Exit A, Central MTR Station, Exit A2, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 20:00
Public Holiday
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay EPS
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
Level2 2024-09-27
點了一個招牌涼皮,外賣,加了青瓜絲,秋葵,豌豆,一個椒麻雞,拿回家後,只有椒麻雞算是有味道,涼皮根本就沒有味道,只有辣椒的味道,你們做涼皮不用鹽,醋,糖嗎?怎麼吃? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Lunchtime撞正落雨,就唔行咁遠,近近地去basehall食lunch, 去到就試下一直聽朋友講左好耐話好好食既兩姊妹涼皮有限公司~我地兩個人係basehall都算易揾位,一坐底就qr code落單試下佢個招牌兩姊妹涼皮($38)加雞絲(另加$15),朋友就叫左個暖笠笠豆腐熱皮~一黎到見到賣相唔算話好吸引,但食落又真係有驚喜。首先佢個涼皮好滑,咬落又唔會話好似薯粉咁好煙韌,佢算係易咬果種質地,口感很不錯,我好中意👍🏻 另外就算我叫既係涼皮,但佢都唔會話好冰凍果種,反而佢係屬於室温偏涼少少既温度,食落好舒服。最後調味方面我叫左小辣,佢個辣度我覺得適中又香口,令到成個涼皮更惹味!今個lunch埋單都係$53,屬性價比之選,大推!未食過既你值得一試🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-13
位於中環怡和大廈的Bsaehall,相信係唔少中環打工仔人會去嘅飯堂,裏面有各式各樣嘅餐廳,有平有貴,任君選擇🤭兩姊妹涼皮(自選配青瓜絲&雞絲) - $62佢哋嘅醬汁調得非常好,酸酸辣辣麻麻,每樣都唔會過分搶,配上清涼順滑的涼皮,食落去非常順喉😋夏天食非常開胃、一流👍🏻而且最基本款只需要$38起,相信係中環的平價之選🤭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍜招牌兩姊妹涼皮➕配料:火炙鹹香豬五花➕黑糖桂花妃子冰粉涼皮爽口入味,豬五花超大一片,完全不輸給拉麵店的豬五花!黑糖桂花冰粉很不錯,不會很甜,桂花味很濃,配上涼粉真的一絕!🍜極品擔擔麵➕蒜泥白肉擔擔麵也很好吃,麵條有韌性,蒜泥白肉也還不錯,屬於正常發揮 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-21
After seeing lots of recommendations for this resto on Instagram, I decided to visit here with my colleagues when I realised they opened a shop in Central. .I ordered Twins Signature Cold Steamed Noodles with Salted Pork Belly Aburi. The noodle was incredibly refreshing and satisfyingly chewy. As I chose medium spiciness, the noodle absorbed the spicy sauce well, creating a flavorful combination with the cucumber slices and peanuts. However, the pork belly was served a bit cold, and was hard to bite into. One of my colleagues got Numbing Chicken with Cucumber and Wood-ear. The chicken was savoury with the spicy sauce, while the cucumber and wood-ear helped to reduce its greasiness. Another colleague chose Sliced Pork with Garlic Sauce. The pork had a fragrant aroma of garlic. It didn't absorb the sauce as much as expected though.One of them selected Konjac Flat Noodles in Twin Signature Sauce with Shredded Chicken. Didn't try it so I was unsure about the flavour, but she said it was nice..The resto is located in BaseHall, which is a food court in Jardine House. The environment is clean and spacious, allowing customers to enjoy their meals comfortably. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)