Exit F2, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
傳統四川菜餚以複雜的麻辣口味見稱。袁師傅精心鑽研出一系列傳統家鄉四川省著名的辛辣滋味,讓食客品嚐其「中式老店」風味佳餚。 餐廳覆以竹材天花及深沉的木質裝潢,帶領食客返回成都著名的傳統街道 ─「寬窄巷子」及古老房屋,營造充滿傳統四川特色風味及溫馨親切氛圍。與此同時,餐廳亦飾以大型橡木門,並置有深色木椅。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
巷子三大炮 魚香青豆 麻辣牛肉 蒜泥白玉
Review (26)
Level1 2014-02-12
第一次寫食評 哈哈今次試既係位於希慎既 "寬窄巷子" 主打川菜**以下文字與圖片順序**點左三樣野第一樣野緊係要試佢地既"四川擔擔面"啦。可惜的是不是如期中的味道 先講湯底 顏色紅紅的 飲落去得辣味 沒有應有既麻醬味 如果你係都要話有既 咁應該要係個口"朗"幾下先feel到 。 而面底亦係強差人意。 食過去係好"淋" 好似煮左好奈。煮過龍個隻款。 失望第二道菜係辣子雞。 亦係待應推介我地食既一道菜色。賣相真係幾好。急不及待食第一舊雞。發覺雞係冇味辣味的。 好似同辣椒搭台咁。小小辣比到唔到我。 最後朋友建議同辣椒一同吃 。不失為一個好方法 。雞既調味幾好而辣椒亦都ok脆口第三道係雞汁煎餃。我覺得係三道菜入面最好食的一道。因為佢夠熱。同埋賣相好cute 係有層"衣"係面 。而 咬落去明顯見到好多湯汁係餃入面。 味道亦不錯 。可以一試。間野另外係會有茶比你選擇 。 而我選擇了"人參綠茶". 杯野係冇味的 即係平時沖茶沖左三。四次的茶味 .叫左待應加左一次茶葉。 但。。。。。都係算吧啦。另外人參兩個字係多餘的。最後要講下間野既裝修 。真係幾靚 。因為咁先入左去食 好有中式既風格。 好鐘意佢門面既燈籠 。好靚。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-01-23
今天下午和好友到寬窄巷子吃午飯,叫了兩客午飯,女待應態度不大好,問她這菜是什麽,答到不知所喟,叫好了麻煩給两杯水,呢到無水俾,叫八宝茶18或叫豆漿10,態度很差,終於叫了2杯豆漿,到湯來了一飲咸到嘔和隻碗的姴痕很深,見到都唔開胃,两隻餸一個牛腩沙窩3粒硬牛2粒蘿蔔凍的,豆付非常硬和咸,生煎飽凍和硬,掟落街會掟死人,兩個蒸餃又是凍的,叫侍應換了水餃,我說一定耍熱,麵來了好像給乞兒食加埋30多條,水餃來了又是凍的.我非常激氣.我想這間店應該過唔到正月15,影衰晒D香港食肆. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Red Almond has become one of my favorite Chinese restaurants in Hong Kong - it serves excellent Sichuan food in a relaxed, quiet atmosphere.  If you get a table near the window, you can also enjoy views of Causeway Bay.  I have eaten here both for lunch and dinner on numerous occasions, and I have ordered off the set lunch menu and also the a-la-carte menu.  Both menus are excellent.  For Openricers' reference, here is a photo of Red Almond's set lunch menu, which is an excellent value.  I especially appreciate how they give the diner various courses and options, which allow the diner to try a variety of dishes:I highly recommend the "wok fried prawns with scallions & coriander" (鹽爆蝦球), which are available on the set lunch menu and the a-la-carte menu -- this dish is absolutely delicious -- the prawns are large and always cooked perfectly, and the relish of scallions, coriander, and garlic are a wonderful accompaniment and do not overpower the flavor of the shrimp.  This dish -- which is not spicy -- is an excellent dish to order to balance out spicier dishes you may also order.  Some other dishes I also strongly recommend (these are all available on the a-la-carte menu, and some are available on the set lunch menu): mapo tofu 麻婆豆腐 (among the best I've had in Hong Kong), crispy chicken fillet with Sichuan peppers (川味辣子雞), double-cooked pork sauteed with leeks, peppers, and other vegetables 回鍋肉 (I do not recall the exact English name as printed in Red Almond's menu, but I think my rendition here is similar), pot-stickers filled with pork and chicken stock 雞汁鍋貼餃, the pork wontons topped with garlic & chili sauce 老牌龍抄手, and, from the appetizer section, sliced pork belly with garlic, coriander, and scallion 蒜泥白肉 (I do not recall the exact English and Chinese names of this dish as printed in Red Almond's menu, but I think my rendition here is similar).  Red Almond's interpretation of this appetizer dish is extremely novel - it is served in rolls of pork, stuffed with scallion and coriander, and topped with a garlic sauce.Here is a photo of some dishes I ordered as part of the set lunch menu - you can see the aforementioned prawns and wontons:Red Almond is conveniently located in Hysan Place, and the restaurant atmosphere is comfortable, and the decor is elegant (without being pretentious).  Service is friendly and good -- sometimes I have had to chase for a dish I ordered because the wait was a bit too long, but this is very minor, and the service staff was quick to rectify the situation.  A-la-carte main dishes range from approximately 60-130 HKD (note that this is a rough range intended only as a guide), based on what you order.  In conclusion, Red Almond is now one of my go-to-places when my friends or I want to have non-Cantonese Chinese cuisine.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-12-17
上次黎已經係一年前,平時太愛食辣,不過身邊D朋友就好少好辣,自從上次之後我真係一直都想返黎食,耐何無人陪我,終於都有機會返黎再戰水煮魚~我地兩個人食都唔使食好多嘢,只係嗌左個雞絲粉皮﹑黃金豆腐蝦仁,當然唔少得水煮魚~不過今次水煮魚無得揀桂花魚…勁失望可能係我太想食,期望太高,雞絲粉皮係冷盤無咩特別,黃金豆腐蝦仁都OK,唔會好咸,清清地~不過最失望嘅就係我期望以久水煮魚…好難食…出黎唔夠熱,D魚肉係硬嘅,無咩辣味,得個油字…簡直令我想喊…係唔係個師父轉左呢?不過今次之後,我都唔會想再黎= = continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-09-29
環境打造得古色古香真係會令人心境平靜D係咁多人煩躁既CWB,一上到黎,係冇咩客人既時間,仲要對住落地大玻璃窗即刻心情都寧靜一D木材傢俱,加上懷舊紙質既餐牌,好有味道依到主打四川菜,我唔食得辣既,叫左個唯一唔辣既雞汁鍋貼餃上到黎有驚喜,個樣幾得意欣賞佢餃子整到有個薄脆KEEP到熱度同入口香脆比起得一隻隻餃子黎講多左層次入面又多餡又JUICY,皮又夠薄煙煙韌一定要叫黎食下另外三樣都係辣的,酸辣豆腐,家鄉鴨舌同鱔段粉絲酸辣豆腐同家鄉鴨舌達到水準豆腐夠滑但冇咩豆香,酸味都唔係好出但整體合格鴨舌就細小左D,唔係好夠肉不過鐘意佢入到酒味,惹味但個鱔段粉絲好失望我誤會左以為係炒的點知只係辣油浸住鱔同粉絲成百元我就覺得好唔值又唔係特別好食但OVERALL黎講對依到感覺唔錯尚有其他菜色都想一試算係有心機既一間店 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)