5-min walk from Exit B, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
13:00 - 23:30
Mon - Sun
13:00 - 23:30
Public Holiday
13:00 - 23:30
Public Holiday Eve
13:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa AlipayHK Alipay Cash WeChat Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
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Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sea View
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (171)
                   🔥 The store assistant's recommendation of the "Drunken Fire into the Pot" special soup base is a must-try when visiting Lai! It is truly distinct. Each of the five soup bases has a distinct flavor. These include "Clear Soup Radish and Beef Brisket Hotpot," which has a rich beef soup base and a tender texture; "Unique Papaya Hotpot," which adds a pleasant taste; and "Tomato Boston Lobster Hotpot," which has a mouthwatering tomato flavor and a plump half lobster. The "Malay Bak Kut Teh Pot" features huge and succulent pork ribs and a rich bak kut tea soup foundation as well as radish and beef brisket, while the "Sichuan Spicy Hot Pot" adds a fiery and thrilling feeling and is incredibly refreshing.        🍡 In addition to meat, you must definitely sample great meatballs! Rich in cheese, the "Hand-made Cheese Shrimp Balls" are chewy, sweet, and fresh. The cheese melts and tastes amazing as soon as you bite into it!  The distinctive side stove of Causeway Bay🫕The intoxicated pot features a unique private space where a group of people may sing K party 😆 and a wide floor-to-ceiling glass to take in Hong Kong's most breathtaking sea view🇭🇰.Select the pot's bottom left and right sides 😎The Sichuan If I don't like spicy cuisine, can I still get the spicy hotpot? A healthier option is to use a coconut chicken pot soup foundation. Fish maw 🥳 Jinsha Crispy Fried Fresh Fish Skin with Salted Egg is an option.     When we booked a table at OpenRice, they assigned us to a window seat close to the entrance, although there were plenty of other options. But even though it wasn't working, they offered us a seat with a dripping air conditioner. The dining experience will be impacted, but it's serious. We paid $988 for the left half of the geoduck. The taste was passable, but the portion was little. After that, I paid $398 for a seafood plate, but when it came, two enormous inkstones were missing. The two inkstones were too little, but the staff said they missed us when I asked. There were eventually more when the staff and the cooks bargained.      