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Review (53)
I was walking from Times Square for Gelano's Cafe...looking for set lunch. I was walking on Gloucester Street, when I happened to pass by the refurbished Towngas Avenue.The roadside restaurant was gone, replaced by the Towngas store. I looked at the Paterson Street side of the shop where the store used to be and to my surprise, found the restaurant relocated to that side.Noticing the menu hung up on a stand near the Paterson Street door, I looked at it. I saw a set menu of Greens and Tomato, Lentil Soup, choice of Spring Chicken, Beef Fillet, Salmon and Sichuan Noodles (or was it Stir-Fried Noodles?) and unspecified dessert. All these options look airline-inspired but then again I've been fond of airline food since young. Although I badly wanted a Gelano's lunch, my curiosity got the better of me and asked if the lunch menu was still available. It still was so in I went.If impressions are formed in the first minutes (or 10 seconds) in job interviews, it's roughly the same with restaurants. In the first minute, they did two things right:1. They sat me on a big windowside table where I have a view of Paterson Street and can read a magazine when I've shoveling my food. I don't get why Outback Steakhouse (the one at Causeway Bay in particular) insists on putting me at the bar or in one of the inner corners.2. When I sat down and ordered water (I was half expecting to be asked sparkling or still – after all they was a big bottle of fancy Italian mineral water on the table), the waitress turned around to a nearby iced water jug and poured me a big tumbler of water. Given the 30+C road temperature outside, that's exactly the thing I need. It felt so good I couldn't resist photoing it (hence start of this review).Okay after my thirst is quenched I started ordering. I ordered the set menu with Spring Chicken and started typing some Facebook notes.First up is the Greens and Tomato. The Greens were unremarkable and I finished them in one go. The Tomato was fun – it came with this nutty sauce (can't remember what it's called) and it went very well with the Tomato.Then came the soup. It’s meant to be Lentils and Ham I think. Both flavours were present and complemented each other. It was a good soup even though there wasn't much of it.Then came the main dish (alternate photo here: http://gourmet.esdlife.com/uploads/2008/08/signature-dish2-lo.jpg). The Spring Chicken was tender, well seasoned, appetising and easy to eat. There was a nice surprise with the green shoots in the bottom, it complemented the chicken well.Finally the dessert, which turned out to be Vanilla ice cream with dried orange slice and grass jelly (I have a photo but I can only put four photos up...and I wanted to show the water tumbler). The coffee was unremarkable ground coffee but the dried orange (mandarin ) slice was enjoyable chewing into when I dug into the Vanilla ice cream. And there was a further surprise in the end – HSBC, BoC and Hang Seng had 10% discount. I first thought it was 15%, and the manager (who brought me the bill) looked hesitant in giving it, but still 10% did come off my bill (since for four dishes it was $158 + 10% - all bills >$150 were eligible for discount).Overall a great experience in detail and as the sum of the parts. I arranged dinners there before and I'll continue to do so with this new refurbished place. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2008-03-19
