5-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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The interior design of this Western-style bar is mixed vintage and modern style. You can enjoy different entertainment facilities and many kinds of alcoholic beverages here, which is a nice place for gatherings.
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Opening Hours
19:00 - 02:00
Mon - Fri
17:00 - 02:00
Sat - Sun
19:00 - 02:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
This is a bar and restaurant. Before 9 pm, most of the people are dining and after9pm, people start to play games and music starts to get loud. As a bar andrestaurant, I never expect the food to be brilliant as a bar(wine) always comes beforethe restaurant. Yet Zerve has performed pretty well in their dishes! One notable dishwould be the pork knuckle. It is in a great portion with nice and crispy skin. Theportion is so big that we better use our hands to tear it apart and enjoy with sipsof beers. Besides, the free snooker session is entertaining as well. We havegreat food, icy cold beer and have fun with snooker. It was a great night!
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之前都黎過Zerve同一大班朋友慶祝生日,今日兩個女仔行過附近,又上黎飲杯酒,同試吓呢度嘅嘢食先😋上到黎嘅時候係7點幾,未算多客,馬伕會先幫我哋量體溫同消毒雙手,我哋揀咗一張靠牆嘅高枱坐,環境都唔錯。上次黎有同朋友玩吓啲酒game,例如beer pong, pool, darts, etc.今次就想靜靜哋飲嘢傾計,不過因為係星期五,一到8:30後已經好多人黎玩table games,所以都幾嘈吓。不過我哋張枱細,同對方嘅距離都可以傾到計嘅。Frozen ($88, happy hour get one free)我見frozen個名咁靚就叫咗呢杯normal cocktail,外表果然冇令我失望。味道方面,佢好容易入口,酸酸甜甜,好飲,適合新手飲🤪Long Island ($98, happy hour get 1 free)朋友叫咗杯long island,但酒味太重佢飲唔慣,所以只係飲咗好少,因為係happy hour有買一送一,佢嘅第二杯就轉咗啤酒🤣食物方面首先叫咗homemade chicken wings ($98)啲伴菜係全生同好硬,食唔到嘅。但個雞翼就幾唔錯!佢將每隻雞翼都分開兩面,所以食起上黎只有一條骨就方便得多,味道都幾好,唔會有陣炸粉味👍🏻之後叫咗risotto($98)Risotto入面有好多蟹肉,都算真材實料,但個汁就略嫌唔夠多同唔夠濃。而且有哦飯會痴埋一舊,扣咗啲分。最後仲叫咗啲魷魚($88)送酒魷魚係點都唔會錯嘅😋唯一一樣就係份量可以多返啲,兩個女仔都係啱啱好夠咋🤣
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剪完頭髮成十點幾,搵咗間bar順便食埋嘢。位置都好方便,就喺耀華街。上到嚟環境好舒服,Staff服務好好同好好傾!仲會主動問覺得呢度環境食物點打開Menu 唔算太多選擇,但勝在佢夠精!Spaghetti Aglio個樣奇貌不揚 食落辣辣哋好香蒜味 好好食Cheesy Hot dog with Zerve's入面有chilli sause 一聞已經聞到好香牛肉味 薯條仲有黑松露味!Lychee Valley藍色嘢飲好靚 好似荔景梳打咁 好fresh 仲有果肉
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環境非常好,有大量電視,食物好食又唔貴,有靚仔waiter,親切有禮。👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Drinks:Salty DogLychee ValleyDishes:意粉[Spagetti Carbonara]足料又大份 超香野菌同忌廉味 🤤🤤🤤😍😍😍肉肉[Baby Back Ribs]Back ribs大份得黎 好厚肉兼且非常嫩滑juicy,同平時食開干珍珍又硬嗰啲完全兩回事。薯條又粗又香口仲一啲都唔油。超讚😙!
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