When the temperature drops below freezing, it's time to switch on the side stove! Why not check out some of Hong Kong's constantly opening hotpot restaurants? I went with some pals to try this eatery today. Fresh meal is served in a lovely setting. Try it again! I gave Zuihuo the instruction to enter the pot. The base for the soup is really unique. So I gave it a shot. Four types of soup bases are available. A variety of tastes can be experienced simultaneously. Being bored doesn't scare you. Some flower gods are available for play. 🤣The plate of sauce is wonderful. The ingredients are all sufficiently fresh. You have to devour the stove's fat beef! The best Angus beef short ribs available continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我哋本身係喺OpenRice訂枱,佢安排咗我哋坐近門口嘅窗口位,但係其實有好多其他位選擇..但係佢哋俾咗個有冷氣機滴水嘅位我哋,雖然唔係好嚴重,但係都會影響用餐體驗。我哋預訂左半條象拔蚌$988份量唔係好多,味道還可以。之後order咗個海鮮拼盤$398但係嚟嘅時候少咗兩隻大硯,問返職員係比漏咗我哋,但係嗰兩隻硯實在太細隻,之後職員同廚房交涉,最後比多咗兩隻差唔多size嘅硯我哋😐我哋另外仲叫咗炸魚皮同皇帝菜等咗半個鐘都未上,之後我哋就取消咗。埋單嘅時候,佢俾咗張手寫單我哋,話個System壞咗出唔到單唔可以比信用卡,但係之前打電話嚟confirm Booking就冇提及唔可以比信用卡..淨係講話用現金,或者FPS 找數有95折。之後最終我哋都淨係可以攞返張手寫單….😐呢間火鍋店性價比超低,應該冇下次了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日天氣凍凍地,男朋友又嘈想打邊爐,決定試吓呢間喺銅鑼灣嘅火鍋店打邊爐,放左工近近地去食。一出𨋢就覺得餐廳嘅裝修好古典雅緻,而且見到座位都比較闊落。由於餐廳位於27/F,店員仲要安排我哋坐正喺窗邊,所以就可以望住好靚嘅維港景色打邊爐。醉火入鍋 $388睇完Menu發覺佢哋嘅湯底選擇都比較多,店員推薦咗醉火入鍋依個湯底俾我哋,可以一次過試晒餐廳嘅五款特色湯底。五格鍋入面分別有火焰醉蝦木瓜鍋、蕃茄龍蝦鍋、清湯牛腩鍋、四川麻辣鍋及肉骨茶鍋,每一款鍋底入面都有豐富配料,真材實料。我最鍾意就係中間嘅火焰醉蝦木瓜鍋,一上枱見到有酒浸住幾隻大蝦,然後店員會喺我哋面前點火灼一灼啲大蝦儀式感十足。另外蕃茄龍蝦鍋仲有成半隻龍蝦喺入面,夠晒足料。頂級安格斯牛小排(小)$208手打芝士蝦丸 $68黑松露蝦蟹餃 $78即炸手工響鈴卷$68三色鮮制生麵 $68什菌拼盤 $78蔬菜拼盤 $78首先講下佢既手打芝士蝦丸同黑松露蝦蟹餃,每粒蝦丸都有原隻鮮蝦,入面包住芝士,咬落去就會爆漿。男朋友作為一位黑松露控,佢最欣賞嘅就係呢一個黑松露蝦蟹餃,大大粒,咬落而且松露味濃郁,蝦肉又夠結實彈牙。頂級安格斯牛小排(小),細份既份量對兩個人share黎講啱啱好,牛味重而且油脂分布均勻,入口肉質軟嫩。每次打邊爐都必叫響鈴,呢到仲要標榜係即炸手工響鈴,size都算大舊,響鈴本身好多層,咬落非常鬆化,浸落啲湯底到索晒湯就可以試到唔同湯底既鮮味啦。最後叫咗個三色鮮制生麵,三隻色嘅面味道略有少少不同,屬於比較黏身少少嘅麵,咬落去嘅口感都幾煙靭,同時亦都好掛湯,我個人比較鐘意放入蕃茄龍蝦湯底煮,將啲麵條索晒蕃茄湯嘅鮮味。我哋亦叫咗個蔬菜同埋雜菌拼盤,種類多之餘份量亦都預得啱啱好,咁就可以每樣都食到少少而又唔會太飽。有生菜、油麥菜、西蘭花同埋秋葵等等,都幾新鮮。竹蔗茅根 $28紫貝天葵 $28飲品方面,我地叫咗竹蔗茅根同紫貝天葵黎清一清熱氣,味道清甜唔錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-02
今日同朋友試下呢間火鍋店,知道有海景,環境靚食飯心情都靚啲我地揀咗呢度個招牌醉火入鍋湯底試下,呢度有五款唔同嘅湯底 — 木瓜醉蝦鍋、蕃茄龍蝦鍋、清湯蘿蔔牛腩鍋、四川麻辣鍋同馬來肉骨茶鍋。醬料盤有好多選擇 而且夠新鮮頂級安格斯牛小排色澤同雪花都好靚,淥完無縮水, 有好香濃牛味,而且質地仍然係細緻嫩滑,又有肉汁呢個手打蝦丸好新鮮彈牙,推介~黑松露蝦蟹餃啲黑松露香濃,內餡爽口彈牙,餃子皮個厚薄啱啱好什菌拼盤有好多唔同菇食 正!蔬菜有好多款式,仲有什菌拼盤,全部都好新鮮~ 三色麵好特別,係甘筍、菠菜同墨汁,係鮮制嘅,好爽口同彈牙,連埋湯同餸一齊食好有滿足感 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-04-23
開心要打邊爐 唔開心都要打邊爐無錯 我又打邊爐啦今次再訪 - 醉鍋 醉鍋係於銅鑼灣登龍街18號V Point 27樓餐廳個view超正 係對住個維港打邊爐食物個方面 今次分別點左:-咸酸菜胡椒豬肚鍋-頂級安格斯牛小排(小)-黑松露蝦蟹餃-三色鮮制生麵-蔬菜拼盤-什菌拼盤-手打芝士墨魚丸-即炸手工 鈴卷-竹蔗茅根-羅漢果菊花茶個人大愛佢地個湯底 佢酸菜味好濃 而且佢個湯底好足料 勁多豬肚係到有興趣既朋友仔記得bookmark定@zuiguo_vpoint.hk Location : Causeway BayPrice : $400-$500/p.pEnvironment (10 is chill): 7/10Yummy (10 is delicious): 7/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)