Frites is an upbeat dining venue which couples great food with fantastic beer, in a contemporary European environment. This bar is the only authentic Belgian Bar that serves no less then 5 Belgian beers on tap and with over 25 bottled beers. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon.-Sun. 12:00-23:00(22:30 Last Order)
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Grilled Wagyu Beef Brisket with Soft Olive Oil and Mashed Potato with Mushroom and Herbs Supplements Buckets of Mussels served with frites and mayonnaise Grilled Lamb Leg
Review (65)
Level3 2013-02-07
This is the second time to Frites, the first time was a few years ago. Frites House Mussels - the sauce isn't so good, mussels goodHoegaaden Mussels - mussels and the beer sauce taste goodSausage and onion starter - sausage was good but sauce lacked a bit of flavourHalf Roasted Duck with Citrus Pan Juices - the juices and salad was good but the duck was too dry. 750 Gram Roasted Pork Knuckle - meat was juicy and skin crispy, recommendedSatan beer - refreshing and fruity.Apart from the duck being too dry it was good dining experience. As a previous reviewer said, we too experienced the waitress that was a little pushy and kept tapping one of us on the shoulder. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-09-27
I have been to Frites a couple of times as I am Belgian and like to invite my HK friends somewhere a bit different.Frites is different and generally good.However, whilst I like the atmosphere and ambiance, the selection of beers, most of the dishes and desserts, I must say that the mussels are really not good and nothing to compare with what you can find in Belgium or even other restaurants in the region. They are tiny, don't smell good and don't taste good.Moules Frites is Belgium s national dish, if you are a Belgian restaurant, you have to get this right.The slightly higher price tag would also be easier to accept if your mussels were good.Please change your mussels!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-09-25
Made reservations for two on Sunday. They asked us if we could do 8:30 instead of 8:00 so they seemed busy, but once we were there it didn't seem particularly busy-- several large tables were free all night.I'm a huge fan of schnitzel and that's what I ordered. The breading was crispy and not soggy; the pork was tender and not chewy. With a little lemon and some salt, the flavors really came through. I quite liked the schnitzel, I thought it was top-notch. A+It came with some frites. Now this is a Belgian restaurant, and far be it from me to tell them what is or isn't Belgian, but the frites didn't seem particularly Belgian. Belgian fries are fried twice, once at a lower temperature to make them tender and again at a higher temperature to crisp up the outside. These fries *may* have been double-fried, but they didn't seem that way. I could also just be talking out of my posterior. Anyway, as fries, they were very good. A-My wife got the pork knuckle. It's not really a meal for one person, and we had a bunch of leftovers which I then made into goulash the next day (yum!). The meat was tender, fatty, and delicious. It came with crispy, fatty bits of skin which were also delicious, and plenty of onions, carrots, and potatoes that were, as you might have guessed, also delicious. AThe beer selection was impressive. We had two trappist beers we'd never had, and two random Belgian ales. Some were better than others (one I got was a little overly sweet), but I can't really fault the beers, as I'm the one who chose them.The place was pretty pricey, definitely not a 'go back often' location. Still, I can see myself coming back, and I would like to try the mussels... and the sausages... A continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-08-27
朋友从北京过来香港培训,晚上带她出去吃饭。想一下来到香港吃中餐大概还不如北京的选择多,所以就来了Frites。之前也来过几次,都是冲着它啤酒的选择来的,这次再来当然也不能错过上百种的比利时啤酒,晚餐时段当然还要点上些美味的餐点,佐之以啤酒,与朋友小酌也当是他乡遇故人了。先点上两瓶。呷一口,口感醇厚,苦中带甜再来一杯strawberry beer, hmmm, nice配上沙拉还有goodwife sausage完美的一晚,relaxing. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-08-04
已經是差不多半年前的飯局,一直未有機會補寫.對比利時的認識一直只會聯想到啤酒和朱古力 . 正宗的比利時菜也真的未嚐過。地址寫係皇后大道中, 但入口好隱閉. 原來係過左H&M, 左邊有條樓梯仔上去就係.餐廳一貫用了木啡色的餐桌. 樓底非常高, 窗口都係非常開陽, 坐係窗邊位的話可以望到中環鬧市的街景.食比利時菜,啤酒是不可或缺的. 餐廳有一整本都是BEER 的BEER MENU. 入面啤酒的選擇多得令人驚訝.LEFFE BLONDE味道比起stella / hoegarden 較重及濃. 麥味亦比平時的啤酒來得重.Kwak Beer原全係見到相片覺得個杯幾得意先點. 原來這是正宗比利時出產的啤酒.點了後,店員會將bottle kwak 送到你面前,再將啤酒倒入kwaw 特用的pint 入面.餐廳的menu都印在餐紙上. 簡單得黎一目了然,非常清楚Tuna Tartar除了Tartar 還附上了4片麵包多士.麵包非常薄又脆, 雖然只是塗了牛油,但很香口生吞拿魚,牛油果和洋蔥切成碎粒. 洋蔥令tartar更爽口有口感調味方面只用了簡單的黑椒,鹽和少許橄欖油。伴上tartar 上面流心蛋汁,叫人停不了口Frites House Mussel知道mussels 係呢度的招牌菜,不可不叫. 點了house mussel 1/2 kg , 終究得2位女生,不敢叫太多.煲蓋打開已經可以聞到誘人的忌廉甜味。清楚見到底部的醬汁呈奶白色。青口的sauce 用了蕃茄,洋蔥,蒜蓉,淡忌廉和香草去煮,材料雖然簡單,但煮出黎卻異常地香.青口SIZE 不大不少,但起瑪食落無沙. 用青口個殼乘上青口汁再送入個口,好過癮!食到最尾就咁用湯匙去飲汁都不為過份 !點青口還會另外送了兩片麵包和一兜薯條.呢度既薯條叫FRITES,吾係fries / chips.粗厚滿有薯味的薯條,用來點青口汁會變得浪費,因為薯條會變到soapy.還是沾mayo 吃最好吃. 這麼的mayo 比街外的酸一點,也少一點肥膩感. 我們一下子就把薯條吃光光Grill chicken掙扎了很久要不要叫這道菜. 吾叫又太小,叫左又好多. 其他既starter 也不吸引, 最後本住大胃精神點了.份量很大, 1個男生獨自吃都一定飽.總共有3件牛,雞脾位肉質很滑,其他部位只能算上勉強合格.配菜還有少少豆角和芝士. 我不太吃芝士, 只吃了一口, 發現是奶味較重的,吃了一口便放棄.埋單每人差不多$400, 但店內氣氛很好. 不管主菜配菜和飲品都很滿意. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)