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2577 6969
6388 8389
We are pleased to introduce our restaurant RANGMAHAL Traditional Indian & Mughlai Cuisine (Certified Halal Food) idealy located at Causewaybay Near Times Square at 83 percival street , 1st floor ,Flat B ,Percival house. RANG MAHAL located at corner of Times Square building facing clock ,opposite Tram Stop on Percival Street. We offer exciting Authentic Indian Cuisine in a quite pleasant atmosphere served by talented proffesional staff. We are specialized in catering ,outdoor functions & Parties. We highlights our Catering specialization in following functional areas as follows:- 1) VIP Parties Like Cosulate Delegates Dinner party,Co-Operate Lunch and Dinner,Banker Conference dinner so on. 2). Sports Function like Dragon Boat Festival , Mini Rugby food stall at Sandy Bay so on. 3). Function Like annual day lunch , get together Dinner , Outdoor set up for adventure tour of , Stall & more. Somemore we offer set lunch HK$ 48 and there are dinner option with Papadams, Samosa , kebabs and more The speacial set dinner menu highlights the unique flavour of thr region with traditional dishes including popular seekh kebab or fish tikka & pulao made from basmati rice bathed in the lovely lucious fragrance of saffron. We do free Delivery all around the Hongkong island with the minimum amount of HK$100 and very special Discount for school students. Looking forward your kind visit to our restaurant.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
啱晒呀!今次我嚟到呢間餐廳試吓佢哋嘅菜式,咁多人推介真係有佢嘅原因。首先,個Chicken Tikka做到外焦內嫩,啖啖肉感,香濃嘅香料味令人一試難忘。跟住既Lamb Rogan Josh啊,咖喱汁香而不膩,羊肉夠腍,埋口入去即刻融化嘅口感,真係撐得住場面。至於那個Alu Gobi啊,薯仔同椰菜花嘅絕妙配搭,微微辣意中帶有家鄉嘅味道,喺味蕾上踢咗個靚仔。當然少不了班底王——Naan同Pulao Rice。Naan鬆軟得嚟保持到啲嚼勁,撈咖喱汁入口即化;而Pulao Rice嘅賣相同香味都係無得輸,每粒飯都飽滿分明,夾埋咖喱一齊食,真係夠晒滋味!食著食著,我都唔由自主地嘆咗句「正!」兼且係心底裡面真心覺得,下次有機會仲想再嚟一轉,食返啲色香味俱全嘅正宗美食啊😋🍽️👍。
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Rang Mahal Authentic Indian Cuisine 豐富印度菜咖哩羊肉($92)咖哩有5款選擇,選了印度椰汁咖哩,甜而不辣,椰汁味香,羊肉鮮嫩易入口,沒有羶味。蒜蓉烤餅($30)烤餅當然要配咖哩吃,配在一起真係好惹味!雜錦燒烤($198)包括了烤魚塊、無骨燒雞和一塊烤羊排雜錦燒烤賣相特別,味道充滿印度風味,香味濃郁。魚塊做得非常特別,燒雞肉質有嚼口,羊排香面不羶!Lassi 乳酪特飲($48)乳酪特飲香甜開胃,味道有點似奶昔,酸酸甜甜,好開胃。
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I have never felt the need to comment on any restaurant however, our dreadful experience with Rang Mahal I thought was worth sharing. We decided to have a quiet night in and order Indian Cuisine, we had picked up a flyer previously and decided we would order takeout.We accessed the online website to view the menu and placed the order through telephone at 6:54. The order we have placed was for Chicken Mikhani, Lamb Masala, Garlic Naan and Butter Naan. After waiting for about over half an hour, we called again and 7:47 and was told that the delivery was on the way and we received it roughly at 8:00 over an hour later. When it arrived, not only did the price of the Naan differ from what was shown online, but furthermore the items we received were different to what was ordered and placed on the receipt. We had received instead Samosa, Roti, Lamb Masala and Lamb Biryani. Patient and meaning well, we requested for the food to be sent back and requested to have our original order to be delivered. When we finally received it again over an hour after at 9:14 to our surprise we were given the exact same items as the previous delivery, with the exception of the Roti replaced with the Naan.We were fed up by this point and decided to have whatever was delivered to us. The Naan was not only flavorless and lukewarm, but also tough. The Biryani had chunk of unflavored white rice littered within it, the Lamb Masala was stupendously spicy even for someone of South-East Asian decent and it definitely was not worth the $194 dollars it cost us. Only we did not have the Samosa as it was removed from the delivery as the delivery boy realized last minute it was not in our order.I have to say this was the worst experience I have ever had with any restaurant in Hong Kong.