見門面那麼漂亮,很多年前已很想入去吃晚飯,見報紙推介有半自助餐吃,咪諗住一試,當日是星期六,訂位時仲話要第六個waiting list,點知星期五已打電話來話有位啦,去到又不是太多人,我仲見有些是walk in 都入到。那個半自助餐的主菜真的差勁,男朋友點了日本豚肉,又欠豬肉的鮮味,又嚡一點也不好吃,仲要好大份添,扒王之王的黑豚肉都好吃十偣,食完都吃不落其他東西。我份銀鱈魚拼盤味道雖較日本豚肉佳,但又太油膩。不過好彩頭盤和甜品也勉強OK。頭盤的份量很少巧,可以多吃幾款,好吃的有炸芝士、帶子、蟹餅。其他的都是不吃為妙。而最攪笑的是蔬菜類點了西蘭花,但竟然只上了兩粒西蘭花,實是奇怪兼小家。甜品方面,軟朱古力、蜜瓜都不錯。但有部份甜品有出水現象,如意大利芝士杯,疏乎里,那就扣了不少分數。總括而言當晚的水準並不達標。要付出每人三百多元,但吃那些東西就不太值了,那些錢已可以吃一頓不錯的酒店自助餐了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-03-06
一間餐廳要變種做buffet形式,就是沒落的時候.真是沒有錯.先不要講食物質數.講服務,我去過lunch也在昨天晚上食過晚飯,所謂Manager的,真是呆吓呆吓,沒有熱情的招待,也沒有好好帶領他的部下.餐廳人客不足30人,一半不足,但order經常出錯,連那個位置點了什麼菜也沒有寫好,侍應也沒有主動替客人換碟,這是收取每人超過350元的服務水準嗎,更加沒可能是fine dining or fine gourmet的level.entree,soup,vegi,dessert,pasta,需然是任叫,但份量非常細少,我點了的goose liver,田螺,三文魚tartar,也未達水準,soup也非常普通,dessert ok. Maincourse份量都幾大,其實食了maincourse根本就冇可能再食其他任點任叫的菜,所以這般的收費也絕不便宜.此外,open kitchen也是亂七八糟,非常chinese,真感慨當年開業時的美譽,今天可因管理不善落得如此下場. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-02-15
真係估唔到…禁差! 2008年2月6日下午12:45公司LUNCH老細話食年幾前食過呢間幾好, 咪唸住唔洗錢又未去過, 試下囉! 趕住出門口, PRINTOPENRICE評語一邊行一邊睇, 嘩! 好大比數係差喎! 老細D口味一向都怪怪地, 佢鐘意食D無肉味既肉, 希望有奇蹟出現! 平時日日行過見到都好多人食喎, 但價錢幾貴, 我呢D小市民當然只可以望門輕嘆啦! 點知原來係救自己一命, 如果我自己出錢食埋D禁既, 我一定死比佢睇!SET LUNCH價錢好似由五十幾到百幾. 我係牛精, 一定要牛SET. (好似百幾蚊) 老闆同另一個同事要同款黑菌意粉. SET包沙律同麵包ONLY, 甜品或湯要加錢.麵包–水準低, 不能同其他西餐廳相比沙律- 紅豆汁+雞肉, 難食! D味根本唔MATCH等候期間有電視睇, 內容係我地叫的意粉煮食過程, 我都係一個師奶, 一睇就知唔對路…好多油啊! 我同同事講, 好似…好似…好多油喎…希望睇錯啦! 意粉來了, 真係油立立, 六合彩又唔見我中! 而且非常細碟!到我個牛啦! MENU寫黑椒汁我都知唔對板啦! 料靚又洗物用黑椒汁喎! 我轉了燒汁. 果塊…牛…MENU話係…牛…完完全全100%無味, 無肉味, 你可以話佢係牛、豬都可以, 我食唔到係咩囉! 大家樂早餐果塊牛都好過佢100倍, 你地自己唸下佢水準幾禁”好”! 我食兩舊就投降!WAITER問我牛有咩問題, 我真係黑面地說: “都幾難食!”佢問洗唔洗轉過, 我話”唔洗!”大佬! 牛又唔掂, 意粉又油浸, 我轉物X啊!要個甜品, 什麼CREPE+SOBEN. 大佬, 啊! 唔係! 應該係大廚! 比D心機SET個MENU啦! 你個沙律已經係紅豆”稀”汁, 甜品就咪鬼又用紅豆”稀”汁啦! CREPE又係油油油, 是但一間甜品店都好過佢! WAITER又問係咪有問題, 我都費X事答佢, 語氣又唔係好!最後, 埋單有另外一位(似係總理)同我老細講已扣番個牛SET錢, 都算佢有良心.大家唔好SIDE錢啦! 真係好差啊! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2007-12-13
雖然食物質素不錯, 服務ok, 環境舒適, 仍是貴了點. 個人認為這餐\廳仍有不少details 位可改進更好. 吃過set dinner後, 就算客觀的覺得\"物與價\" 合理, 心裡也仍奇怪地覺得有某些原因...他是未能到達這價錢的水平的....這是第三次幫襯了,才第一次點set.兩個頭盤: 三文他他+ 沙律都\"非常精緻\" 的. 幸好用的都是designed碗碟..不然看下去有點寒酸了!湯: 龍蝦濃湯:用espresso 杯盛著.... 不用介意份量了, 因為是濃湯, 喝得多喉嚨會很嗆... 味道是蝦膏蟹膏那種超濃郁的海鮮味.. 以大眾化的角度看, 質量算不錯~(曾經在米芝蓮一星餐\廳享用過這類濃湯, 別人上的份量比這兒的還要少一點, 當然味道更香濃了!)三個main dishes :1st 蟹腳墨汁麵, 2nd Sea bass, 3rd Rib eye每份份量都是少的, 然而味道都不錯:這似乎務求要你每款都試一試, 下次再來就可主點一份來吃一樣. 我覺得這TASTING的構思很不錯, 回想來怪不得點SET DINNER 之時沒有問我主菜吃什麼了~蟹腳肉的份量多, 麵沒特別.sea bass 正正常常的好吃啦, 或許\有朋友不喜歡吃魚肉結實的sea bass 就會覺得不夠滑有點韌,吃了幾道菜餐\以為rib eye 一樣很細小, 誰知猜錯了, rib eye 大小比正常的沒太大差別....小少少啦. haha!最後有兩款甜品菠蘿雪笆, 心太軟+ 雪糕我們要求咖啡也一起送上, 原來還有cookies 兩片呢~整晚的服務都比想像中好, 可能我們坐的位置又在角落, 所以覺得很安靜舒適. 另外, 欣賞的是刀叉餐\具的細心--- 已經不多地方真的由外到內排好餐\具備用, 更給你換魚刀吃魚了! 這方面值得一讚!ps 我們另點了mussels $98, mussels 很細隻不過又很好吃, 份量比想像中多, 都可一試!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)