4-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
2234 7188
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
Level4 2015-06-11
平時有朋友生日,多數都是去大型連鎖西餅店買蛋糕吧~(又總有人會有一兩張餅卡幫補)食得多用cream與雪芳蛋糕堆砌出黎的生日蛋糕(偶爾也有特別的味道或外型讓大家興奮一會兒),彷彿忘掉了蛋糕可以有多美味~Zoe的蛋糕出名好食,以前曾經堂食幫襯過一次。今次試了以店名「Zoe」為名的生日蛋糕,Hazelnut cream with crunchy chocolate base。外型是少有的三角形,讓我們分蛋糕時有點少苦惱(笑)hazelnut cream香味濃郁,口感滑而不膩,一吃就知是高級蛋糕店的出品。蛋糕口感則非常鬆軟,入口即溶的滑溜。Crunchy Chocolate base是我們最欣賞的部份,十分脆口。雖然蛋糕真的很好吃,但價錢偏貴,5" or 7"的蛋糕由$240~$300不等,是連鎖店的一倍價錢!大家若想試試高質素的生日蛋糕,當然Zoe是一個不錯的選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-03-11
今年的生日,J小姐給我買來這個Zoe的生日蛋糕。Chocolate Mousse Square 5" $240蛋糕呈正方形,上面是一大塊金邊的朱古力,右下角有一個以朱古力做成的紅色的蠟封章寫上品牌的名字,造型簡單而美觀。朱古力慕絲質地軟滑,入口滑溜而且朱古力味道恰到好處,香濃而不會過甜,底層更有一層蛋糕餅底,令整個蛋糕更有口感陣次,美味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-11-13
今時今日無論過江龍或本地薑精品蛋糕店, 落地開花插到香港週圍旗,鬥得死去活來, 好不精彩。蛋糕越賣越美, 價錢亦越來越進取但相信一分錢也未必一分貨, 口味呢家野真係見人見智。小妹很多年前第一口吃 ZOE 的ZOE 時, 印象頗深, 此終是那些年啊,一切只留在腦海中。今日不愛ZOE 愛OPERA $40 (我認我係好多心)。SIZE 7.5 x 2.5 cm 夠迷你, 兩啖KO 無問題。至於味道就如朱古力加咖啡蛋糕, 呀… … 中間還有一層CREAM真係做得好HEA下,試一次就知有幾把鬼,面係人地比。。。。。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
蛋糕款式不算少但真的感覺都很普通像美心西餅也會買得到的貨色而且外觀也毫無特色就圓圓或方方的而且很細件,價錢最平的$38 /件,這個價錢跟tony wong差不多,可是tony wong好吃太多亦有特色太多,我點了lychee & rose cake,坐下才知道有min. charge, 而且是 每位 $60 再加一,這裡最便宜的食品其實已經是$38件的cake,它的餐牌字體十分難看是那種以為很有藝術氣質的英文潦草,我沒有心機看,點了很basic的熱朱古力.lychee & rose cake  - $38, 完全沒有lychee味,奇怪的是中間有層朱古力,頂層亦有層奶味mousse,很多味道一次在這個cake出現,顯得很古怪不是難吃只是$38一件的質素就完全不合格,把它放去美心西餅賣也不會覺得突兀或突出,只是這麼細件我想連放在美心賣也沒有人會有興趣。熱朱古力 - $48, 這杯東西是最過份,一喝便知是用吉百利朱古力粉開 (一大罐數十元沖很多杯的那罐!!),size就是茶餐廳的那款較高身的熱飲杯,$48?! starbucks好喝又大杯很多倍都不用這個價錢。這家cafe的裝修環境也算舒適只是收得這麼貴也好歹有張sofa seat, 這裡是全木凳,而且完全不寬敞,也沒有雜誌之類提供的每人Min. Charge收得離譜地高,而且這種只有cake和飲品cafe有什麼service可provide呢?竟然可以收加一。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-06-03
So we just finished dinner, it's 9 pm, and our appointment in Causeway Bay is only at 10 pm. Still 1 hour to kill so we looked for a place to have coffee and dessert.We stumbled upon Zoe Cafe, while on our way to Times Square. From the outside, it looks quiet (I only saw one customer near the window), and ít's also very rare to have a quite space in an area like Causeway Bay. We also usually like to try small cafes and restaurants.So we sat down, and the first thing I saw on the table is there is a minimum of HKD 50 spending per head (+10% service charge). I thought, that should be fine, and may I can get a coffee and a slice of cake at slightly over their min. spending. I was so wrong!Cakes start at 38 HKD. Coffees start at 45 HKD!I ordered Opera Cake (38 HKD) - it's a small slice of cake. With the usual sponge cake, coffee buttercream, and chocolate ganache. Nice, but I wouldn't say extraordinary. I feel the chocolate ganache lack the rich chocolate taste, although it is very creamy. I prefer the ganache more toward the dark chocolate feel/taste.Cafe Latte (48 HKD) - I am extremely disappointed with this! First, it is served in a small cup. Next, they did not heat the cup just before pouring in the coffee and milk, so the coffee is only warm, almost room temp, not even close to hot. Third, there's too much milk foam for a latte. at 48 HKD, this is such a rip off.I forgot what cake my husband ordered.The customer we saw sitting in the café left after 15 mins we were there, so we had the place to ourselves. But still the acoustic is not good, especially when the staff are talking to each other. I luckily do not understand cantonese. The design - white walls, no music, very bright lights, made the cafe feel more like a hospital cafeteria.We spent almost 200 HKD for two people, and we only had 2 slices of cake, and 2 cups of cafe latte. Not worth it. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)