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個日同一友人係CWB正諗緊食咩夜餐好,就見到Time Square對出有個人豎起個牌寫著"傳統印度菜"依間野,就由專人帶去大廈,再搭lift上樓。初時都幾驚,因為係d舊式的lift, 上到去又絕大部分都係印度人甘咯~! 我同友人係hk人,唔係太識英文. 有人招呼我們,比左menu, 個日都差不多係full晒既~ 氣氛同環境很好,很有印度特色,有mv睇。不過我個位置睇唔到. 叫左2人套餐. 首先上的是兩杯野飲,我叫那杯係"mango味的乳酪飲料",我覺得味道很ok呀! 乳酪味都算重~ 幾好飲! ^^ 友人說他那杯都唔錯----"Lime Soda". Raita, Samosa & Pakora都會係一齊上,附兩款source. raita冇咩特別,Samosa & Pakora都唔錯~ =] 接著落是 Chicken Tikka & Fish Tikka. 首先我們都估唔到係鐵板上~!! 都幾有驚喜~ 每人一只,味道都唔錯~主菜選左 Curry Lamb & Aloo Gobi, Naan, Pulao Rice. 我覺得d羊幾好丫!! 因為我食落係冇mug痴牙架!! 出面食成日都會痴牙但依次真係食得過咯!! =ddd Aloo Gobi整得又幾好~!! 友人食晒我中意食的椰菜花. >_< Naan& Pulao Rice都要撈下d 咖哩汁&送菜食下先比較好味~ 個反就甘食其實都有不同的味係裡面,配合埋d汁就幾岩,又唔係太辣wor~ 都岩好似我依d食得少少辣的人食。=] 食完真係好full. 以我甘的食量,大家都覺得3個人食就岩。服務幾好,幾nice~^^ 之後都調左比較涼d的位&睇得到MV. 其實我覺得成個氣氛都幾好的,可能都因為個mv都播住d歡樂的歌。見到佢地信服的神明擺左係酒吧位旁邊。
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當日12點去到,直至食完都係只有我一枱客,尤如包場,舒適寧靜之餘有點憂心店內生意大部分既菜式都有大量薯仔同雞塊Samosa不油不膩,但入面幾乎塞滿薯仔,一開始食完一個已經覺得濟,即刻食下蔬菜條解濟蔬菜條新鮮爽脆,仲幾清甜Buffet offer既係普通roti,由於佢既咖喱比較稀,所以都幾難點Roti乾身但幾有麵粉香,而且係order貨,即叫即焗,趁熱食仲有YOGURT可以自己加落飯,咖喱等等,幾開胃有4款蔬菜咖喱,相中可見好多薯仔,食完都好易濟 不過我最欣賞係南瓜咖喱,幾特別,香辣之餘有d南瓜清甜,仲有好多南瓜粒,落足料架有3款雞咖喱,好足料好多雞件同香料雞件煮至軟身,但不柴不爛同埋好香雞味最好味係CHICKEN MASALAtandoori chicken好香燒烤味,食落外層乾身但內裏多汁嫩滑餐廳提供白飯同炒飯,當然揀炒飯啦粒粒米都好分明,香得黎唔會過硬甜品只有一種,櫻桃custard原來係一般見到既椰子custard變奏版有糖水櫻桃,睇落好靚但估佢會好藥水味,點知食入口甜得黎好溫和,仲有清新櫻桃果香,完全唔係人工味少少地食左三次,好抱歉已經食左佢7成咁多果日係on diet 已經食少左好多,但都好似唔係正常人份量老板同廚師都好好人,佢地都唔會怪我食得太多太耐阻住哂(曾經因為大食而被某餐館老板鬧每次拎野食果陣老板都會行過黎介紹同埋幫手,又不時斟水遞餐具但呢間既食物比較淡,溫和派,可能係為左迎合香港人口味啦 失左d分不過BUFFET既餐具好勤換,唔驚溝埋哂D味同烏糟
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