52)
Level1 2020-09-22
見到寫住🌟No.1日本直送蜜瓜威化餅,有選擇困難症嘅我都二話不說咁簡左呢個。雪糕口感順滑,抹茶味道濃郁,奶味香,蜜瓜甜到好似浸左糖水,不愧係日本蜜瓜。​兩樣match一齊真係好夾!​ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
每次經過SOGO都忍唔住會想食下嘅抹茶雪糕🍦一路以來個水準都keep得到🥰基本上每次嚟都唔會失望😍😍😍唔單止奶味同埋抹茶味都好夠我其中一樣最鍾意嘅嘢係佢會喺杯底到加香香脆脆嘅玄米粒🤩撈埋啲雪糕一齊食 唔單止有咬口😝😝😝仲有一陣微微嘅米香味好似食緊健康嘅零食😚為呢個雪糕做左個好完美嘅ending🥰🥰🥰我個人就好推介大家行SOGO嘅時候順便買杯 一路行一路食🤣🤣🤣咁就Perfect啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
There are many types of mochi in Japan and warabi mochi is by far my favourite. It is a chilled, chewy dessert made of bracken starch. The bracken starch gives it a distinctive clear appearance and jelly-like texture, unlike other mochi which is glutinous-rice-based. Instead of the traditional bite-size pieces, i CREMERiA Dolce Giapponese in Sogo, Causeway Bay, serves their warabi mochi in gigantic cubes on bamboo stick. You can get them as takeaway or ask the salesperson to cut them into smaller pieces for immediate enjoyment by the store. The delicately soft and slightly springy mochi is similar to adorable miniature pillow. Surprisingly despite the interesting melt-in-your-mouth texture, it does not carry much strong flavour. Hence, it is served with Japanese kuromitsu syrup and soybean powder for richer taste. The sweetness of the kuromitsu syrup and the nuttiness of the soybean powder complement the mochi beautifully. You will definitely be astonished with the unique fragrant and deep taste arisen from this combination. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-12-02
We had tried different items numerous times and the quality varied. This time we tried this Warabi Mochi Parfait at an original price of $60 but halved because of promotion. The matcha soft cream was very smooth and thick and rich in matcha flavour. There were 4 pieces of mochi (2 on top and 2 at the bottom) and they were of the perfect chewy texture yet were so smooth. Very good this time, especially at a half-priced offer so that it only cost $30! The only complaint was that the quality varied across different items so you really need to know which good items to encore! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-11-25
今日崇光感謝祭全部雪糕有半價優惠揀左經典口味綠茶白玉威化筒因為好想食白玉!白玉好大粒好煙韌好好咬口👍👍👍雪糕偏軟身,唔係好濃綠茶味,但都夠甘甜紅豆剛好唔會過甜威化筒都脆口成杯都滿意如果用呢個半價價錢係值嘅不過用原價就要考慮考慮了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)